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Winter/Spring 2003

From the Editor
Thom Didato

Nick Hornby

"Strike Anywhere"
fiction by
Antonya Nelson

"Answer to a Personal Ad in the New York Review"
fiction by
Marc Estrin

"Charlie Chaplin"
fiction by
Jason DeBoer

"Consider The Sky"
fiction by
Matthew Dillon

"Lie to Me"
"Big Top"
poetry by
Tracey Knapp

poetry by
Stephen Oliver

"Not Like The Movies"
"Bookshop Blues"
fiction by
Susan Richardson

"Everything in Store 60% Off"
poetry by
David Starkey

"Universal Rundle"
"Lowering Sky"
"Ghost Birds"
paintings by
Josh Dorman



Lie to Me

Tell me about the bluefish, sword-sharks scarfing
human torsos, naked and plunging from fishing
boats like live bait ten miles off the muggy coast.

Tell me about the mangled weeds raked in
by the coarse beaches, the fish bones bleaching,
the old shells stuck in the secret cove.

Tell me about the time you caught a snake
with a stick, how its fisty head
swung at your arm.

Tell me how you found that snake dead on dry grass
the next day, ten feet from where you speared it.
How you wore it around your neck like ironic feathers.

Tell me how you hid the rotting body beneath
the porch in a black plastic bag.
Give me its skull.

© Tracey Knapp

Tracey Knapp's poetry has appeared in La Petite Zine, Painted Bride Quarterly, The Midday Moon, and assembled in the limited-edition hand-crafted book Match in a Bottle. She has also has work forthcoming in Sewanee Theological Review.

She is currently an MA student at Ohio University.













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From our
poetry archive

"Old Bardstown"
Ellen Hagan
Issue 10 -
Spring/Summer 2003

"Who Invited the Monkey to Omen’s Party"
Arisa White
Issue 11 - Spring 2004

"Ballad of the Strong Man in New York"
Suzanne Burns
Issue 6 -
Spring/Summer 2002