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MLP aka "Mindless Link Propagation". Memes are a hoax. Pass it on.

Entertainment in Your Lap (MLP)

By circletimessquare
Tue Oct 25th, 2005 at 09:34:02 PM EST


Perhaps it sounded good on paper, but Intel's latest ad campaign "Experience Entertainment in Your Lap" doesn't really go where you want to go today.

Full Story (53 comments, 525 words in story)

The New, Dilbertesque MI6 (MLP)

By circletimessquare
Sun Oct 16th, 2005 at 07:59:08 PM EST


If you are a film buff, you could not escape the news recently that there is a new James Bond (Daniel Craig of Layer Cake, James Blond).

But perhaps you missed some more important news. Mainly because it happened so quietly. At Midnight, October 13, 2005, that which supposedly did not exist just got its first website. We're talking about MI6, the fabled Her Majesty's Secret Service from James Bond films, aka the Circus in the works of John le Carré.

Full Story (38 comments, 883 words in story)

Onion story becomes reality, no shit (MLP)

By ljj
Sat Sep 17th, 2005 at 01:11:16 AM EST


This could almost be a story straight out of the beloved The Onion (only it would be better written).

A story that appeared on The Onion last year, has actually become reality.

Full Story (78 comments, 198 words in story)

Police Begin Seizing Guns of Civilians (MLP)

By skyknight
Sun Sep 11th, 2005 at 07:31:38 PM EST


From the nytimes [registration required]:

Mr. Compass, the police superintendent, said that after a week of near anarchy in the city, no civilians in New Orleans will be allowed to carry pistols, shotguns, or other firearms of any kind. "Only law enforcement are allowed to have weapons," he said.

Full Story (517 comments, 243 words in story)

Pat Robertson, Televangelical Terrorist (MLP)

By nostalgiphile
Fri Aug 26th, 2005 at 10:44:38 AM EST


Pat Robertson, mass media Christian pundit and televangelical terrorist has decided to use his TV empire to launch an all out crusade against the democratically elected president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez. This past Monday the smiling, 75 year-old, "man of the cloth" used his 700 Club TV program to proselytize

"You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it," [...] "It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war ... and I don't think any oil shipments will stop."

Full Story (160 comments, 258 words in story)

Jack Thompson calls Sims 2 "Pedophile's Paradise" (MLP)

By Duke Machesne
Wed Jul 27th, 2005 at 12:21:54 PM EST


Legendary dickweed Jack Thompson is jumping on the opportunity provided by the `Hot Coffeegate' scandal to attack... The Sims. In his caffeinated frenzy, Thompson berzerked: "The sex and the nudity are in the game. That's the point. The blur [over Sims' nonexistent genitalia] is an admission that even the `Ken and Barbie' features should not be displayed. The blur can be disarmed. This is no different than what is in San Andreas, although worse."

Full Story (185 comments, 234 words in story)

Christian Leader Given Nine Years for Molesting Children (MLP)

By livus
Mon Jul 18th, 2005 at 05:07:19 AM EST

You Know...

On Thursday 14 June Graham Capill, the former leader of minor New Zealand political party Christian Heritage, was convicted of sexually abusing three little girls aged between 8 and 12.

He was sentenced to a total of eleven years, including nine years in jail, for rape of a girl under 12, indecent assault, and unlawful sexual connection with the three girls.

Full Story (175 comments, 192 words in story)

Time Cube is Now a Cult (MLP)

By Coryoth
Mon Jul 11th, 2005 at 07:44:09 AM EST


Many of you are probably familiar with Time Cube.  For those that aren't, Time Cube is a "theory" proposed by retired electrician and notorious crank Gene Ray, which you can read about at his website http://www.timecube.com.  In summary: Gene Ray (semi-coherently) explains that very bad things will happen unless we accept his unique insights that "prove" that all modern science and religion are wrong.  The website has become rather well known for it's unique style, and Gene Ray's mixture of strident conviction and sheer incomprehensibility.

The website is old news of course, what is interesting is that apparently there really are plenty of people out there who will believe anything, because Time Cube has gained some followers and seems to be turning into a rather bizarre cult.

Full Story (155 comments, 418 words in story)

Scientology Critic Keith Henson Seeking Refugee Status (MLP)

By localroger
Mon Jul 4th, 2005 at 07:07:53 PM EST


After laying low for several years in Brantford, Ontario, maverick transhumanist thinker and anti-Scientologist activist Keith Henson is trying to get Canada to formally grant him refugee status, even as the Church of Scientology seems to be renewing its attack on him.

Full Story (189 comments, 239 words in story)

So just why is there no new Einstein? (MLP)

By gmol
Mon Jul 4th, 2005 at 03:03:23 PM EST


A recent article in Physics Today, by Lee Smolin, has stoked the embers of an age old debate.  

Smolin uses Albert Einstein's work as a motivation for proposing new ways of funding scientists who want to work on creative approaches for difficult and fundamental problems.  The article can be obtained here.

Smolin's porposals are very specific to the theoretical phsyics community, but the article prompts reflection by academicians in other fields.

Full Story (145 comments, 382 words in story)

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Baldrson finally sinks to quoting from Mein Kampf. Is it time for him to go?
o Yes. We don't need any more of his racist nonsense here. 22%
o No. Free Speech trumps all other concerns. 50%
o I will not vote. 26%

Votes: 455 | Comments: 242
Results | Other Polls


Friday July 1st
o HOW-TO: Be A Great Programmer And Win At Life (52 comments)

Tuesday June 21st
o Swords into Orbiting Plowshares (79 comments)

Friday June 10th
o When Marine recruiters go way beyond the call (121 comments)

Sunday June 5th
o Molecular Transistor Breakthrough (24 comments)

Wednesday May 25th
o 100,000th file uploaded to Wikimedia Commons (31 comments)

Sunday May 22nd
o Web Apps Compendium v1.0 (33 comments)

Friday May 20th
o Honorable Mention, From Lord Vader Himself (56 comments)

Thursday April 28th
o Making Your Research Count (68 comments)

Saturday April 2nd
o What's So Great About Goats Anyway? or More Goats for K5 (48 comments)
o Remembering the BBS Scene (74 comments)

Friday March 18th
o Interview with GNU/Hurd developer Marcus Brinkmann (68 comments)
o The correlations between height, health and prosperity (94 comments)

Monday March 14th
o Pimp my Firefox (107 comments)

Monday March 7th
o Charlie Chaplin (114 comments)
o Hot Dog: A Frank Story (107 comments)

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