for writers who want to be read

Author Topics : Marsha Sisolak

Ideot savant, writer, kinder teacher, MOT (mother of teenagers, for those of you not-so-blessed. Luckies.)

Marsha Sisolak

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Message 15192 by Mystery Guest on 2002-12-06 03:16:59. Feedback: 0

why the hell am i up at 3am?

Message 15191 by Mystery Guest on 2002-12-06 01:51:28. Feedback: 0
Call off the hounds of Clarion! The first draft of the autobiography is done.


Message 15190 by Mystery Guest on 2002-12-05 12:31:44. Feedback: 0
Hey, isn't Marsha supposed to get an application out or something? To Trumpet or French Horn or something like that...

Master of the Obvious
Message 15189 by Mystery Guest on 2002-12-05 11:25:59. Feedback: 0
just a few more days, a few more days to get that clarion application out

a few more days

look at the time
Message 15188 by Mystery Guest on 2002-12-04 21:12:37. Feedback: 0
Charlie's doing it?!

Oooooh. Pass it on.

Amber, chance isn't actively recruiting; she's just an equal opportunity voyeur.


Message 15187 by Mystery Guest on 2002-12-04 15:36:28. Feedback: 0
hey, no recruiting without checking first.
and that's that :)

Message 15186 by Mystery Guest on 2002-12-04 14:12:41. Feedback: 0
does that include you, oh pantless one?

Message 15185 by Mystery Guest on 2002-12-04 10:02:33. Feedback: 0
C'mon, Marsha. Get that Clarion application in -- you know everybody's doing it!

Charlie Finlay
Message 15184 by Mystery Guest on 2002-12-04 05:58:04. Feedback: 0
how much time left until that claion application is in the mail?

tick ... tick ...tick...
Message 15183 by Mystery Guest on 2002-12-03 15:35:17. Feedback: 0
re SMPage redesign: someone *will* fix the spelling of eligible, right? ;)

re putting things to good use: two words.

Clarion application.


subverted sneak
Message 15182 by Mystery Guest on 2002-12-01 11:46:42. Feedback: 0
Thanks again, Charlie. :) And I think we ought to recruit Amber. The woman changes her website design about as often as she changes her hair color.

Let's put that tendency to good use. :>

Message 15181 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-30 22:29:18. Feedback: 0
Lisa, I'm thinking I need to do a SMPage redesign for the new year, but I don't know where I'm going to find the time. How the heck did I ever end up with that job anyway?

Oh, yeah. I inherited it from you!

I've already congratted you, Marsha, but once again -- nice sale. :-)

Charlie Finlay
Message 15180 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-27 21:38:07. Feedback: 0
::Closeup shot of white swirling stuff. Camera backs slowly away and we know they are feathers.::

As they settle, we see Mikal stuffed full as a turkey, with Marsha taunting him:

There once was an editor named Mikal,
Who enjoyed teasing more than a trifle,
But when he took her word skew,
He bit off too much to chew,
For she grabbed a pillow and used it to stifle.

::Fade to black::

Why I don't write poetry
Message 15179 by Mikal Trimm on 2002-11-27 20:21:05. Feedback: 0

Um, skew you.

Message 15178 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-27 10:31:03. Feedback: 0
E, "Staining Snow" is still up at Ideo in the archives if you want to take a look. But I thought I'd gotten you to read it at some point before I even started sending it out. The second I started getting crits back and saw the definite gender skew, I'm sure I would have thought of asking you.


That didn't come out right either.


Message 15177 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-27 10:21:32. Feedback: 0
Marshy, I'm sure I've read the cookie story (an earlier draft), but I'm pretty sure I haven't read "Staining Snow." Unless I missed the reference, thereby proving that I am mentally a guy.

(Hmm. After watching that transgender special on TV the other night, that statement comes out all wrong. For the record: I'm female, I'm sure I belong in this female body, I just have a brain that is highly competent at skills the ignorant commonly claim are "male" traits.)


Message 15176 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-27 10:09:15. Feedback: 0
Lisa, thanks! And I will. :) But I'm pretty sure you'd read this one -- I ran the original story through the Socks. It'll all come back to you, eventually. There can't be that many serial cookie killers stories. Unless there are more writers out there as warped as I am.

::thinks about that::

Nah. Can't be.

Message 15175 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-26 16:10:00. Feedback: 0
Yay Marsha! I don't think I've read it, so I'll look for it in Jan. Make sure Charlie puts it up on the SMP page!

Lisa Deguchi
Message 15174 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-25 20:35:06. Feedback: 0
yay! i love it when small children make a mess. that way no one can say *I* did it. :;wigglewiggles with the kinders:: throw those eggs, kids!

Message 15173 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-25 15:53:50. Feedback: 0
::Kinders watch Kim wiggle. With shrieks of delight, they join in, splashing flour, sugar, and touches of cinnamon and ginger -- and don't forget the smashed eggs.::

Okay, so they're not celebrating a sale. They're making pumpkin pies. :P

Thanks, chance and Kim!

Message 15172 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-25 09:31:10. Feedback: 0
::dances around in a ritual dance of congratulations for marsha::


Message 15171 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-24 15:20:06. Feedback: 0
Eeek! Pressure!


I just can't believe someone wanted my funny killer cookies story. I'd say there's no accounting for taste, but I love Jer too much at the moment. ;)

::throws confetti around and dances, while the children watch me carefully and whisper about medical help::

Message 15170 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-24 14:26:52. Feedback: 0
*waves pom poms* Go Marsha! Go Marsha!

yay for your fabulous sale to the fortean bureau. (of course this means we're going to expect another next month - this is getting to be a regular thing)


*hugs and smoochies*

Message 15169 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-08 20:01:11. Feedback: 0
E! You have read this one. I'm pretty sure you have, at any rate.


*buries her head in the sand for a little longer*

Message 15168 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-08 19:58:51. Feedback: 0
Mikal: Sure you're a guy -- but only 75% of you, and the other 25% is the female part of you that got the story. :P

How many sisters do you have?

Re: your story: That's not true! It got buried in my inbox and I am rapidly digging it out at this very moment.

(*arghhhh!!!!* I HATE screwing up like that...)

Message 15167 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-08 19:10:26. Feedback: 0
Hey, I understood 'Staining Snow'! And I'm a guy--no, really, I'm pretty sure I am, I drink beer and belch and stuff!

(And Marsha, you never told me what you thought of the beginning of 'Heart In A Box', so I'm assuming it didn't float your boat, huh?) ;)

Mikal Trimm
Message 15166 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-08 16:51:13. Feedback: 0
oooohhhhh marsha!

I've come to nag you in your own topic about those clarion applications. have you picked your stories yet?

(because if you don't i'm going to fill out the applications, send in staining snow and the new firefly one and write many lies in your personal statement mwahahahaha!!)

Message 15165 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-08 15:56:55. Feedback: 0
"Twistyplotgoodness" - Love it!! Thanks for the grin.

Message 15164 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-08 14:58:24. Feedback: 0
Marshy, send it along to me. We all know that I'm more like a man than a woman, at least every time I read those lists of "men are generally.../women are generally..."

That should throw a crimp in your statistical distribution.


Message 15163 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-05 18:36:25. Feedback: 0
Lisa... be sure to tell him he's in excellent company. Some of the most intelligent men I know didn't get it.

Anyone else want to test the theory that I managed to write a gender-biased story? Test yourself now. I'm sure I could figure out which percentage of male/female you are with it. :P

P.S. I'd also say definitely for sure that you are rubbing off on him. (Stop that right now! Does your mother know you that you talk about it in public?! :P)

Message 15162 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-05 15:19:04. Feedback: 0
Men, BAH!

Message 15161 by Mystery Guest on 2002-11-05 12:13:19. Feedback: 0
Hey Marsha, I got my SO to read Staining Snow, and while he enjoyed the "writing style and flow of the story" (actually his words - could I be rubbing off on him??), he totally did not get the premise. So another example of definite gender split in terms of understanding your story.

When I explained it to him, he looked at me funny and said, "you got all that out of the last three words?"


Lisa Deguchi
Message 15160 by Mystery Guest on 2002-10-13 17:20:54. Feedback: 0
Eek! I forgot to write out substitute plans in my harassment planbook!

*thinks fast*

Quick recap of prior harassments: ants, question mark plague, island hijackings, destroyers, postcards from pants, charlie/sperry slash, wiener dogs, internet addresses, rubber chicken awards, lightning, kindergartners, and jail.

My only criteria for successful harassment is that I try not to repeat anything. Sperry's already put him in a corset, but I haven't used food coloring, so dyeing him green is still an option.

Have fun! Be creative!

Message 15159 by Mystery Guest on 2002-10-13 14:51:52. Feedback: 0

have a great trip! we'll harass charlie for you while you're gone.

Message 15158 by Mystery Guest on 2002-10-13 11:54:47. Feedback: 0
Sarah! Thanks a bunch! You guys are the best. :)

Cath, ooh! Twistyplotgoodness! (And here I was worried that I wouldn't get anything writing-related done at all. And now, Tom has to take his laptop. So, I'm taking a floppy or two, just in case. ;)

Message 15157 by Mystery Guest on 2002-10-12 14:57:45. Feedback: 0
Marsha! Just stopping by to say this: I lurved "Staining Snow" at Ideomancer. May it be the first of many!

Message 15156 by Mystery Guest on 2002-10-12 12:14:07. Feedback: 0
Well, at least my rep is warm, even if it does have hurricanes to worry about. ;)

Word count for the week - check.
Wishing Marsha great vacation - che - oh, wait.

I hope you have a terrific time and come back refreshed and full of twistyplotgoodness.

Message 15155 by Mystery Guest on 2002-10-11 22:03:42. Feedback: 0
::Stretches, yawns, and comes out of conference hibernation.::

Bear, thanks! I'm still kind of dazed at having my name in print, let alone up there with James' just above. :)

Cath, your rep flew south when you decided to serve them in that fricasee. ;)

::Thinks about curling up and taking a nap. Decides to do some Charlie-torturing first. Grins evilly. Yawns. Grins evill... yawns....::

Message 15154 by Elizabeth Bear on 2002-10-11 09:22:19. Feedback: 0
Yay, Marsha!

Nice story in Ideo. Reminds me of one of my favourite "Bluidy Olde English Ballads," "Lady Diamond."

(The chorous goes, "And they gave his heart to Lady Diamond.")

Go You!
Message 15153 by Mystery Guest on 2002-10-07 20:15:37. Feedback: 0
Well, you wouldn't want them chopping the heads off real chickens, would you?

One kind impulse and a person's rep is gone forever.


Message 15152 by Mystery Guest on 2002-10-03 17:11:26. Feedback: 0
I'd just like to drop a quick note and say that I'm really pleased we were able to get Marsha's story in this issue of Ideomancer.

We do tend to publish a fair number of workshoppers, specifically because the quality of work coming out of the workshop is quite stunning when compared to a lot of what comes across my desk.

either way, welcome Marsha.

(yah, I work there)

Message 15151 by Mystery Guest on 2002-10-03 09:50:57. Feedback: 0
Cath -- two words.

Rubber chickens. (Okay, now a bunch more people have made a connection... :>)

Charlie, you have far more important things to do with your time
than fritter it away on html for me! I could have done that for you! (You'd have to upload it, but that's a nothing...) And as for being in the same issue with Leah and James... woohoo! Particularly since I never even saw James' story before. And usually he's so good about asking me for a crit... I'm going to have to whine about it. After all, how can I claim I have the golden touch for sales if he doesn't have me touch it before he sends it out?! How am I ever going to claim I knew him when?


And you! I'd better see that novel rewrite, or I'll be using my crit voodoo for something else... (starts with a 'd', rhymes with... :P)

Message 15150 by Mystery Guest on 2002-10-03 09:33:58. Feedback: 0
Hi, Marsha, as of this morning "Staining Snow" is linked off the sock monkey front page. Leah's in the issue with you! And James!

Someday I'll update the rest of those pages too...

Charlie Finlay
Message 15149 by Mystery Guest on 2002-10-02 23:46:40. Feedback: 0
It's ok - I'm so anonymous that most people read that message and said, who? and moved on. I'm safe. ;)

Message 15148 by Mystery Guest on 2002-10-02 20:27:39. Feedback: 0

I outed Cath!

(and thank you! :)

Message 15147 by Mystery Guest on 2002-10-02 19:47:26. Feedback: 0
Yay Marsha!

Message 15146 by Mystery Guest on 2002-10-02 18:07:57. Feedback: 0
The list!

Yeesh. And here I thought I was done with the announcement flyers. Next thing you know, you'll want me to tell the family and friends. ;)

As for the Sock Monkey page, Charlie's got to update that, and knowing exactly how busy he is, I can't push on that one.

chance, yes, I did! But Chris is very easy-going to work with. I was far more nervous about having to draw a line than he was at having to accept it.

Message 15145 by Mystery Guest on 2002-10-02 17:56:40. Feedback: 0
yeah marsha! you rule! rule! rule!

(and i see you won the bitch argument )

Message 15144 by Mystery Guest on 2002-10-02 16:46:24. Feedback: 0
Whew. Now my job is done--Wait! What about the OWW list? What about the Sock Monkey page?

Message 15143 by Mystery Guest on 2002-10-02 14:54:47. Feedback: 0
Trey! Here, too?!



Okay, guys. It's my first story in print. And I don't care what you think about the title at first glance -- it's not that! :P (So, guess again...)

Message 15142 by Mystery Guest on 2002-10-02 14:15:35. Feedback: 0
Marsha, put a link here too.

Message 15141 by Marsha Sisolak on 2002-09-25 17:24:39. Feedback: 0
chance, one would think so. However, given the choice between David and Alix, David wins hands down. Every time. The other two together, combined with all of their friends, cannot equal this particular child. He started in infancy with asthma, ear infections, a negative reaction to his diptheria injections, and a broken ankle when he threw himself off the changing table, when I was standing Right There (obviously, Charlie has chosen well in selecting E to catch him...), morphed through all the ER visits for bee stings (how many kids allergic to bee stings get stung under their arms or in the neck? I rest my case.), continued with his ADD, and blood poisoning from chicken pox. The usual stitches and road rashes were nothing. Oh, and there was that run-in with the cactus, too.

His affinity for mountain climbing and being chainsaw-certified are therefore nothing new.

His middle name should be Danger, however. Nathaniel just doesn't cover the warning that should come with him.
Message 15140 by Mystery Guest on 2002-09-25 11:37:14. Feedback: 0
Marsha - I always figured girls would be way more high maintenance - boys just like breaking stuff

Message 15139 by Marsha Sisolak on 2002-09-19 01:28:33. Feedback: 0
Mikal: Your girls are percussionists? Don't destroy my illusions. I have it firmly stuck in my head that girls are quieter than boys generally -- when they're not practicing blood-curdling screams because they can.

However, I will grant you that the MRI noise is very repetitive. Soothing, almost.

If you work in a steel mill, say.
Message 15138 by Mystery Guest on 2002-09-18 22:22:51. Feedback: 0
Geez, Marsha, I dunno...

I fell asleep during my MRI. That noise was positively soothing compared to the racket I get at home.

Mikal Trimm
Message 15137 by Mystery Guest on 2002-09-07 12:15:19. Feedback: 0
Just for informational purposes and apropos of not a whole lot...

MRIs are really, really noisy. You've got the *thunk*thunk*thunk* background noise and then other loud rat-a-tat-tats every time they either take pictures or turn the magnets on and off.

Earplugs are your friends. You won't understand a word the tech is saying to you, but hey! That's okay.

Message 15136 by Mystery Guest on 2002-09-07 00:00:06. Feedback: 0

Don't worry -- you're already doomed with the plethora of hormones that will be coming your way in about... oh, say, six more years.

I almost feel sorry for you. After all, I only had the one girl child, (who is currently pitching an emotional fit because she doesn't have the proper shorts to wear to the band carwash tomorrow) and you have *two*. ::Shudder::

And your wife has potluck bonfires? Cool! Any fuel I can bring?

chance, dear... trust me. Puppies are way easier. (I learned this watching Alix puppy-sit this summer. She has not said one word about having a puppy of her own since...)

Message 15135 by Mystery Guest on 2002-09-06 23:26:50. Feedback: 0

Stats: 5 & 6 (7 in November), both girls.

Stats: One brown-haired, far advanced in her classes, very emotional. One blonde, blue-eyed, could care less about anything, because she's *cute*.

Stat: One wife--who, in her own words, says 'Forget throwing the KIDS on the fire--let's start using the PARENTS!'

And I won't even BEGIN to say what she just blurted, in VERY foul language, about school administrators...

E Tu, Brutus?

Mikal Trimm
Message 15134 by Mystery Guest on 2002-09-06 21:01:42. Feedback: 0
can i have one too? and do they do any tricks?

oh wait, i'm thinking of puppies ...

*mumbles* nevermind

Message 15133 by Mystery Guest on 2002-09-06 15:06:04. Feedback: 0
Some of these are self-igniting, you know. May you have one of your very own, Mikal.


*lobs flaming kinder at Mikal*


*hurriedly moves before Mikal's kids reach 5 years old, and he decides to relocate to Ventura County, leaving no forwarding address*

Message 15132 by Mystery Guest on 2002-09-06 00:11:36. Feedback: 0
Y'know, you can't keep hiding under those kinders--every once in a while, you need to toss one on the fire to keep the room well-lit...

Mikal Trimm
Message 15131 by Mystery Guest on 2002-09-05 23:29:38. Feedback: 0
::Sticks her head up from under the pile of screaming kindergarteners and looks around dazedly::

Jae! Thanks! It was great to meet you and all the other RMers at WorldCon. I don't feel like I got nearly enough time getting to know you all. We'll have to work on this more at Torcon. :) If nothing else, I'm bringing balloons for Ben next year. We could have a Strange Horizons or Ideo zoo.

::Mewls, as she is sucked back into the kindergarten whirlpool::

Is it the weekend yet?

Message 15130 by Mystery Guest on 2002-09-04 11:38:55. Feedback: 0
It was nice to meet you Marsha! I think the faux Hugo became a balloon dog with later became the Strange Horizons mascot. Last I saw it, someone was writing on it with a Sharpie.

Message 15129 by Mystery Guest on 2002-09-03 15:51:19. Feedback: 0
chance, Kim/Tempest was in charge of all the photos. Every time I turned around, there she was taking stealth photos.

Moral: Never stick out your tongue and cross your eyes at a woman armed with a camera. *sigh* She's promised me that one's definitely going up on the web.

As for Charlie's... *ahem*... faux Hugo, the last thing I saw was that Ben had turned it into a dog. (Ben was a clown in an earlier life -- obviously a man of many talents.) Up until that point, Charlie had it sticking out of his pocket and whapping unsuspecting women following behind him. (And the number of people who said, "I won't tell you what that looks like...")

Well, yeah. It *was*. E did an excellent job of creating the facsimile.

Message 15128 by Mystery Guest on 2002-09-03 12:43:33. Feedback: 0
*boing! boing! boing!*

where's my pictures? I've heard rumors of penis balloons.

Message 15127 by Marsha Sisolak on 2002-08-24 11:45:44. Feedback: 0
chance: Stories? I need to submit stories?! Eeeeeeeeee...

::runs away and hides her head under her pillow. Sticks her
head back out to talk to Kim.::

You will need to stick to groups of two, from now on, then. Or, better yet! A group of one. Because unless you give each of your names an individual vote, you shouldn't be able to outvote yourself there.

Message 15126 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-23 18:32:54. Feedback: 0
but temp, you're still the prettiest ...

Message 15125 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-23 12:20:19. Feedback: 0
awww man, i always get outvoted.

Message 15124 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-23 10:21:52. Feedback: 0
Yeah! Clarion West it is!

Have you picked out the stories you are going to send it yet, marsha? *bounce bounce bounce*

(looks in mirror to check for bug eyes. phwew.)

Message 15123 by Marsha Sisolak on 2002-08-22 23:27:35. Feedback: 0
Ben: I'm voting for Marty-Feldman-eyed, too. We can start a trend. Use it in your next short. ;)

Ruth: Yay! How are you? Where are you? You are going to be at WorldCon, right? (And of course, I'd expect you to vote for Clarion West. Isn't loyalty a requirement?)
Message 15122 by Ruth Nestvold on 2002-08-22 10:04:30. Feedback: 0
I vote for Marty Feldman eyed.

Hi Marsha, et al. :-)

(I also vote for Clarion West, but that was to be expected, no? )
Message 15121 by Benjamin Rosenbaum on 2002-08-22 09:01:34. Feedback: 0
Which brings up an interesting point.. why is bug-eyed called bug-eyed when they're aren't any bugs with bug-eyed eyes? Shouldn't it be called frog-eyed or Marty-Feldman-eyed?
Message 15120 by Marsha Sisolak on 2002-08-21 23:28:34. Feedback: 0
::Crawls out from under the pile of kindergartners.::

Chance? Khepri?

::Studies chance.::

She doesn't look bug-eyed to me.

::Kindergartners suck her back under...::
Message 15119 by Benjamin Rosenbaum on 2002-08-20 02:56:41. Feedback: 0

> But chance, doesn't he only like women with bugs for heads?

I just realized I'm making a terrible assumption here. Maybe chance is khepri.

If so, include a photo on your Clarion app, chance. It will definitely get China's attention...
Message 15118 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-15 00:00:29. Feedback: 0
::does a dance in here, too::

Message 15117 by Benjamin Rosenbaum on 2002-08-13 04:28:02. Feedback: 0
But chance, doesn't he only like women with bugs for heads?
Message 15116 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-12 21:18:38. Feedback: 0
E: What you don't realize is that I was the real-life model for the illos in The Teacher from the Black Lagoon.


Oh, yeah. I am *such* a dragon. (Just the thought of having to homeschool my own is enough to make me blanch.)

Message 15115 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-12 12:01:01. Feedback: 0

Somehow, Marshy, the thought of moms seeing you and realizing they're leaving their children with you, and this causing them to cry...well, that cracks me up.

Heh. It makes me wonder if Rachel's desire to homeschool is motivated more by a separation anxiety than her objection to having her kids systematized.


Message 15114 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-10 21:05:20. Feedback: 0
That's not true. I was sleeveless. :P Besides, it's the spiritual coolness that really matters.

Message 15113 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-10 12:26:31. Feedback: 0
Celia: There is no way in heck you can convince me that Michigan is cooler than Seattle. First off, I saw those water fight photos. Every single one of you wore shorts or short sleeves.


Kim: Yes, back to school already. Culture shock has set in. I met half my new horde last night, and I'm heading back in this morning for a few hours to acclimate some more. I think I shall sit in a corner and suck my thumb. (And if I get one more parent who breaks into tears at the thought of letting her darling go to school... the kid was *fine*.)

Message 15112 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-09 21:07:59. Feedback: 0
You want Clarion Michigan. You *want* Clarion Michigan. It's much cooler. China is cute and all that, but Michigan is cooler.

Message 15111 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-09 13:18:44. Feedback: 0
Back to school already!? Did you just get OUT of school? What is up with *that*?

Of course I want to be near you, I was just being cranky that day. Lack of funds for chocolate :( Bad days always begin with no funds for chocolate

I still want to go to clarion middle tho... waaaaa

Message 15110 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-09 10:07:25. Feedback: 0
My gosh... go away for a few days, and all heck breaks loose.

Celia: Chance isn't interested in sex. No... it's his mind.

Don't believe me? Hmm. Neither do I. Darn.

Kim: What do you mean you don't want to be close to me? You're always asking about when you can move in! Did I miss something?

Charlie: Don't make me co-op your topic again. Haven't the last twenty times or so been enough?

You'll have to wait for it until later. Today I'm back to school.
::Sniff.:: Where did my summer go?

Message 15109 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-06 16:02:09. Feedback: 0
If they don't come looking for me, Celia, then I must perforce venture forth in search of them.

I will go back over to my topic and set out a supply of pillows, just in case. They can always be used for naps if nothing else.

Charlie Finlay
Message 15108 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-06 15:42:45. Feedback: 0
I thought all the girl fights are supposed to stay in your thread, Charlie.

Message 15107 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-06 10:19:57. Feedback: 0
Leeeeeeeeeeet's get Ready! To! Rummmmmmmmble!

In this corner, the always Entertaining E!, complete with emphatic punctuation! In this corner, the aptly named Terrible Tempest! The size of the ring? As big as the United States! No hitting below the Bible Belt, ladies!

At the ring of the bell, let the fight begin... brrrrrrrrrrng!

Charlie Finlay
Message 15106 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-06 10:01:12. Feedback: 0
E, the point was that Seattle is closer to Marsha than Michigan is. So there would be a better chance of her coming to Clarion West than Clarion middle. I am well aware of the distance between Seattle and LA thank you.

Message 15105 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-06 09:42:13. Feedback: 0

Yeah, Tempest, Seattle is practically next door to L.A.

Okay, so NY is 2.5 times as far. But Seattle is still close to 1000 miles away from L.A.!

Yeesh. This is what happens when the schools stop teaching geography.


Message 15104 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-05 17:59:30. Feedback: 0
Yes, China. China has settled the great debate chance and I were having - Clarion West or Clarion middle? I was pulling for Clarion middle, but she kept on about Seattle and being close to Marsha (like I need to be close to my mother... always telling me to brush my teeth and such) and whatever. But now there is no dissuading her.

Message 15103 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-05 14:42:37. Feedback: 0
China. If you go, Chance, bring us back compromising pictures, please.

Message 15102 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-05 11:27:08. Feedback: 0

Damn, now I'm all curious as to who Chance is eyeballing.


Message 15101 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-05 01:30:50. Feedback: 0
Damn it Marsha, I was going to tell her that! I came here specifically to hijack your thread, and turn it to a discussion of people Chance would like to be involved in premarital sex with. And you've gone and ruined it all.

Message 15100 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-04 10:09:04. Feedback: 0

Message 15099 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-04 01:14:21. Feedback: 0
chance -- come out from underneath all those daisies you're strewing and scoot up to Clarion Workshops under the Networking file. Check out who's instructing at Clarion West next year.

Message 15098 by Mystery Guest on 2002-07-30 10:28:55. Feedback: 0
Mikal, maybe it has more to do with kung-fuing each other to exhaustion -- the ultimate workout. ;)

And thanks!

Message 15097 by Mystery Guest on 2002-07-29 23:36:01. Feedback: 0
Hmmm--premartial sex. Would that be having a nice lie-down *before* kung-fuing each other to death?

And Marsha, another welcome you-know-where.

Mikal Trimm
Message 15096 by Mystery Guest on 2002-07-29 15:23:18. Feedback: 0
Celia: If I'd actually been looking for premartial sex with weiner dogs, it would have been. Trust me.


Message 15095 by Mystery Guest on 2002-07-29 15:06:44. Feedback: 0
Whoa, Marsha, are you sure that wasn't supposed to be in Charlie's topic?

Message 15094 by Mystery Guest on 2002-07-29 14:53:14. Feedback: 0
::taps foot::


Yes, you. You know exactly what I want.


Message 15093 by Mystery Guest on 2002-07-29 14:51:11. Feedback: 0
I would walk through chance's open door anytime

oh yeah, i finished the story.


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