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Welcome to the Writers' Workshop Page

The WisCon 29 workshop is full. Please participate next year.

Wiscon is pleased to offer a Clarion-style workshop for professional and aspiring writers - everyone is welcomeThe Workshop takes place Friday morning before the convention gets rolling. Participants work in small groups with one pro, a published writer, an editor or an agent. This is a great opportunity to get feedback on your work before the convention officially begins. The submission deadline for chapters and short stories is April 1st. For poetry, the deadline is April 30th.

In order to participate in the workshop you need to purchase a membership to WisCon. Basically, you pay the registration fee for the convention and the workshop is free. The cost of membership may fluctuate, so please check the main page for up-to-date prices. Include your email on your registration form and you'll receive emails with updates and changes.

Remember when making travel arrangements that the workshop begins at 9 a.m. on Friday. If you aren't a Madison local, you'll probably need to arrive Thursday.

Each group will have five writers and one pro. A few weeks after submitting your manuscripts, you'll receive the work from the other writers in your group. You need to critique their manuscripts prior to attending the convention. Typed critiques with complete sentences are highly recommended. The critique group will be run by the pro in a Clarion style format which means that when the workshop actually happens, each writer will have five minutes to discuss what worked and what needs improvement in the manuscript. The pro will comment last and then allow the author time to address issues and answer or ask questions.

To reach the Respite Director, Lori Selke, send email to workshop29@sf3.org.

Chapter Submission Guidelines

1. Send via snail mail five (5) copies of your chapter to Lori Selke, PO Box 28104 Oakland, CA 94604. It must be postmarked by April 1st. Chapter one is highly recommended, but if you choose to send another chapter, please submit a brief synopsis of the action prior to the chapter submitted. There is a 10,000 word limit. If your chapter is only 1,000 words, please submit additional chapters, but do not exceed 10,000 words. If the chapter is 7,000 words, only submit that chapter. When mailing the manuscripts, make sure your envelope is large enough and non-tearing.

2. Include an SASE (self addressed stamped envelope). The envelope must be large enough to hold the manuscripts that you will critique from the other writers in your group and strong enough to withstand traveling through the postal system. The post office has white non-tearing priority envelopes that are free. Please attach the adequate postage amount to the envelope and write your name and address legibly.

3. Include a cover letter with your name address, phone number and email. Indicate in your letter your first and second choice of pro. Understand that the greatest effort will be made to place you with the pro of your choice. Also include a brief bio and mention if you have attended the Workshop previously, have published, have attended Clarion or Clarion West. Please also describe your novel in terms like "dark fantasy lesbian romance novel" or "hard science fiction mystery novel." Feel free to include any additional information that may impress, shock or amuse the director, but keep in mind that the letters will be forwarded to your pro so that they know a little bit about you.

Short Story Submission Guidelines

1. Send via snail mail five (5) copies of your story 7,500 words or less to Lori Selke, PO Box 28104, Oakland, CA 94604. It must be postmarked by April 1st. When mailing your manuscripts, make sure the envelope is large enough and non-tearing to allow your work to arrive in good condition.

2. Include an SASE (self addressed stamped envelope). The envelope must be large enough to hold the manuscripts that you will critique from the other writers in your group and strong enough to withstand traveling through the postal system. The post office has white non-tearing priority envelopes that are free. Please attach the adequate postage amount to the envelope and write your name and addresslegibly.

3. Include a cover letter with your name address, phone number and email. Indicate in your letter your first and second choice of pro. Understand that the greatest effort will be made to place you with the pro of your choice. Also include a brief bio and mention if you have attended the Workshop previously, have published, and if you have attended Clarion or Clarion West. Please also describe your story in terms like "dark fantasy lesbian romance" or "hard science fiction mystery with an O'Henry twist." Feel free to include any additional information that may impress, shock or amuse the director, but keep in mind that the letters will be forwarded to your pro so that they know a little bit about you.


For an excellent article on critiquing visit Victory Crayne's website www.crayne.com.

For more information on Broad Universe, a group that promotes and celebrates women writers of science fiction, fantasy and horror visit www.broaduniverse.org.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America - www.sfwa.org.

Horror Writers Association - www.horror.org.

Critters On-line Critique Group - www.critique.org/users/critters.

Clarion (Lansing) - www.msu.edu/~clarion.

Clarion West (Seattle) - www.clarionwest.org.

Locus Online - www.locusmag.com.

Speculations - www.speculations.com.

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Last Updated: 02 May 2005 by Jim Hudson.
Report any problems with this page by sending e-mail to web@sf3.org.