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What is a Children's Ministry Convention?

It is a fun packed, hands-on, opportunity to learn how to work with children.  Each day is fast-paced, interactive, and practical.  With over 70 workshops there will be plenty of time to learn and be encouraged by those who have worked in children's ministries.


Who should attend?

Pastors, parents, leaders, teachers, anyone who works with children birth to age 12 will find practical ways to improve their ministry.  Churches that are involved in or would like to start creative ministries such as puppetry, clown, and drama are encouraged to bring their teams.


Will children's ministry resources be available?

Yes!  There will be at least 40 exhibitors from a variety of publishers and companies.


How do I register?

You can register at plusline.org


How will I know if you have received my registration?

We will email you confirmation if you include your email address.  If you do not have an email address, we will mail you a confirmation letter.

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