Sequoia Voting Systems


With the largest voting screen of any portable paginating electronic voting system, the Edge2Plus is lightweight, versatile, and easy to use. The large screen allows for clear display of ballot information while the unique ABLE Control Interface allows voters with accessibility challenges to cast ballots privately and independently.

The Edge2Plus is a unique voting system. Economical and user-friendly, it
handles all electoral needs in jurisdictions everywhere.

The Edge2Plus features VVPAT technology that creates a voter-veriafiable
paper record of each vote to ensure accuracy, auditability and voter
confidence. Cast votes are stored in multiple locations in each voting
machine to guarantee accuracy and ensure that there are numerous ways
to retrieve and audit records.

The Edge2Plus is completely accessible to voters with physical, vision and
literacy challenges.

Click here for a PDF brochure of the Edge2Plus.
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