About Our Firm

 Biographies | Mark A. Clausen | Toni Imfeld  | Kimberly Swanson |


Technical knowledge and attention to detail
can be keys to a good settlement or verdict.

Although our firm is small, we have “big experience.”  Mark Clausen
and Toni Imfeld each offer 20 years’ legal experience.  Kimberly
Swanson is the personal injury paralegal, with more than a decade of experience in working with injured claimants.  The biographies of
each person give more detail of each person’s background.  

    We have developed expertise in coming into cases that, for whatever reason, cannot be handled through to trial or arbitration by the former attorney.  Many attorneys simply do not have the background or resources to take a case through to trial.  We are able to “get up to speed” quickly, and either negotiate a fast settlement, prepare the case for trial, or establish a new, more beneficial schedule so that the claim can be resolved fairly.

We work as a team
with our clients
to maximize results.


In all of our cases, we offer clients a program
to achieve the best results possible:

 We limit the number of personal injury cases that we handle.  As a result, we are able to offer a higher level of service to our clients.  If we cannot handle a matter ourselves, we recommend other highly qualified attorneys.

 All of our clients receive and review a written agreement that outlines what they can expect from us and the handling of their claim.

 Each month, our clients receive detailed monthly statement that shows what we did on their behalf that month.

 For cases in litigation, our clients receive a written explanation of upcoming deadlines and matters requiring information and attention from them.

 Our clients receive copies of all letters, pleadings and other materials that our office sends out or receives.

 Our attorneys return phone calls and inquiries promptly, or have an assistant follow-up if they are in trial or otherwise out of the office.

 We handle all negotiations with insurance companies regarding the scope of coverage, defense medical examinations, personal injury protection issues, subrogation issues, underinsured motorist questions, and the other complicated facets of personal injury procedures.

 We discuss in detail the options of mediation, arbitration, settlement conferences and trial in advising the client how to proceed to achieve the best recovery.

 When we receive funds in settlement or after a trial or arbitration, we provide a written breakdown of all funds distributed.

 We receive attorney’s fees only as a percentage of the amount our clients recover.  If the client recovers nothing, he or she is only responsible for the costs such as filing fees, certain copy costs, and the like.

For more information about all of our expertise, see our related website.