PlayLouder MSP
Britters sued by paparazzo
12 Jun 2006

  Britney Spears is facing a whopping lawsuit from a paparazzi scoundrel who claims her mother drove over his foot with an SUV two years ago.

Cullen Reavley, who we're quite sure wasn't doing anything to pester or otherwise annoy the Spears entourage at the time, claims he was hit by the vehicle, driven by Spears' mother, in a parking lot in June 2004

Reavley was treated in hospital for bruising, but suffered no broken bones. However, he's claiming that the incident left him with bother in "head, neck, back, trunk and extremities, all of which have caused and continue to cause plaintiff great mental, physical and nervous pain and suffering." Whiney whine!

Spears' people issued a counterblast stating that: "If anyone was injured by accident, it was caused by the paparazzi's own conduct."

Who's side are you on? - TALK!


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