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Author Topics : Bridget Coila

Bridget Coila lives in Seattle, WA with her husband Rick and their assorted animal companions. Her work has appeared in the Fundamentally Challenged CD Anthology,in Millennium Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine and in the new Twisted Cat Tales anthology.

Bridget Coila

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Message 488096 by Bridget Coila on 2006-07-09 19:29:47. Feedback: 0
Sorry its been so long since I updated this...it has been a rough month.
Some of you have heard what is going on...some not so much.

I am currently staying with a friend, Misty Marshall (and her husband John Churchill).

Its a long and complicated story.
Call me or contact me by email if you want more details.

Message 486419 by Lindsey Johnson on 2006-06-06 13:38:06. Feedback: 0
Hey, that sounds cool!

Dance performance is Saturday 6/17, 2PM and 7PM performances. I'm in both, doing jazz and modern pieces, and tap in the early performance. The early performance has little kids in it; the later is purely the advanced students and companies affilated with the instructors. Should be lots of fun. The website is


For more info. Tickets are $12. I could get you a couple if you think you'd be interested. Let me know! Er, I should probably post this in my own topic, too. Ah, hindsight.

Message 486416 by Bridget Coila on 2006-06-06 13:32:54. Feedback: 0

I think there is gonna be some other ones later in the summer...I'll keep you informed.

Where is the dancing next weekend? sounds interesting...

Message 486395 by Lindsey Johnson on 2006-06-06 08:43:07. Feedback: 0
Hey, Bridget - I just saw this, so it's probably too late. Dang. I'm frantically busy this weekend, anyway, preparing for the dance performance. But if something like this comes up again, let me know!

Speaking of, you interested in watching dancing next weekend?

Message 486276 by ET on 2006-06-04 02:40:59. Feedback: 0
That sounds so cool. Now all I need is $1500 and a couple of days for the flight, and I get a free boat ride. :)

I really would have liked to be there.
Message 486269 by Bridget Coila on 2006-06-03 21:40:35. Feedback: 0
Lisa..I think there is an age thing- I think its over ten only, unfortunately...
Message 486250 by Lisa Mantchev on 2006-06-03 11:23:24. Feedback: 0
Oh! Oh! ME ME ME. Except, there's the little one. She's under two and I don't think we could leave her the whole day with someone. If it's cool to bring her, I would love to sign the three of us up. Other members of the family might also be interested. Let me know how many places are open. :)
Message 486246 by Terry Hickman on 2006-06-03 11:14:15. Feedback: 0
*whine* Bridget that sounds SO COOL! *whimper* If ONLY I lived near Seattle!!!

Message 486239 by Bridget Coila on 2006-06-03 09:03:58. Feedback: 0
So...I am a member of the fine organization Sound Experience, which operates the Two-masted Schooner Adventuress.

They are offering a couple of three-hour sails next weekend and I get to bring people on them for free...

sooo....if anyone is interested, comment here or email me and I will get you included. The daysails fill up fast, so if anyone wants to go, I need to know soon.

The sails are:
June 10th from 1-4
June 11th from 9-noon

Both of these are out of Seattle. It is really an awesome boat and they let you do boaty-stuff if you want, like hauling lines to raise the sails. Its a wooden boat built in 1913, so it really gives you a feel for old-fashioned sailing.

Message 483618 by Bridget Coila on 2006-04-20 12:20:24. Feedback: 0
So..I posted my con report on my LJ:


in case anyone has any interest...

Message 483243 by Bridget Coila on 2006-04-12 23:24:54. Feedback: 0
Oh, and I should promote here for my stuff at Norwescon-

I'm doing a reading on Friday at 3:30 - dont know the room offhand...

and a book launch party at noon Friday in Cascade 4 - so come eat the cake I'm supposed to provide.

Also a whole passel of panels - see my LJ for the list...

Message 483241 by Bridget Coila on 2006-04-12 23:22:26. Feedback: 0
Ok...so after all this..I'm NOT going to be in the bar on Thursday at 6. I have to go pick up my husband from school at that time. Every other day, I'm still on for 6 in the bar.

And I will still be *blinking*

Message 482931 by Bridget Coila on 2006-04-07 22:43:26. Feedback: 0
::::Cross-posted to the "Meet Me at the Con" page and eventually goin up on my LJ, too...::::

Ok..I have determined a better way for everyone to find me at Norwescon...(aside from being in the bar at 6pm each eve)

I will be blinking...

Don't worry...when you see it, you will understand...it'll be around my neck and blinking blue for as long as the battery lasts...

So...if yer a Rumor Miller or even a RM lurker and are at NWC and you see me, come up and introduce yourself.
I will introduce you to all the (other) cool people, get you hooked up for all the best parties and otherwise be generally friendly...

I like new friends - come introduce yourself if I dont know you yet.

Bridget Coila [aka "Bibbit (the Great)"]
Message 482330 by Lindsey Johnson on 2006-03-30 13:14:50. Feedback: 0
Bridget - yes, we should do something soonish. Email me at frabjouslsj at yahoo dot com, and we'll at least meet at the con, and then we should, I don't know, actually set up times to get together or something.

Message 481724 by Bridget Coila on 2006-03-17 19:17:49. Feedback: 0

ok...obviously this got put off for this week...

but I would like to get together sometime soon!

I will probably try calling you ( I know I have your phone # somewhere in this mess I call my office...)and we can try to arrange a get-together.

Message 481522 by Lindsey Johnson on 2006-03-14 08:59:55. Feedback: 0
Hey, Bridget! That sounds kind of fun - you do know that it's going to be really crowded in that area, and likely no parking, right? Just checking. Driving in the U district just makes my teeth hurt. But I'll keep you in mind - Sean might be dragging me off somewhere.

Message 481482 by Bridget Coila on 2006-03-13 17:56:25. Feedback: 0
ok...I'm planning a get-together this Friday afternoon/evening (about 5 or 6pm) with my female friends here in Seattle...so anyone who is interested in an evening of gossip, drinks and general chatting, let me know. We'll probably meet up somewhere in the U district/Wallingford/Fremont area.

Message 480776 by Bridget Coila on 2006-03-03 18:28:07. Feedback: 0
hiya friends and fellow Rumor Millers...

went to Mardi Gras this past week.

Devastation Bad, Partying Good...all equalled out in the end I suppose.

Next fun thing up...Norwescon.

See you there :)

Message 475739 by Bridget Coila on 2006-01-06 21:42:02. Feedback: 0
Happy Twelfth Night/Epiphany!!!
(aka- the start of Carnival season)

Go have some King Cake!

Have a great party season everyone!

Message 470579 by Mystery Guest on 2005-10-05 14:23:18. Feedback: 0
Hey Bridget -

Frank here. You may not believe it, but three years after coming up with the idea for the story, I finally finally finished (I think) writing the giant worm story!

Wanna read it?

I do have to thank you, since you were sitting right next to me at worldcon (was it worldcon?) when I came up with the idea... it was on that panel where we were talking about some biology thing or other.

Anyway, would you be willing to read it and let me know what you think? (I do have to warn you - like the worm itself, the story is large, pushing the very edge of the word limit for the Writers of the Future, 17000 words.) Also, if Rick wants to read it, that would be great - he can tell me if I'm getting all the military stuff right.

What's your email address?

You can email it to me at FWu@frankwu.com

Message 469203 by Mystery Guest on 2005-09-07 19:53:31. Feedback: 0
Bridget, you do totally rock. I agree with Lori, you amazed us all with your collection and upbeat attitude. And it was good to see you, anyway. If you need anything, since I'm so close, you guys let me know. If your family needs anything specific, or if you end up inundated with relatives, well, we have some room. Just let us know.

Message 469189 by Bridget Coila on 2005-09-07 14:17:44. Feedback: 0
Terry- actually, I am in Seattle, but I grew up in N.O. and my entire family is there. Literally- me and one cousin in Huntsville, AL are the only ones who moved away from south Louisiana. Most of my family is now in Huntsville or in Baton Rouge (where two other cousins are at school at LSU.)So basically, since me and the Huntsville cousin are the only ones with phone numbers not in the N.O. area code, I have been mostly coordinating contact between my now-refugee family and friends. Everyone is accounted for as of now except my grandmother's cousin, who may or may not be in a shelter somewhere. I am supposed to be getting some grandmothers for a visit up here, but I think they all want to go "look at the house" before they come this far.

And between all that, I actually managed to make it to Nasfic. Which I will update about later this week sometime.

Message 469172 by Terry Hickman on 2005-09-06 21:23:30. Feedback: 0
Egad, Bridget, somehow your topic hasn't been showing up in my Fresh Stuff list for the past few days! And there you are in LA? I hope all your family is accounted for by now. My thoughts and heart are with all you folks on the Gulf. Tell everybody that the whole country is really hoping and praying and pulling for you, and every town and village sea to sea has got kids and churches and civic groups and just individual folks doing fund raising and clothes-and-toy-collecting and everything. I just hope it all gets to the people who need it, as expeditiously as possible. ***HUGS*** Pass it all on, pass it on to everyone!
Message 469161 by Lori White on 2005-09-06 19:10:38. Feedback: 0
Bridget, I just want to say after seeing you this weekend--

You rock, girl. You got guts. I admire you more than I can say.
Message 468881 by Mystery Guest on 2005-08-30 18:46:14. Feedback: 0
Bridget, I've been thinking of you. I'm glad to know that most of your family is confirmed safe, and I'll keep hoping for the rest. Take care,

Message 468879 by Bridget Coila on 2005-08-30 18:03:16. Feedback: 0
Hello everyone

In case anyone was wondering, the majority of my family successfully fled the monster that was Katrina. Mom and dad went to Huntsville to stay with my cousin, along with one Grandma and all of the cousin's immediate family, plus about a dozen pets between them all.

My other grandmother and an uncle and aunt were, at last contact, holed up in the third floor of the St. Bernard Courthouse. The water was at the second floor.

I have other relatives and friends that I don't have word whether they evacuated or not, so I'm just hoping they had sense enough to get out of there.

The city of my childhood is under water, and I am still dealing with the surreality of it all. (Think for a minute about your grandmother's kitchen table. Now imagine it underwater, including the room it is located in. Something about it is just really hard to get the mind wrapped around)

I've posted lengthy updates on my livejournal page: bridget_coila
Feel free to check it out if you have any specific questions about the damage in certain areas of New Orleans.

Wishes for pleasant weather to all and no more hurricanes for a long long while,

Message 468454 by Mystery Guest on 2005-08-22 16:02:08. Feedback: 0
Aw, the day we leave! Of course. Ah, well. We'll just have to wait till we get back from our trip for Firefly goodness.

Message 468451 by Bridget Coila on 2005-08-22 15:19:07. Feedback: 0
ok...Serenity/Firefly news for anyone in Seattle:

September 17, 2005 at 7:00 PM
Kirkland Performance Center

Screening the episodes Serenity Parts 1 & 2, Out of Gas and Ariel on the Big Damn Screen.
Also featuring the Serenity movie trailer!
Tickets are $6.50 + $1 service fee.
To order tickets, call (425) 893-9900 or go to our website: www.kpcenter.org.

Message 468161 by Bridget Coila on 2005-08-16 14:01:15. Feedback: 0
For anyone who is interested in participating in a tallship adventure out here in the Pacific NW, there are two main ships that do these kind of trips. The Adventuress, which was the one we went on, and the Zodiac.
One nice thing we noticed is that there's really no competition between the two ships- the crews seem to take the attitude of "we're both two of the last of our kind" and are encouraging of each other's mission and activities.

Message 468152 by Mystery Guest on 2005-08-16 11:47:29. Feedback: 0
Bridget! That sounds like so much fun! I'm jealous. I would love to do something like that with Sean, but he's not a sailing kind of guy. He'd rather canoe or kayak.

How are things?

Message 468137 by Terry Hickman on 2005-08-15 20:07:01. Feedback: 0
I am SO jealous! I would love to try something like that. Just a little problem -- I live in Omaha. lol Oh, and the fact that I'm probably in NO condition to attempt it. Let me work out for about 6 months and maybe...if I could get to the coast...if I had the money...what am I saying??? I already WROTE the parts on the pirate ship! lol

Thanks for the browncoats info! I didn't know about that!

And I'm going to read your pirate adventure and drool and yearn. At least on the other subject, the movie's getting closer and closer...
Message 468132 by Lisa Mantchev on 2005-08-15 18:07:29. Feedback: 0

I MUST read this. My husband and I have volunteered at the Wooden Boat show in Port Townsend (and we're in Sequim... *G*) and would LOVE to do something like this.

Now we just have to wait until the baby is old enough to stay at Grammie's house. ;)
Message 468131 by Bridget Coila on 2005-08-15 18:04:11. Feedback: 0
A couple of weekends ago, Rick and I spent three days sailing a two-masted schooner for our anniversary. (Nothing like swabbing the decks and pulling halyards together to say "I love you.")
I posted a "Adventuress Report" on my livejournal (otherwise titled "Our weekend as pirates")

By the way, I totally recommend this kind of trip to anyone even remotely considering it, especially authors who have any inkling they might want to write a story set somewhere on a ship.
The boat we sailed was the Adventuress, a 101 (decklength) schooner built in 1913.

My report on the experience is here:
Our Adventuress Adventure

Message 468129 by Bridget Coila on 2005-08-15 17:58:00. Feedback: 0
Ok...after an overly long hiatus from these boards ,I have returned...

In answer to previous question- the Browncoats boards are a fan board for fans of the Firefly TV series and Serenity movie. They often post updates on the screenings, when new trailers come out, excerts from the novelization, that sorta thing...
It is at http://browncoats.serenitymovie.com/

Message 466651 by Terry Hickman on 2005-07-17 16:32:44. Feedback: 0
(dumb question alert)

What's the Browncoats board?

(/dumb question alert)
Message 466650 by ET on 2005-07-17 16:05:53. Feedback: 0
Bridget, how do I contact you? I'll be in Seattle from the 25th to the 27th. You can mail me at et@et3d.com.
Message 463467 by Mystery Guest on 2005-06-06 16:03:19. Feedback: 0
Really? Oh, Bridget, you're awesome! I checked for the May 5th one, but I didn't know there would be more. So, haunt the boards June 9th, huh? I think I can try that. I'm so on it!

Hey, you're going to Jaycon? Is that this weekend, or next? I should probably check Jay's topic...

Message 463458 by Bridget Coila on 2005-06-06 15:22:50. Feedback: 0
I'm in Seattle--but ET knows that already :)

In answer to the Serenity question,it isnt coming out officially until Sept 30th.
I scored prescreen tickets to the May 26th prescreen in Seattle because I have been haunting the Browncoats board ever since I heard about the first screening (which had been May 5th.)
I managed to read the announcement for the 26th screen and snatched up tickets at 1 AM Monday morning when the went on sale. Good thing, since they were sold out by 7AM the next morning.
The rumor is that they are doing another screening on June 23rd. Supposedly tix will go on sale sometime June 9th. (which can be anywhere from midnight to midnight that day) They'll be on Fandango or movietickets.com (same as the ones I got) and will not say the movie name, just "Special Advance Screening" on the 23rd at 10 pm. The Seattle theater is Lowes Meridian downtown.
The tix are selling out within a couple of hours pretty much everywhere.
The browncoats fan board has more info (theres a thread in the message boards about the June 23rd screening). However, be really careful not to click on the "latest posts" link on the main page or on the "I saw Serenity" thread, since there are tons of spoilers floating around the boards since the screenings.

Message 463265 by Terry Hickman on 2005-06-03 17:41:59. Feedback: 0
Nope. No anywhere near. Oh well. don't we have some/a RMer in Seattle, though? *looks around*
Message 463256 by ET on 2005-06-03 16:35:13. Feedback: 0
I'll be in Lansing and Seattle, for two completely different reasons. Although altogether for just about a week. I believe (checking the US map) that they're not near Omaha. :(
Message 463240 by Mystery Guest on 2005-06-03 10:53:31. Feedback: 0
Hey, Bridget, how'd you score an early release ticket? ET, that puppy's not coming out until Sept. 30th, I do believe. Dang, I wish I could've gone to the preview. So it was cool? I'm soooooo jealous.

Message 463232 by Terry Hickman on 2005-06-03 09:29:08. Feedback: 0
ET - you're coming to the States? Where? Nowhere near Omaha, I suppose...?
Message 463226 by ET on 2005-06-03 07:00:59. Feedback: 0
Serenity is out already? I guess I should finish watching Firefly. Only watched 9 episodes until now. I wonder if it will show here in Israel, or, alternately, if it will still show in the US when I'm there in late July.
Message 463206 by Bridget Coila on 2005-06-02 19:15:37. Feedback: 0
Saw Serenity...it was awesome!

I highly advise anyone who plans on seeing it to try and avoid spoilers at all costs. I generally dont have a problem with reading spoilers beforehand, but I think for this movie I would've been happier to have seen it without knowing certain details.

Message 462834 by Bridget Coila on 2005-05-26 15:25:04. Feedback: 0
Lawrence! You shoulda emailed me!

You could have ben at our bbq in the rain and wind...exciting adventures dodging flying patio furniture! Running outside to cook during two-minute sunbreaks!

I guess at least there were no bugs...

(BTW everyone- I'm going to see Serenity tonight!!!)

Message 462264 by Mystery Guest on 2005-05-17 10:28:02. Feedback: 0
Bah, Science Fiction Museum allows memberships only from the US and Canada (at least online). Thought I might get one instead of just buying a ticket (just for the hell of it, and for the t-shirt), but I guess that won't happen.

Anyway, I'm planning to be in Seattle at the end of July for three days. Maybe I'll see you then.

Message 461935 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-05-13 16:29:45. Feedback: 0
Awww... I wanna come to the bar-b-que.

Message 461884 by Bridget Coila on 2005-05-13 01:57:02. Feedback: 0
We’re throwing a barbecue!

(Well, we’re not actually throwing it, since it would be heavy and make a large clanging sound…but we are cooking good things on it and inviting our friends!)

Sunday May 22, 2005
4:00 PM

All our friends, neighbors and aquaintances are invited.
Email me for details. Ailuri at Aol.com
Message 460929 by ET on 2005-04-30 02:43:45. Feedback: 0
Kuel! Didn't know they were making a Firefly film. I haven't seen it on TV (it only showed here a a short lived cable SF channel), but I bought the series on DVD, and saw part of it. Movie seems like it's suppose to wrap things up.

And congrats on the job.
Message 460920 by Bridget Coila on 2005-04-29 19:59:45. Feedback: 0
Let me try again...Serenity trailer link on my livejournal page...


Message 460716 by Carol Orosco on 2005-04-27 12:09:18. Feedback: 0
Drat. Kudos. w00t! :)
Message 460705 by Bridget Coila on 2005-04-27 01:16:50. Feedback: 0
Ok...bad news and good news day...

bad news- I didnt get accepted to Clarion West, which means I will probably never be able to go. Oh well...

good news - I got a job - a temp job at a local biotech - extra money is always good


other good news - the Serenity movie trailer is out. I have the link on my livejournal page

now I need to go get some sleep...
Message 459167 by Mystery Guest on 2005-03-31 13:33:48. Feedback: 0
Good luck with the Clarion West application, Bridget! I'm sure you won't need the luck, though.

Joseph Paul Haines
Message 459164 by Bridget Coila on 2005-03-31 12:39:31. Feedback: 0
Ok, here goes...


Message 459154 by Mystery Guest on 2005-03-31 09:57:49. Feedback: 0
Cool, it worked! Be sure to get the quote marks in there. That's what I usually forget.

Message 459153 by Mystery Guest on 2005-03-31 09:55:47. Feedback: 0
&#60a href="URL">Title</a>

*hopes codes show properly*

I had to play in the sandbox awhile before I got the hang of it. :)

Carol O., too lazy to log in
Message 459141 by Bridget Coila on 2005-03-31 03:01:04. Feedback: 0
And can anyone tell me how to make a url into a link on these postings?

Message 459140 by Bridget Coila on 2005-03-31 02:59:44. Feedback: 0
Alright... I finally broke down and got myself a live journal page.

It is here:

if anyone wants to take a gander at it.

Oh, and I also applied to Clarion West. So wish me luck. Or not. Whatever.
Message 459076 by Bridget Coila on 2005-03-29 23:34:48. Feedback: 0
Unfortunately, I dont think I can have ibuprofen right now...

along with absolutely anything else decent in life like caffeine, alcohol, allergy medication...

at least I can still eat chocolate...

(tho I do have to say that going through a whole con without caffeine or alcohol was a fascinating experience)

Message 459043 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-03-29 15:23:36. Feedback: 0
::emailing some ibuprofen::
Message 459034 by Bridget Coila on 2005-03-29 14:05:30. Feedback: 0
Ok, I'm currently in recovey from Norwescon. I'll have some pics posted eventually.

Message 458762 by Mystery Guest on 2005-03-24 11:10:00. Feedback: 0
Wow, you are the busy bee, aren't you? I'll see you on Saturday for sure, then. I'll email you, too. Hey, tell Rick I won't believe it till I see it, about his head. Zoiks.

Message 458745 by Bridget Coila on 2005-03-24 02:41:18. Feedback: 0
Ok, I have a Norwescon schedule:

5pm - Tripping Through History

1pm- Outline of an Ecosphere
5pm - The Alien Within

11AM - The Universe as Mother of Life
3PM- Science Debate- The Next Pandemic
7PM - The Future of Medicine

10:30 AM- My Reading! (and I am bribing everyone to come with free coffee and donuts)
2PM - What Can We Do With A Gene

I will also of course also be wandering the con at other times.
Hope to see lots of people there!

Message 458274 by Bridget Coila on 2005-03-15 02:41:06. Feedback: 0
Oh, some other news for those who know us...

- Rick shaved his head. No joke.

- I'm doing a reading at Norwescon of my story Island Biogeography (from Fundamentally Challenged CD antho)
The story is short, so I have no clue what else I will read to fill up the whole half hour, but I'm sure I'll find something.

- more news to come - stay tuned for updates :)

Message 458273 by Bridget Coila on 2005-03-15 02:34:50. Feedback: 0
Cool Caroline!

If you need a place to stay for Nasfic youre welcome to come here.
We will definitely be going, and I'll probably be paneling...(depending on a couple of things going on, but probably will be paneling)
I am probably having a party during that weekend at my house, since Ricks bday is Sept 6th and most of our friends will be in town for Nasfic.

Message 458256 by Mystery Guest on 2005-03-14 18:51:22. Feedback: 0
Woohoo!! Congrats Bridget. I guess I can't bug you anymore to finish. ;) Had I a hat, I would tip it to you.

Here's something for the long term. I'm going to be BACK in Seattle for NASFiC in September. Are you paneling? going? partying?

Message 457992 by ET on 2005-03-09 16:57:52. Feedback: 0
Well done, bridget! Good luck with it.
Message 457987 by Mystery Guest on 2005-03-09 16:40:47. Feedback: 0
Isn't it a great feeling, Bridget? I've only completed one true novella. I may try to sell it as a stand-alone chapbook.

--Jay Arr
Message 457984 by Mystery Guest on 2005-03-09 15:41:28. Feedback: 0
Bridget, that's great! I'll see you soon, ok?

Message 457983 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-03-09 15:36:33. Feedback: 0
Congrats, Bridget!
Message 457934 by Bridget Coila on 2005-03-09 01:23:09. Feedback: 0
Well...I have to announce here(since it is late and no one else is awake for me to announce it to) that I have officially just completed writing my first novella.

I have never before written anything longer than a short story (though my short stories have been progressing in length for a while now)

I figure if I keep going at this rate, I will eventually write a novel.

Nonetheless, the novella is complete. Not sure the wordcount yet, since I havent finished typing it in. (Its handwritten in a notebook right now.)

So of course, the next test will be where the heck can I send the darned thing?! (after revisions of course)
I'm thinking probably Writers of the Future.

Sigh. My fingers ache from all that writing.

Message 457900 by Terry Hickman on 2005-03-08 12:52:18. Feedback: 0
"I am officially the General Science Track Programmer for the con, but apparently, my job description didnt include actually programming anything" - Bwahahahaa! Are you by any chance a state employee? This sounds like MY job. ROFL!
Message 457884 by Bridget Coila on 2005-03-08 02:29:34. Feedback: 0

yeah, I know she's harmless...its those pets you gotta worry about...

Yes, lets plan for a meal sometime- I'm paneling, but I dont know my schedule yet (I'm having some issues about that considering I am officially the General Science Track Programmer for the con, but apparently, my job description didnt include actually programming anything)
I'll post on here whenever I get my schedule and we can arrange a lunch or dinner.

Message 457859 by Terry Hickman on 2005-03-07 13:58:33. Feedback: 0
It's Okay, Bridget, Linz is harmless. Really.
Message 457849 by Mystery Guest on 2005-03-07 11:45:51. Feedback: 0
Bridget! I want to know you! I do! I do!

Ok, a little overenthusiastic. Sorry. I'll be at Norwescon, barring pet emergencies. I haven't figured anything out beyond "I'll be there," though. Shall we lunch? Snack? Dinner?

Message 457840 by Bridget Coila on 2005-03-07 03:10:29. Feedback: 0
I'm just writing because I havent been on here in so long and I finally have some free moments to actually be online.

So hi friends and people I know (and people I dont know who are visiting my author page out of curiosity)

Norwescon in a few weeks...anyone I know showing up?
Anyone who wants to know me showing up?
Anyone? Anyone?

Message 455302 by Bridget Coila on 2005-01-29 01:15:15. Feedback: 0
Wow...I suggest sponsoring a mini-con and everyone shows up on my topic!

Hi Caroline and Linz!

I actually am tossing around an idea of a party for Rick's birthday, tho. His bday is Sept 6, richt after NASFIC, so I might do a party Sunday night or something if enough people are in town.
(By that point I might not care if our house is a disaster or not and might go ahead and have a party anyway.)
So basically, just consider this announcement a "save the date" kinda notice.
(and I hope he doesnt go on here and see this cuz I want it to be a surprise party. hehehe)

Message 455280 by Mystery Guest on 2005-01-28 17:58:37. Feedback: 0
Hey, I'd go to a Coila-Con too! If I can make it can I head up the panel called "Pet-Sitting 101: The Laser Light Fantastic"? That'd be cool!

-Caroline (oh yes it is :) )

P.S. Mardi Gras is coming! I miss the plastic baby...
Message 455124 by Lindsey Johnson on 2005-01-27 11:41:46. Feedback: 0
A Coila-Con. I'm in favor! Just dropping by to say hiya,

Message 454963 by Bridget Coila on 2005-01-26 02:47:11. Feedback: 0
Hey ET-

Foolscap is pretty cool- we went last year-
it is small - tiny really- but a lot of people we know show up so it often ends up quite social.
Even if you are here when theres no con, we ought to try to get a group of the SF locals together for dinner or somesuch.
Heck, I might even manage to have the house in some measure of repair by that time and throw a party. (A Bridget-con, so to speak. Or a Coila-con- that sounds kinda cool, actually...)

Message 454604 by ET on 2005-01-20 17:03:24. Feedback: 0
Okay, going to the Locus list, I found Foolscap in Bellevue, which is about the right time. Don't know if I'll go, though.
Message 454531 by ET on 2005-01-19 16:41:37. Feedback: 0
Hi, Bridget. I may be in Seattle again this year at the end of September, if Microsoft awards me an MVP again. Anything of interest on the writing/SF front around that time? Sadly they change the date quite a bit each year, so apart from having no guarantee that I'll go, it also doesn't fall near Norwescon like it did last year.
Message 453414 by ET on 2005-01-03 05:36:22. Feedback: 0
Hey, you're not the disregarded entity. It was *you* who was ignoring *us*. :)

Haven't received a WotF response yet for last quarter. KD said she's still reading last quarter stories, poor overworked woman. At least it can't be any worse than the previous quarter, where I wasn't even a quarter finalist.
Message 453406 by Bridget Coila on 2005-01-02 23:00:18. Feedback: 0
Hiya everyone!

I've been awol for a while now, so I am just checking in to let everyone know I havent fallen off the face of the earth (yet).

I got another quarter finalist in WotF. Rick says that at least it shows the first time wasnt a fluke and my quality is consistent. But damn, I really want to be IMPROVING not merely staying stuck at "Q-final" level forever and ever and ever.

Meanwhile, we did Christmas, We did New Years, are happily enjoying the twelve days of Christmas, which will end on January 6th, and thus begins my absolute favorite holiday of the year, which of course I shall miss in its entirety because I am some two thousand miles away. Oh well...one of these years...

This disregarded entity signing off,
Zai jian,
Message 452033 by Mystery Guest on 2004-12-07 02:55:09. Feedback: 0
Bridget - could you send me your snail mail address to my email address at FWu@frankwu.com ?


Message 449093 by Carol Orosco on 2004-10-07 19:42:37. Feedback: 0
Ouch! At least they got it out in time. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. :)
Message 449091 by Bridget Coila on 2004-10-07 19:14:59. Feedback: 0
Hello friends, neighbors, etc.etc.

Rick went to the doc Tuesday afternoon for lower ab pain, and got checked into the ER for appendicitis. So I spent Tues night in the hospital waiting room while he had surgery. Great fun!

Anyway, he is out of the hospital now and doing fine, albiet exhausted and in pain. I am merely tired.

Message 446647 by Bridget Coila on 2004-09-11 02:18:57. Feedback: 0
My final set of pics is now up and accessible at:


Or you can just follow the link from my report page, since it is now working.
Message 446646 by Bridget Coila on 2004-09-11 02:02:12. Feedback: 0
Lawrence- but at least we got to hang out together in the hallway with the hugo during one of those brief bits while Frank wandered off on one of his searches for Alison.
Message 446612 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2004-09-10 19:33:23. Feedback: 0
>Lawrence Schoen, who I kept seeing for about
>5 minutes at a time and one or both of us
>rarely had time to stop and talk.

Yeah, what was up with that?

Well, good seeing you during those brief bits. :)
Message 446547 by Bridget Coila on 2004-09-10 14:47:52. Feedback: 0
The first pics link is now working. (It's at the bottom of my worldcon report) If you want to go straight to pics- http://members.aol.com/ailuri/conpics.html
Message 446516 by Bridget Coila on 2004-09-10 02:28:56. Feedback: 0
My Worldcon report is now posted.

The addy is http://members.aol.com/ailuri/worldcon.html

Please let me know if the link is screwy- sometimes I mess these things up. Pics are forthcoming...only one of the pics link should work thus far, and will show all the pics as soon as I finish uploading them.

The second link I'll probably get to tomorrow

Message 446446 by Mystery Guest on 2004-09-09 11:43:20. Feedback: 0
Bridget, you're back! I look forward to those pictures....

Message 446417 by Bridget Coila on 2004-09-08 23:55:17. Feedback: 0
I am back from Worldcon. I am attempting to post a con report and pics as soon as I figure out how to get the pics to a reasonable size.

Message 445549 by Bridget Coila on 2004-08-28 20:50:38. Feedback: 0
Just a really cool note for the day...

We have a massive flock of sparrows (about 50-100 of them) who live in our trees and bushes. (Plus some more interesting denizens like chickadees, hummingbirds and flickers). Apparently the sparrows attracted some attention though. Rick called me over earlier this afternoon to our big window overlooking the backyard and in our tree about 15 feet from window, just above eye level, was a sharp skinned hawk, just watching over our yard. They eat sparrows, so I suspect the crowd hanging out on our roof attracted him.
I really like raptors, so I think he's really cool and hope he stays around.

Message 445501 by Bridget Coila on 2004-08-28 01:17:30. Feedback: 0
Yes, they actually roped me into it again- I'm doing a "stump the scientists" panel- so apparently kids are going to ask me questions I can't answer and I will make up things and try to look like I know what I'm talking about.

Message 445415 by ET on 2004-08-26 16:57:11. Feedback: 0
Have a great time, Bridget! Wish I had an excuse (and the money) to be there.
Message 445361 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2004-08-26 07:22:39. Feedback: 0

Uh, we're not doing children's programming again, are we?
Message 445344 by Bridget Coila on 2004-08-26 00:53:33. Feedback: 0
Ok, I'm officially going to Worldcon. So I will see some of you there...

Message 443614 by Bridget Coila on 2004-08-04 20:27:36. Feedback: 0
ok,ok..it has been "a while", hasn't it?

I have been swamped with a variety of necessary evils (like trying to make money to pay the bills and visiting family who we havent seen in 7 months) and uneccessary funs (like taking sea kayak lessons.

The "Cutting Edge SF" talk was really good. There were only about six people there besides the panelists, tho - I think they didnt advert well enough for it. But it did make it good for including the audience in the discussion.

As far as my overall museum impression:
I really liked the museum. They did a good job on including both book stuff and movie stuff. Some of the interactive things are fun- like the travelogues of different planets.
The biggest problem I forsee is that the exhibits are mostly limited to what is on display. They dont have much in the way of a backroom, so they cant change the exhibits. Since I've already seen the stuff there already, that limits any desire to go back anytime soon.

Other news- We will be at Worldcon in Sept. We may be traveling down the coast to California sometime in late Sept also, not sure yet when.

Now I will go disappear for another month. (I figure if I say that I might stand a chance of posting sometime within a reasonable timeframe)


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