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Los Angeles, CA
October 2006

MAY 28, 2008 06:00 PM

A lot of people look at Story of the Year and see a band with a hugely successful debut album -- Page Avenue -- and a follow-up record that somehow didn't get the same attention. If you're looking at the band that way, you might imagine they have something to prove with their latest release, The Black Swan. If you ask Story of the Year personally, though, you'll hear a different -- no pun intended -- story altogether. When they made their second album, In the Wake of Determination, they were well...



Douglas, MI
April 2007

MAY 28, 2008 06:25 PM

Oh, hey. I know them. Or I used to. Before they were famous. They're really nice guys.



I'm lost
December 2004

MAY 28, 2008 06:45 PM

So, it's some circles, you mention that you are into Story of the Year and you get nothing but eyes rolling....other times people are like, "Yes! They have consistently put out really stellar albums". Personally, I think that their latest is their best yet (rather political, but a good show for their wanting to progress in their song writing) though some people are, as expected, being overly critical; you know the same old "sell outs!" bullshit whatever Anyway, just give the new album a listen, it's good. smile



Los Angeles, CA
April 2008

JUN 04, 2008 03:52 PM

Story of the Year is seriously one of the greatest bands out there today. I remember the first time I met them (Ventura Theatre in like 03)... they were the nicest, most genuine guys you could ever hope to meet and they really care about their fans. Not only that, but every performance that I have seen has been amazing. You can tell that their hearts and souls are invested in what they do. The energy is incredible.

Page Avenue is still my favorite album (I bought it the DAY it was released!) but I have NEVER been disappointed by any of their work. I love that they bring politics into the music, especially with The Black Swan but also in In the Wake of Determination. They are in such a great position to impact the people around them and it is refreshing to see that they care about making a difference in the world and speaking the truth.

Keep it up boys... love

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