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Winter/Spring 2003

From the Editor
Thom Didato

Nick Hornby

"Strike Anywhere"
fiction by
Antonya Nelson

"Answer to a Personal Ad in the New York Review"
fiction by
Marc Estrin

"Charlie Chaplin"
fiction by
Jason DeBoer

"Consider The Sky"
fiction by
Matthew Dillon

"Lie to Me"
"Big Top"
poetry by
Tracey Knapp

poetry by
Stephen Oliver

"Not Like The Movies"
"Bookshop Blues"
fiction by
Susan Richardson

"Everything in Store 60% Off"
poetry by
David Starkey

"Universal Rundle"
"Lowering Sky"
"Ghost Birds"
paintings by
Josh Dorman



Everything in Store 60% Off

Poking among the rows of scavenged shelves,
I feel a song of sympathy rising
for the remaining merchandise.

How painful to be left over on the last day
of business in a bankrupt store.
The bare walls sneer, Take this junk away!

Greeting cards with punch lines
that don't work, sweat shirts for schools
that went oh-and-twelve last year, videos

that bombed, tennis trading cards
and bright pink garden hats. I make my way
slowly back into the humid Southern

summer heat, a few offscourings rescued
in my plastic bag: I've felt it, believe me,
that wondering how much, if anything, you're worth.

© David Starkey

David Starkey teaches in the MFA program at Antioch University-Los Angeles. He is the author of a textbook, Poetry Writing: Theme and Variations (NTC, 1999), as well as several collections of poems from small presses, most recently Fear of Everything, winner of Palanquin Press's Spring 2000 chapbook contest, and David Starkey’s Greatest Hits (Pudding House, 2002).

Over the past thirteen years he has published more than 300 poems in literary magazines such as American Scholar, Beloit Poetry Journal, Cutbank, High Plains Literary Review, The Journal, Massachusetts Review, Mid-American Review, Notre Dame Review, Poet Lore, Sycamore Review, Texas Review, and Wormwood Review.








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