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Winter/Spring 2003

From the Editor
Thom Didato

Nick Hornby

"Strike Anywhere"
fiction by
Antonya Nelson

"Answer to a Personal Ad in the New York Review"
fiction by
Marc Estrin

"Charlie Chaplin"
fiction by
Jason DeBoer

"Consider The Sky"
fiction by
Matthew Dillon

"Lie to Me"
"Big Top"
poetry by
Tracey Knapp

poetry by
Stephen Oliver

"Not Like The Movies"
"Bookshop Blues"
fiction by
Susan Richardson

"Everything in Store 60% Off"
poetry by
David Starkey

"Universal Rundle"
"Lowering Sky"
"Ghost Birds"
paintings by
Josh Dorman



From the Editor

Someone in the Seychelles likes us...

There are inherent advantages with technology. Thanks to one little server gizmo, we just discovered that, among our 30,000 regular readers, there is one failbetter fan who currently resides in the Seychelles. Truth be told, neither myself nor most of my colleagues could find the Seychelles on the office globe, but that's beside the point. We just like the fact that some guy, or girl for that matter, from a funny former French archipelago colony, cares enough to pay us a visit every issue. Indeed, according to our webmaster, our readership now spans over 60 countries, from Estonia to Brazil, from Norway to Samoa, creating quite an international following. But I must confess we still have a soft spot for our little unidentified friend from the Seychelles. Why? Well, we just like to say, "our friend from the Seychelles." Sounds cool, doesn't it?

In fact, "sound" has a lot to do with the new issue, perhaps more than words alone. First, popular literary author Nick Hornby offers his thoughts on popular music. Yet, staying true to form, we're once again fortunate to land one of the better contemporary writers around, with Antonya Nelson, all the while providing you with the smarting humor from Marc Estrin, as well as some weird recollections from one Jason DeBoer. And if we'd didn't know better, we'd think that Matthew Dillon's novel excerpt, "Consider The Sky," was ripped right off Bruce Springsteen's Nebraska album.

The lyrical quality of this issue's poets is self evident, with new works from Tracey Knapp and David Starkey. And in keeping with our unintended international theme, readers from Wales and Australia will be happy to find poems by Susan Richardson and Stephen Oliver.

Meanwhile, subject matter and materials aside, there is something strangely unearthly in the artwork of Josh Dorman.

Thus, dear reader, I can only send thanks to our friend in the Seychelles, thanks to all who come by these pages, and hope you will continue to do so.


*                    *                     *

In Memoriam...

Just as we went to print, we were stunned to learn of the death of Amanda Davis ("Louisiana Loses Its Cricket Hum," Summer/Fall 2001), author of Circling The Drain, a story collection, and Wonder When You'll Miss Me, a novel, which was published just last month. We are deeply saddened at the loss of not only a wonderful writer, but a good friend. She will be remembered as both, and will be greatly missed.



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