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Like Wacky Inventions?

Looking for weird, bizarre, funny, unusual or strange inventions? You have come to the right blog!

Did you know that one fool's wacky is often another fool's cool? My blog shares what I think are some of the wackier products available in the market today as inspiration to all the inventors out there who are told that their new idea is too wacky or weird to work. Just because it's wacky does not mean that some sucker out there won't find it cool. Inventors - don't let the naysayers kill your dreams!


I Love Big Butt Backpack

Do you love big butts and want to show off your love everywhere you go?

Wacky Product of the Week #7 : World's Smallest Gun

Ever want to just shoot the person sitting next to you but want to do it discreetly so that they are really surprised?

Top 10 Ways to Have a Great Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is such a predictable and tedious holiday.

I think that Thanksgiving Day should be a lot more fun...a bit more of a surprise.

So, for my friends who are bored, I have collected together a few items that I think will turn any painfully tedious Thanksgiving Dinner into something people will remember for years. Here's my list of the 10 Ways to Have A Great Thanksgiving in 2007:

Best Poopy Stuff of All Time

Well, I was having a poopy day and it got me thinking that the world is full of poop ....literally. So I went on my merry way to prove my hypothesis true...and I have. Here are my best finds for all the things inspired by the poop in people's lives:

World's Most Freaky Door Handle

What would you do if you walked up to a door and you saw a hand reaching out to you like this one?

Ever Want to Put a Pillow Over Your Head? Try the Pillow Wig

I know lots of folks who really love their bed and would like nothing more than to be able to live life from their beds. It's so comfortable.

But as you well know it's just not practical to take your bed with you wherever you go. Trust me on that one. read more »

Hillary Nut Cracker: Wacky Product of the Day

I wrote this very clever piece several weeks ago on the 10 Ways to Buy Hillary Clinton . Well, no one read and I don't know why. I guess it was lame? Well, if I had this product to add to the list of Great Hillary Clinton products, perhaps my article would have gotten a better reception. The merchant for this calls it "Completely Nuts". read more »

10 Ways to Buy Hillary Clinton

A friend of mine mentioned recently that she liked Hillary because she's not someone you can buy. Well, I like Hillary but I was not convinced that was true... so I did a little research.

My careful research leads me to conclude that Hillary Clinton can easily be bought and sometimes bought for very cheap. I am sure many will try to argue that unlike many other politician, this is not true of Hillary. Well, I have the indisputable proof to share with you.

Here are the Top Ten of the Many Ways Hillary Clinton Can Be Bought: read more »

13 Perfect Gifts for the Imperfect Dad

Father's Day is the worst. Every year, it's the same lame presents. Come on, you know what I am talking about! If I never see another tie, cologne, BBQ set, belt, wallet socks, underwear, shirt, sweater or lame ass book, I will die happy.

Listen up, guys and let me know if you agree with me. I think I have come up with some really novel gift ideas for dear old dad (other than the obvious stuff he really wants but I can't afford like a Porsche, the model girfriend or the giant flat screen tv). Here's my picks for what to get the old man...

Intestines Made of Yarn : Wacky Product of the Week

Pink IntestinesPink IntestinesLast week, I shared with you something I thought a bit weird, a knitted Fetus Coin Purse.

This week, I found another knitted bit of weirdness. I present to you for your viewing astonishment inner organs made from yarn. read more »

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February 2007