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Guest Blogger's Blog

This blog contains all of the articles written by guest bloggers at InventorSpot. If you don't see the article you're looking for here, they may be a Featured Writer or a Contributing Writer at InventorSpot.com.


The Groundbreaking Shanghai Tower

When Shanghai Tower is completed in 2014, its twisting design will be self-sustainable and able to withstand the high winds of a typhoon.

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Is 3D TV Ready Yet?

Holography was invented back in the 1960’s and since then people have been excited by the idea of watching images in 3D. Years later it seems we are finally on the verge of rolling out genuine 3D images via a new range of televisions which require no special glasses.

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New NEC Mobile Processor Brings 12-Megapixels, HD Video to Phones

NEC Electronics is in the thick of the game today in regards to development of a state of the art image signal processor for mobile phones. It is unveiling with this latest processor the ability to enjoy full HD imaging on phones.

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Oreck Vacuum Zaps Germs with UV Rays

Vacuuming the home is definitely a mundane chore, but one necessary to live in a clean environment. Do we really get all the germs when doing this though? Oreck doesn't think so, introducing this week the world's first upright vacuum which uses ultraviolet light to kill all that nasty stuff on your floor.

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Wired for Weather: Mountain Hardwear Ardica Jackets

Traditionally, Mountain Hardwear had sought to fight the elements solely by using advanced shells and insulation designed to knock wind down and keep body heat in. However, they've turned to the eternal solver of all problems-electricity- to help in the good fight.

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Sony Blends Fashion Into Technology

Last week Sony teamed up with six different fashion designers to creatively advertise their new Sony VAIO P-Series Lifestyle PC.

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Sippin Seat Means Never Getting Off Your Butt

Bringing alcoholic beverages into sporting events is near impossible. This is the answer.

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TV Commercial: Now It's “YOURS & MINE” K-Y® JELLY !

The folks at "K-Y® Jelly" did it! They built a better mousetrap!

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TV Commercial: "Gorilla Goes Ape For Cadbury Chocolates?"

What in the world were the clients at Cadbury Chocolates thinking when they agreed to let a gorilla be a spokesperson for their chocolates?

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Amy Winehouse Made Spokesperson for Hair Product

Amy Winehouse has recently been made the personal spokesperson for "The HairCleaner" after her recent incident of punching a fan.

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January 2007