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Sui-chan wishes to be the first an hero to come out of stickam, making her a typical user. Of course, she faked it. Talk about attention whore.
Sui-chan wishes to be the first an hero to come out of stickam, making her a typical user. Of course, she faked it. Talk about attention whore.
This is what happens when you mix /b/tards, IRC, and Stickam.
This is what happens when you mix /b/tards, IRC, and Stickam.

Stickam(aka Shitam) is a gigantic camwhore community where 16 year old girls get chatrooms full of 13 year old boys to masturbate at them on camera by being big teases. Occasionally, the tables are turned, since these girls are just attention whores after all and or actually perverted men in disguise. More often than not, it's a bunch of guys looking at eachother's penises LOL PRIVATED. Stickam is named first from the 'sticky' keyboards caused by these shared fap sessions, and the second word is a bastardization of the word "camera" (see Urban Dictionary). Oddly enough, Stickam is owned by a porn company [1]. Recently, camwhores from Stickam has been sighted on Broadcaster.

At any point on Stickam you will see:

  • A name that has The Black Parade somewhere in it.
  • A name with at least 100 x's in it.
  • Some bitch playing H.I.M. or some other emo on her webcam that is on such high volume.
  • An emo camwhore who has at least 100 pictures of herself telling a troll to get a life.
  • Lolzicon_Prime saying "white power" and "kill all jews" in the Gay God chatroom.
  • Someone saying in a response to "Let me see ur tits."
  • A bisexual who if you call her a attention whore she will reply ITS ABOUT LOVE NOT SEX!
  • Jujubomb doing god knows what, most likely inserting things into her vagina.
  • Skuee breathing heavily into his mic, spraying his shitty webcam with Axe bodyspray, and playing with his psi wheel.

[edit] Heroes of Stickam

Typical Stickam user.
Typical Stickam user.
Never tolerate abuse on Stickam.  Strike back at ALL COSTS.
Never tolerate abuse on Stickam. Strike back at ALL COSTS.
Oh Hai I can protect you from internet perverts!
Oh Hai I can protect you from internet perverts!
  • Roush2112 goes around showing dong/balls to unsuspecting Stickam users for the lulz. Possibly the only actualy hero on Stickam. Also a /b/tard.
  • Zack and Sierra The story of Zack and Sierra is one full of shit, fail, but fortunately, and most importantly... lulz. Both met each other on some garbage MMORPG no one has heard of and formulated an online relationship. Like most successful e-couples, the two joined each other in almost daily midnight cutting sessions over suspicions of cheating, and both, despite being young, are definitely moving together eventually to get married and start a family.
  • Exonerated is a sociopathic bitch who enjoys public displays of humiliation. Her latest acts of degredation include choosing "tits" when asked to choose between "TITS OR GTFO", pissing in a cup and drinking it, and sticking a hot dog all the way up her pu55y. Her high-brow and subtly nuanced vaudevillian antics have earned her a place in the heart of /b/tards. Speculation has already come forth as to her next action. Will she sacrifice a cat and eat its corpse? Will she cut off one of her breasts? Just be ready to take screencaps when she goes live.
  • Sui-chan is a different breed of attention whore, and a fatter one, too. She's claimed that on Saturday, August 19th, she will kill herself through ritualistic Seppuku. When her chat session was flooded by kindly 4chan users trying to goad her into killing herself immediatley, she threatened to cast spells on them and their websites. She went on to explain how they couldn't understand the way a vampire like her thinks, and then came the shit poetry.
  • Tree-Chan is the only camwhore to be upgraded to a chan without showing anything. She's fourteen, from Chicago, and has a talent for balancing things on her head. She knows pretty much all memes, and has a friend named Charlie who she talks to off-screen sometimes. No one has seen him yet. A few /b/tards are on a quest to make her a 4chan meme. She usually waits until there are more than ten people in the room to do things.
  • Christianhillbilly is a psychotic neoconservative fatfuck born-again redneck that trolls Stickam daily. CHB is looking for homosexuals to convert and spread his message of creationism in order to save the masses. He compares homosexuality to gambling, alcoholism, and bestiality. On Stickam CHB refers to everyone as "brother", and explains his lifestyle choices such as preventing his children from listening to the band Queen and the musician David Bowie under any condition. CHB actually believes he is a Christian and openly cites the KKK, and Ted Haggard as one of his sources for a blockade on Gay Marriage. In conclusion, he claims to have many gay friends and appears to be a satanic bear from hell. Proceed with the highest levels of caution!
  • IFF9000 (<-- click fer pix) and to a lesser extent Dutch_Masters, sometime around 9:00 PM LCT, while surfing for targets on stickam to troll a enterprising ediot came across the users Dutch_Masters and proceded to attempt to troll them, unfortunately, said users were totaly shitfaced and passing the bong around every half hour. But then the party van arrived from 4chan, and a man wearing a guy fawkes mask appeared, what followed was one of the lulziest and epic webcam chats in the history of the internets. Over the course of the night iff went over the full range of genital tricks, doing the goat, the turkey, the bat, the brain, and the hamburger, and even a mild goatse. IFF has been around raiding stickam for quite some time, but has gained little popularity. (Not like he wants it, he just wants tits.)
  • Spreeseh fourteen year old overweight emo girl, if you act sweet to her for a while she will show you her breasts. Spreeseh only dates people online.
  • <jessica> a 23 year old meth addict who likes to pretends she's jail bait. At first she started telling everyone she was 17, now she tells people she is 15. She will show you tits in Live but then cry on the phone to her friends about it laters. She is usually found in the @GTFO@ or similarly @-named rooms. She lives with her parents and does not work or study or do anything irl so she is on Stickam all the time and only leaves her computer to get moar drugs. Despite regularly snorting and freebasing drugs on cam, she has gained significant weight in the last 3 months. It is at first hard to troll jessica because she truely believes that she is a /b/tard herself. She in fact, peruses 7chan, finds pictures that she believes to be funny, and loves vagina. Jessica eats puppies and plays with her abnormally large clit while looking at baldfag Dennis' face. Jessica is drunk 99% of the time, and on drugs the other 1 percent. Once asked, she couldn't even complete the task of counting to 11. This maybe because of going to school, her dad made her stay home and touch him.
  • Drealgrin a dork whom women avoid like the plague. He is known for whipping out his genitals in an erect state but it looks like it's still flaccid. His small penis is the reason why he's never had a girlfriend. Pity him.
  • the assman on the eve of august 17th, a man appeared in ED:irc offering to shove a wiffle ball bat in his rectum in return for the tits of User:K-hate, not believing him, he was dragged onto stickam, and, live shoved a bat in his ass for absolutely nothing. Well, not nothing, we did after all get plenty of lulz and a video. (click the link to get the video)

  • kenjisoto Kenjisoto or as his girlfriend xjerseyx likes to call him Kent.Is a wigger from New York who thinks he is such a bad ass.When realistically He's just a stickam internet tough guy who likes to hide behind his keyboard and praise on his girlfriend Breanana. But in all honesty he's just a bodyguard for Bree. Thats why people are kicked from Bree's room alot even if they say one word to Bree they're gone. Seems like major butthurt for some of the perverts in her room.You can usually find him in xjerseysx room,if you do see him tell him his internets will be surrounded and that he equals major fail. The above picture is kent right before he goes back to prison major lolz.
  • Electro65 no comment read the article but be warned electro is pretty ugly


PLZ 2 BE ADDING PIX, please add all n00ds or otherwise embarrasing pictures along with the username of the person in question.

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