Cathy Crimmins, author of How the Homosexuals Saved Civilization
I decided that I dont care if I come across as the biggest fag-hag in the land.
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Cape Verde

About Cape Verde

official name: Rep�blica de Cabo Verde
capital: Praia
head of state: President Pedro Pires
state: multi party democracy
population: 420,979 (July 2006 est.)
independence: from Portugal in 1975
languages: Portuguese and Crioulo
religion: Catholic
currency: Cape Verdean escudo
media: NA


mainline telephones:  71,400 (2005)
cellular telephones: 81,700 (2005)
Internet hosts: 155 (2005)
Internet users: 25,000 (2005)

Previous Stories
aids advocates demand rectal microbicides
SOUTH AFRICA � April 28, 2006: Advocates are calling for research spending of $350 million over the next decade to develop rectal microbicides to prevent HIV infection. The challenge came Monday, April 24 at the start of the Microbicides 2006 conference in Cape Town, South Africa. [more]

cops mum on double murder
SOUTH AFRICA � April 25, 2006: Police remain tight-lipped about their investigation into the motives for the assassination-style murders of Richard Bloom and Brett Goldin, refusing to be drawn into speculation on whether the killings were the result of a drug transaction that went wrong, an initiation into a gang, or bias against homosexuals.  [more]

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