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Revolution vs. Reform
Liberation vs. Organization



Guerilla Warfare

See also: Rewilding




If An Agent Knocks: Federal Investigators and Your Rights - CCR

Beyond Democracy? - CrimethInc.

Ecodefence: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching - Dave Foreman

Destroy Civilization? - Wolfi Landstreicher

Insurgent Ferocity: The Playful Violence of Rebellion - Feral Faun

Whither Now? - Some Thoughts on Creating Anarchy - Feral Faun

Towards an Effective Praxis: Moving Beyond the Violence/Nonviolence Debate - Green Anarchy

Electric Funeral - Havoc Mass

Hit Where it Hurts - Ted Kaczinski

Place the Blame Where it Belongs - GA Collective Response to Hit Where it Hurts

Hit Where it Hurts, but in the meantime... - Primal Rage

Nonviolence and Its Violent Consequences - Bill Meyers

Creating a Security Culture - No Compromise

Ozymandia's Sabotage Handbook

Violence as Necessity - Pat Rock

Notes on Insurrectionary Anarchism - Venomous Butterfly

A Beginner's Guide to Direct Action


Monkey Wrench Gang - Edward Abbey

Days of War, Nights of Love; Evasion; & Recipes for Disaster - CrimethInc.

Direct Action: Memoirs of an Urban Guerilla - Ann Hansen

Fire and Ice - Laurel Luddite & Skunkly Munkly
(for more info click here)

Gone to Croatan: Origins of the North American Dropout Culture - Sakolsky and Koehnline



Direct Action Notes and Resources

Anarchy in Action





We have come a long way. There has been a lot of talk regarding whether it is better to confront the destroyer of the world or to fulfill our desires here and now. To fight for the Revolution or to escape. To destroy the hydra or just one of its heads. To bring down Leviathan or to create our own world within the belly of the beast. To live for today or fight for tomorrow. To riot or to play.

To transform our world, we must transform ourselves. To transform ourselves we must transform our world. Dichotomized thinking is civilized and destructive, therefore we must understand balance. Do we fight against hierarchy and establish them ourselves? Do we speak out against racism but perpetuate it in our actions? Do we love the Earth but spit in its face?

To rewild – to break free from our enslavement – is to resist the forces of domination at its most crucial point of control: our very being. Can the master enslave those who wont be slaves? To resist is to fight back against the forces of domination by reclaiming the wildness inside and by defending ourselves and the lives we are connected to. To resist is to rewild, and to rewild is to resist. It’s a process of fighting civilization while pursuing our wildest dreams.

Anarchists in general, and green anarchists in particular, favor direct action over mediated or symbolic forms of resistance. Various methods and approaches, including cultural subversion, sabotage, insurrection, and political violence (although not limited to these) have been and remain part of the anarchist arsenal of attack. No one tactic can be effective in significantly altering the current order or its trajectory, but these methods, combined with transparent and ongoing social critique, are important. Subversion of the system can occur from the subtle to the dramatic, and can also be an important element of physical resistance. Sabotage has always been a vital part of anarchist activities, whether in the form of spontaneous vandalism (public or nocturnal) or through more highly illegal underground coordination in cell formation. Recently, groups like the Earth Liberation Front, a radical environmental group made up of autonomous cells targeting those who profit off of the destruction of the earth, have caused millions of dollars of damage to corporate outlets and offices, banks, timber mills, genetic research facilities, sport utility vehicles, and luxury homes. These actions, often taking the form of arson, along with articulate communiqués frequently indicting civilization, have inspired others to take action, and are effective means of not only bringing attention to environmental degradation, but also as deterrents to specific earth destroyers. Insurrectionary activity, or the proliferation of insurrectionary moments which can cause a rupture in the social peace in which people’s spontaneous rage can be unleashed and possibly spread into revolutionary conditions, are also on the rise. The riots in Seattle in 1999, Prague in 2000, and Genoa in 2001, were all (in different ways) sparks of insurrectionary activity, which, although limited in scope, can be seen as attempts to move in insurrectionary directions and make qualitative breaks with reformism and the entire system of enslavement. Political violence, including the targeting
of individuals responsible for specific activities or the decisions which lead to oppression, has also been a focus for anarchists historically. Finally, considering the immense reality and all pervasive reach of the system (socially, politically, technologically), attacks on the techno-grid and infrastructure of the mega-machine are of interest to anticivilization anarchists. Regardless of approaches and intensity, militant action coupled with insightful analysis of civilization is increasing. 


Revolution vs. Reform

As anarchists, we are fundamentally opposed to government, and likewise, any sort of collaboration or mediation with the state (or any institution of hierarchy and control). This position determines a certain continuity or direction of strategy, historically referred to as revolution. This term, while warped, diluted, and co-opted by various ideologies and agendas, can still have meaning to the anarchist and anti-ideological praxis. By revolution, we mean the ongoing struggle to alter the social and political landscape in a fundamental way; for anarchists, this means its complete dismantling. The word “revolution” is dependent on the position from which it is directed, as well as what would be termed “revolutionary” activity. Again, for anarchists, this is activity which is aimed at the complete dissolving of power. Reform, on the other hand, entails any activity or strategy aimed at adjusting, altering, or selectively maintaining elements of the current system, typically utilizing the methods or apparatus of that system. The goals and methods of revolution cannot be dictated by, nor performed within, the context of the system. For anarchists, revolution and reform invoke incompatible






Liberation vs. Organization

We are beings striving for a deep and total break with the civilized order, anarchists desiring unrestrained freedom. We fight for liberation, for a de-centralized and unmediated relationship with our surroundings and those we love and share affinity with. Organizational models only provide us with more of the same bureaucracy, control, and alienation that we receive from the current set-up. While there might be an occasional good intention, the organizational model
comes from an inherently paternalistic and distrusting mindset which seems contradictory to anarchy. True relationships of affinity come from a deep understanding of one another through intimate need-based relationships of day-to-day life, not relationships based on organizations, ideologies, or abstract ideas. Typically, the organizational model suppresses individual needs and desires for “the good of the collective” as it attempts to standardize both resistance and vision. From parties, to platforms, to federations, it seems that as the scale of projects increase, the meaning and relevance they have for one’s own life decrease. Organizations are means for stabilizing creativity,
controlling dissent, and reducing “counter-revolutionary tangents” (as chiefly determined by the elite cadres or leadership). They typically dwell in the quantitative, rather than the qualitative, and offer little space for
independent thought or action. Informal, affinity-based associations tend to minimize alienation from decisions and processes, and reduce mediation between our desires and our actions. Relationships between groups of affinity are best left organic and temporal, rather than fixed and rigid.

For more info see Liberation NOT Organization by A. Morpheus 



It’s amazing that so many insurrectional anarchists allow themselves to be drawn into energy-draining, rhetorical debates with liberals who attempt to turn strategic issues into moralistic ones, i.e. their attempts to define property destruction and economic sabotage as “violent”, and thus, control the rage of those who have clearly identified their oppressors and who are rising up against their rule. Reverence for property is loyalty to capitalism and to the values of the system that some of us are serious about destroying, not reforming. We know that our enemy worships property, and that the source of their power - in the world that they’ve created - is their stolen property and wealth and we have no reverence whatsoever for anything the system uses to oppress us. If we’re attempting a genuine jailbreak out of the prison of this society, if we’re ready to make a move on our oppressors while there is still time, then we have to strike blows against them that hurt, and this is not going to be accomplished through voting or peace vigils. Our enemy - the industrial mega-machine - has to be weakened before it can be completely destroyed, and this can be very effectively accomplished by striking ruthless, crippling blows at the System’s key, strategic pressure points, with the intent of impairing the industrial cancers’ ability to spread and replicate itself. Movements like the Earth Liberation Front have demonstrated that economic sabotage can be effective in forcing specific industries out of business; our task now is to put this system in it’s totality out of business.



While most of us strive for a peaceful and harmonious existence among ourselves and the rest of life, it is important to recognize the context we currently live within. Most of the world’s people are living under deplorable conditions, not because they have not become “civilized” or “modernized”, but instead are forced to be the workforce and dumping ground for, or dependent on, the so-called “first world” powers. Those of us living in the “first world” are also suffering from this rotten set-up. With extreme alienation, physical deterioration, psychological distortions, and spiritual emptiness, there is no question we are all quickly headed down a one-way path of ultimate doom. Needless to say, it is also undeniable that we are on the verge of ecological collapse. With this being said, it is important for us to take responsibility for this situation and to take action now. . . as we understand that time is running out!

Inherent in being a revolutionary anarchist is the notion of insurrection, or the promotion and insurgence of uprising for the purpose of liberation. This can take many forms, but reform of the systems of domination cannot be viewed as revolutionary. While most actions anarchists take would be considered non-violent, there can be no limitation set on our resistance. As anarchists, we should flatly refuse any ideological and philosophical confines to how we choose to resist. Physical interaction with authority needs to move beyond the passive and symbolic. In fact, many anarchists embrace revolutionary violence as a necessary and natural reaction to oppression. If we look anywhere in the natural world, we see that self- defense is instinctual. This cannot be overridden by hypothetical ideals. It is important to question ideological limitations stemming from a place of extreme privilege. Most people on earth do not have the comfort to decide what the most "righteous" response to domination should be, and often the stakes are life and death. It is not a matter of individual reflection or ideological refinement; it's do or die. This is not to say that everyone needs to engage in violent resistance, but rather, to say that it exists, it is justifiable (in many situations), and should not be condemned. Revolutionary violence, in a variety of forms, is a necessary response to the system’s institutionalized violence, and necessary for the continuation of all of life. Yes, we need to heal the wounds caused by this death-trip we call civilization, but the healing process can only go so far until we are able to stop the infliction of these wounds by our oppressors. As Franz Fanon suggested, there is also a kind of catharsis and deepening in connection between one another in the act of revolt and in the physical removal of one’s oppressor. Although some cannot or refuse to see that we are all looking down the barrel of a gun, it is there and we must respond to it in an act of self- defense and of liberation.

Guerilla Warfare

under construction

(Some of these sources are from right-wing, authoritarian web sites.  You can separate the propaganda from the useful information.  All of this is for information and educational purposes only of course.)

Ozymandia's Sabotage Handbook

Improvised Munitions Handbook

Explosives and Demolitions
Explosives Library from Fort Liberty



The Home Gunsmith

Lockpicking Books and Articles Online