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Author Topics : Lawrence M. Schoen

Lawrence M. Schoen

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Message 481643 by Rebekah Jensen on 2006-03-16 08:56:50. Feedback: 0
Lawrence, can you email me? Good news on the GiveBooks front. Email address is rebekah at riddlemaster dot com
Message 473457 by Mystery Guest on 2005-11-29 20:07:37. Feedback: 0
Lawrence, can you e-mail me at amysisson (aaatttt) prodigy dott net? I didn't see an e-mail address for you on your website (sorry if I missed it).

-- Amy
Message 471974 by Rebekah Jensen on 2005-11-03 01:54:09. Feedback: 0
Hey Lawrence, any movement from the Fed Ex people? My office is getting very full with book boxes plus Christmas presents. :)
Message 470766 by Melissa Mead on 2005-10-09 19:50:37. Feedback: 0
Terry-We had 2, and they were fun! I wish you could've been there too.
Message 470763 by Mary on 2005-10-09 19:26:33. Feedback: 0

I tried to find the Hamlet version of Zork online but am getting 404 errors. *sigh*
Message 470621 by Terry Hickman on 2005-10-06 08:29:38. Feedback: 0
Yikes, hope the back problem goes away.

Jeez, wish I could be there for you guyses' panel.
Message 470612 by Melissa Mead on 2005-10-06 06:35:59. Feedback: 0
Cool-you two can cover for me when I pass out from nerves. ;)

Ouch, sorry to hear about the back problem. Hope she feels better soon.
Message 470606 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2005-10-06 02:06:21. Feedback: 0
Yes, things will get less hectic. That's what we all say at least. I sympathize with hectic.
Message 470593 by Jennifer Schwabach on 2005-10-05 22:30:42. Feedback: 0
Heh. I'm not going right after you this time. Actually, I'm one of the earlier ones in terms of the con itself, but later in the day.

I'll be on a panel with you and Missy, too.

Things will get less hectic.
Message 470592 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-10-05 21:45:23. Feedback: 0
Terry, as for the reading, I'm hoping to go at 4pm (not 4:30), so I have plenty of time to get to my 5pm panel.

Melissa, yeah, we're doing panels together. How cool is that? :)

Rebekah, I've been pestering the FedEx people for weeks, without results. I'm still pestering though, but please try and be patient.

Sue, part of the quiet has been due to playing catch-up from taking three weeks off for wedding, honeymoon, and the NASFiC. Part has been getting back into the daily writing routinr (aka, Ass In CHair). Part has been Valerie throwing her back out in serious fashion. Part has been trying to find a schedule of life that suits us. But it's all settling into place now, and soon... very soon...
Message 470521 by Mystery Guest on 2005-10-04 08:06:36. Feedback: 0
Ever since his marriage, Lawrence has been very, very quiet. Hoping that means he is overwhelmed with joy and phoey on the rest of us.

SueO2, sending her greetings.
Message 470515 by Rebekah Jensen on 2005-10-04 01:57:39. Feedback: 0
Hi Lawrence, About a week ago I sent an email to GiveBooks.us about some books I have to donate but I haven't heard back from them. Should I give it more time?
Message 470403 by Melissa Mead on 2005-10-01 19:24:47. Feedback: 0
Gee, Saturday 11 AM + 5 PM look familiar... ;>
Message 470396 by Terry Hickman on 2005-10-01 18:20:14. Feedback: 0
Oooh, those sound interesting, Lawrence! Esp. the reading, of course. And the last two topics. I'd be interested in what the group comes up with.
Message 470389 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-10-01 16:12:10. Feedback: 0

Fresh off the email, here's my schedule for next weekend's con:

Ice Cream Social - 8:00 PM - Foyer

Has Civilization Collapsed? Would We Know? - 9:00 PM - Beverwyck
It's the end of the world as we know it: The millennium, gay marriage, and/or terrorism have all been trotted out as possible causes of the end. Yet we're still muddling along. But then how did things look to the Romans near the end? Maybe they thought things were just ducky too.

What's the best way for a new author to break in? - 11:00 AM - Van Rensselaer A
Short stories in prozines, short stories in semi-prozines, contests such as Writers of the Future, novels, e-book?

Reading (1/2 hour) - 4:00 PM - Van Rensselaer B
I'm not sure if I'm on at 4pm and the other guy goes at 4:40, or what. At this point I'm thinking of reading the opening chapter from the new Conroy novel I'm working on. I'll have freebies for all attendees too, so you better show up.

Designing Holidays - 5:00 PM - Beverwyck
What does a good holiday need? This can be about designing them for books or for personal use.

What makes for a good anthology theme? - 1:00 PM - Van Rensselaer B
What makes for a good anthology story, and is it different than a good story in general?
Message 469556 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-09-15 22:03:09. Feedback: 0
Room mate needed for Albacon

My roomie for Albacon just bailed on me.

Anyone out there in need of a room mate for the con? Let me know. Thanks.
Message 468364 by K. Praschak on 2005-08-21 13:00:24. Feedback: 0
Congratulations, Lawrence and Valerie!
Message 468356 by Melissa Mead on 2005-08-21 10:49:21. Feedback: 0
Message 468355 by Terry Hickman on 2005-08-21 10:40:15. Feedback: 0
Have a wonderful, golden, day Lawrence and Valerie! I'll be thinking about you!
Message 468354 by Mary on 2005-08-21 10:39:28. Feedback: 0

(The aardvark dances a jig!)
Message 468349 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2005-08-21 09:56:07. Feedback: 0
Congratulations from here too, Lawrence and Vallerie, on your wedding day. I'll save other thoughts on news for tomorrow.
Message 468339 by Vera Nazarian on 2005-08-21 02:57:50. Feedback: 0

My deepest condolences on the family loss, and also great congratulations on the wedding!

Message 468337 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-08-21 00:28:08. Feedback: 0
I'm getting married in the morning...

I've just returned from the brandy & cigars event (in lieu of a bachelor party).

My suit is all layed out and I'm about to grab some sleep.

Twelve hours from now I'll be a married man again.
Message 468208 by Carol Orosco on 2005-08-17 15:35:08. Feedback: 0
My condolences, Lawrence and Valerie.
Message 468167 by Lori White on 2005-08-16 15:46:21. Feedback: 0
Lawrence, I'm sorry.
Message 468127 by Bridget Coila on 2005-08-15 17:45:38. Feedback: 0
So sorry to hear of your and Valerie's loss, Lawrence.
Congrats on the wedding nonetheless, and warm wishes for all future happiness from me and Rick.

Message 468107 by Mystery Guest on 2005-08-15 10:53:37. Feedback: 0

I've only just heard this news. Our family's deepest condolences to you, Valerie and all of Ruth's loved ones. I hope that you will all enjoy the wedding, as she would have wanted. May your joy that day be a fitting reminder of her life lived, and your lives to come.

All best,
Sean P. Fodera
Message 468097 by Terry Hickman on 2005-08-14 21:29:51. Feedback: 0
Hugs to both of you, Lawrence.
Message 468095 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-08-14 19:50:01. Feedback: 0
funeral and shiva

Yesterday we had the viewing. It was just the immediate family. The mortuary did an excellent job, and seeing this was a great confort to the three daughters. It gave some closure and made today's task easier.

Today we buried Ruth Green. The graveside service was brief but touching. Her life touchded and inspired many people and they came to pay their respects (despite the oppressive weather). Her ex-husband (Valerie's father) spoke. A friend/client shared some memories. Valerie's eldesr sister read a prayer and a poem.

We returned to Ruth's house (which is in the same condo complex where Valerie and I live) to sit shiva. People arrived, many who had been at the burial and many more besides. There was sorrow, of course, but I think many people took comfort in the knowledge that in another week we'd be having a wedding, that even in the shadw of loss there was the anticipation of new joy.

Valerie and I are home now, exhausted and struggling with the chores and challenges of the next few days. We'll get through those too.
Message 468065 by Mystery Guest on 2005-08-13 19:40:54. Feedback: 0
I just heard and I am so very sorry. Please convey my deepest condolences to Valerie.

Message 468049 by Terry Hickman on 2005-08-13 10:34:48. Feedback: 0
I agree with Susan! If it was me, I would wish it to be a joyous occasion, too, even though I couldn't be there. Love life!
Message 468047 by Mystery Guest on 2005-08-13 09:49:38. Feedback: 0
I'm sorry. Please tell Valerie. I think you are very wise to go on with the wedding. Your mother-in-law (because that is what she will be) would want that.

Susan Shwartz
Message 468042 by Mary on 2005-08-13 07:55:37. Feedback: 0
I'm so sorry
Message 468032 by Melissa Mead on 2005-08-12 23:42:11. Feedback: 0
I'm so sorry.
Message 468031 by Terry Hickman on 2005-08-12 23:24:37. Feedback: 0
Oh Lawrence, how awful. My heart goes out to you and Valerie and her family.
Message 468020 by Mystery Guest on 2005-08-12 19:49:51. Feedback: 0
My condolences.

Message 468017 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-08-12 15:55:48. Feedback: 0
Ruth Green, 1929 - 2005, R.I.P.

Ruth Green, my future mother-in-law, had recently been in the hospital. She was discharged and came home Wednesday evening to rest and recover. She was looking forward to seeing her daughter married next week.

Yesterday morning she was weak and nonresponsive. 911 was called and not long after an ambulance arrived and she was taken to another hospital. At first glance, it seemed relatively minor, a simple matter of rehydrating her and getting her sugar up. Not so. Her family quickly gathered at the hospital and we were with her at the the end. She passed away last night, a bit before nine o'clock.

A funeral will be held on Sunday, and a more substantial memorial some months down the road. There'll be a party; it's what she asked for.

Meanwhile, life goes on for the living, and we believe Ruth would want us to continue with the wedding. Our joy will be tinged with sorrow, but we choose to celebrate life.
Message 467978 by Joe Mahoney on 2005-08-11 15:18:31. Feedback: 0
Hey Lawrence,

Many congrats on the Wedding. It sounds like you're in good hands. :-)
Message 467975 by Lori White on 2005-08-11 14:43:59. Feedback: 0
What's with the sucky bosses where Valerie works? She's getting married, for chrissakes.

Oh--like Sue said, blessings on your house, matzel tov, matzel tov--though I can't say that without thinking of Fiddler on the Roof.
Message 467942 by Mystery Guest on 2005-08-10 20:07:15. Feedback: 0
Best Wishes and many blessings. I'd say that I hope it all goes off without a hitch, but then, "hitched" is the object of the process.

Blessings on your house, matzel tov!

Message 467939 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-08-10 18:04:59. Feedback: 0
Ten Days To The Wedding!

As I type this, a horde* of Polish women armed with a wide range of cleaning projects are quite literally scouring the house. Only two of them speak English.

They've finished with the upstairs and a few minutes ago they were observed conferencing a bit and then one of them approached me where I sat working at the dining room table. She politely asked if I could move so they could clean there. And so, thanks to the miracles of wi-fi, I'm now upstairs.

Oh yeah, in the past week Comcast came out and put in a working modem (to replace the broken one they first gave us), I got my computer back from the shop (new harddrive!), and I hooked up the Airport to the modem. So now I literally walk my tiny powerbook around the house and do online tricks anywhere I choose. High speed wireless at home!!!!

Anyway, the reason there's a horde of Polish women cleaning the house is because in addition to all the other preparation and last minute chores and projects that go hand in hand with a wedding, Valerie decided she wanted to throw a huge dinner party for both our immediate families. The wedding is on Sunday the 21st. The dinner party is happening on Friday the 19th. This required a massive clean up effort and the expertise of the horde of Polish women.

I had to leave work early today so someone would be here to let them in (and then stand back).

Tomorrow (in the wee hours before dawn) is trash day. According to the condo association rules, we're not supposed to put our trash out before 6pm. I started at 1:30. We have a lot of trash this week, due in part to preparations that were made to maximize the presence of the hoard of Polish women, and due in part to the efforts of that self same horde. Included in this is some fifteen bags of used and soiled sod. Why? Well... it's like this. Prior to my arrival on the scene, Valerie had been breeding Boston Terriers. She had four of them when we met, and had trained them to do their business on some thirty square feet of sod that she had set out on her balcony. This is actually a very cool idea, but now we're down to just one dog (she's snoozing against my leg as I type this, with a toy iguana nestled between her front legs), and we can get by with probably a single piece of sod and reclaim much of the balcony.

Also tomorrow, in the afternoon, we'll be heading out to get our marriage license at the Montgomery county court house. Even though we live in Philadelphia county we're going to Montgomery county because before they'll sell us a marriage license they have to see a certified copy of my divorce decree (granted in Montgomery county) and I don't have one. Ain't bureaucracy grand? Meanwhile, my elder brother is in town on business, and Valerie wants too have him over for dinner on Thursday and cook him up something amazing. It's always something.

And oh yes, I'll be spending the weekend desperately trying to pack up EVERYTHING in my apartment and get it the hell out of there because on Tuesday of next week a different cleaning crew (much less interesting than the horde of Polish women mentioned above) is showing up at the apartment to clean it so that it will be habitable for my brother prior to the wedding, and for the friend of Valerie who needs to sublet it starting the first of September.

That's just a quick glimpse of how chaotic things are just now. I'll spare you the details from work as well as the aggravation of reinstalling all my software (I'm just glad to have the laptop back again!).

Ten days until the wedding. Then a restful week of honeymoon. Then a hectic but fun week on the west coast for the NASFiC. Then returning home and settling into married life. Yeah, it's that last bit that I'm most looking forward to doing. Life for me starts about the 10th of September. The whole rest of my life. Just thinking about it makes me smile.

*thanks to Jay Lake for correcting my spelling of "horde" in the LJ version of this post.
Message 467434 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2005-08-01 01:52:34. Feedback: 0
Very sorry about the harddrive.

Since I won't get another chance before the wedding, probably,

Message 467423 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-07-31 16:09:52. Feedback: 0
Howdy. I've been gone for 2+ weeks, mostly as a consequence of my hard drive crashing, my back up hard drive crashing, and overall general computer type unpleasantness.

I'm coming to you from Valerie's laptop, and utilizing our new, high speed, in-home net connection. My own laptop is in the shop, being fitted with a shiny new hard drive and perhaps in a week or so all will be well.

Meanwhile, it's 21 days until the wedding, and counting. Phew!
Message 466423 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-07-13 11:56:54. Feedback: 0
CascadiaCon update! **Roommate Needed**

The plan was for Valerie and I to be married on the 21st of August, to then honeymoon in the Pacific Northwest for a time, and then to wend our way to CascadiaCon. The plan has changed.

Valerie's employers are not happy with the idea of her taking three weeks off from work. They're not wild about two, but they are adamantly against three.

So, the solution seems to be for Valerie to skip the convention. We'll go off and honeymoon (and maybe now NOT in the Pacific Northwest), then she'll return home and I'll head to the con.

So, instead of a lazy, post-honeymoon convention with my new bride, I'm looking for a roommate for Cascadiacon (the intimacies of the marital bed not included).

I also may have a membership to sell, and likely for cheap too (assuming the con allows that sort of thing).
Message 465674 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2005-06-30 09:45:35. Feedback: 0
YAY on the new total books!!
Message 465672 by Mystery Guest on 2005-06-30 08:32:33. Feedback: 0
It was the great misplaced tag booboo ... that missing " caused a meltdown of the code.

SueO2, who knows ... she's done it.
Message 465671 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-06-30 08:32:26. Feedback: 0
What I meant to say was:

I've made a temporary update to the GiveBooks contributors' page. It's still not fully complete (I didn't have all the information to hand when I did the update), but it's coming along.
Message 465670 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-06-30 08:29:38. Feedback: 0
Egads! What the hell happened there?
Message 465638 by Mystery Guest on 2005-06-29 19:24:33. Feedback: 0
Lawrence, you are missing the closing " on you href tag

Message 465637 by Mystery Guest on 2005-06-29 19:21:10. Feedback: 0
OH NO! The great misplaced tags booboo! Quick Lawrence, turn off the CSS and comment yourself away and repost!

Message 465633 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-06-29 18:13:08. Feedback: 0
This message has been hidden by its author's request.
Message 465519 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2005-06-28 00:05:32. Feedback: 0
Weirder still, when I do "view source" on this page the link is there, again without the instered img src tag in the middle, like Sue sees at home.


I'll send an email.
Message 465455 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-06-27 09:46:46. Feedback: 0
Btw, at home, on a Macintosh Powerbook G4 running Safari, the banner shows just fine.

Here at work. on a Dell PC running Windows 2000 it shows up fine under both IE and Netscape.

So, here's my solution, weak though it may be:

Anyone who wants a copy of the graphic, send me an email and I'll send it along to you as an attachment.
Message 465454 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-06-27 09:45:02. Feedback: 0

Okay, I've fixed the URL listed with the banner on this page. It now points to the main site and not the FAQ page of the site.

The JPEG was built using Graphic Converter, a very straightforward program. No layers or animation or anything funky.

I've gone back and checked, and it is indeed a JPEG and not a GIF file. Even so, I resaved the file in the JPEG format and uploaded it to the site again.
Message 465448 by SueO2 on 2005-06-27 05:27:57. Feedback: 0
Here is the weird thing ... at home, where I do not see the banner, I only have the following code in the blah blah section above:

(a href="http://www.givebooks.us/faq.html")(/a)

Notice, no link to any sort of image.

here, at work, where I see the banner, I see the following code in the blah blah section above:

(a href="http://www.givebooks.us/faq.html")(img src="http://www.givebooks.us/banner.jpg")(/a)

brackets adjusted for viewing purposes.
Message 465447 by Mystery Guest on 2005-06-27 05:25:20. Feedback: 0
Well, I am at work now and it works here and this IE isn't that much newer than mine at home.

SueO2, who is going to sign on and check the code
Message 465441 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2005-06-26 23:25:17. Feedback: 0
I ain't seeing a banner on any of the pages and my netscape still says it's a gif with a jpg suffix.

For now I'm sticking to using the banner I can see (from the paypal page) over in my topic. And I don't see any alt's at all.

When I do the save image thing, my photoshop can't read it.

And Terry, I was 18011.

Curiouser and curiouser.
Message 465438 by Terry Hickman on 2005-06-26 21:59:20. Feedback: 0
SueO2, the banner is in the lower left quadrant, the one with the buff background, right below the "Good Causes" heading.
Message 465433 by SueO2 on 2005-06-26 19:28:29. Feedback: 0
Lawrence ... did you make the banner using some funky layer thing, or animation?
Message 465432 by SueO2 on 2005-06-26 19:27:34. Feedback: 0
(a href="http://www.givebooks.us/faq.html")(/a)

When I log on and view the source code for the area where the banner should be here, above is what I get (with correct brackets).

And, Terry, where on your page is the banner? I don't even see a verbal reference.

And Lawrence, on my dummy page, I DO see the ALT info when I mouse-over the area where the jpg should be.
Message 465426 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-06-26 16:48:46. Feedback: 0
Thanks, Terry (I was 18005, btw).

I've checked this page with both Safari and IE. No problems. Very very odd.
Message 465412 by Terry Hickman on 2005-06-26 10:41:21. Feedback: 0
Lawrence, FFIW, I see the banner and the html code just fine, I also see the banner above. I'm using Mozilla (the Help box says "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.7) Gecko/20050414 Firefox/1.0.3" on my Dell laptop, Inspiron 2650. I've got cable internet.

I just put the thing on my front page and it works fine. (BTW, I was the 17,999th visitor to that page; whoever next goes there will be therefore the 18 thousandth visitor! Wow! Ahem.)

Dunno if all this helps any.
Message 465410 by Terry Hickman on 2005-06-26 10:29:20. Feedback: 0
Lawrence, FFIW, I see the banner and the html code just fine, I also see the banner above. I'm using Mozilla (the Help box says "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.7) Gecko/20050414 Firefox/1.0.3" on my Dell laptop, Inspiron 2650. I've got cable internet. Haven't tried putting the banner & code on my web page yet but I'll let you know how that works. Dunno if all this helps any.
Message 465405 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-06-26 09:25:53. Feedback: 0
very very odd. i'll have to look into this. it strikes me as very odd because the code is so damn simple.
Message 465404 by Mystery Guest on 2005-06-26 08:36:55. Feedback: 0
It is blank in mine, too, and I use IE6+ ... here and at your site.

And I did a dummy html page, using your code ... blank there, too.

Message 465389 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2005-06-25 21:43:11. Feedback: 0
Nope, can't see it on the FAQ page either. Hmm. Neither Netscape 7.2 or IE 6.0 on my PC. and both say it's a .gif.
Message 465388 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-06-25 21:38:44. Feedback: 0
Very weird, Robert. It comes up fine in my browser, and it shows at the top of this topic too, a very simple 50 x 250 pixel image which is linked to the site.

I have no idea why neither you nore the mystery guest can see it.

Can you see it on the FAQ page?
Message 465384 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2005-06-25 16:27:09. Feedback: 0
er, my mistake - it comes up a 32x32 gif image!!
Message 465383 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2005-06-25 16:24:20. Feedback: 0
Um, Lawrence, you're right about the banner at PayPal, which is the only banner I could find. As the Mystery Guest says, there's no banner at the top of this topic.

And, um, when I type in just the location of the banner.jpg listed in the code to access it direcly - it comes up not visible. E.g. (evil grin) go to http://www.givebooks.us/banner.jpg and at least in my browser it comes up a blank 32 by 32 pixel jpg.

I dunno.
Message 465382 by Mystery Guest on 2005-06-25 14:41:30. Feedback: 0
banner at the top of this topic? what banner?
Message 465379 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-06-25 13:13:16. Feedback: 0
Today's mail brought me my copy of the September (!!) issue of Analog with my story "Take Me To Your Liederkranz" inside.

Time to start my Campbell clock.
Message 465378 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-06-25 13:12:23. Feedback: 0
Wow, an anonymous donation in honor of my pending marriage. How cool is that! Awesome. Thank you, masked stranger.

Thanks, JP. I am very much looking forward to seeing AEON 4 hit.

Robert, I think you're mistaken. There IS a banner named "bucks.jpg" but that's used on the PayPal page. Unless we're talking about something different, it should be working fine (note the banner at the top of this topic).
Message 465365 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2005-06-25 01:44:12. Feedback: 0
Lawrence - the banner is actually named "bucks.jpg" not banner.jpg as you have listed at the bottom of your faq page. You might choose to correct that when you get a chance.
Message 465364 by Mystery Guest on 2005-06-25 01:33:09. Feedback: 0
A donation has been made in honor of your wedding to GiveBooks.
Message 465336 by Mystery Guest on 2005-06-24 16:39:26. Feedback: 0
Hey Lawrence,

It's a pleasure to share a toc with you in next month's Aeon. I'm looking forward to reading your story.

Joseph Paul Haines
Message 465330 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-06-24 14:49:17. Feedback: 0
I've created a GiveBooks banner and link for anyone who wishes to add it to their webpage or blog. You'll find the code for this in the F.A.Q. page located here.
Message 465328 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-06-24 14:44:50. Feedback: 0
This message has been hidden by its author's request.
Message 465311 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-06-24 11:37:19. Feedback: 0
Don't just think of me, Robert, send a wedding gift! :)
Message 465285 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2005-06-24 00:39:25. Feedback: 0
Congrats on the August 21 thing, btw. I'll think of you while I'm working (sigh).
Message 464943 by Carol Orosco on 2005-06-21 14:54:52. Feedback: 0
Message 464926 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-06-21 11:38:11. Feedback: 0

I've just received word that my story, "The Epistemology of Bread," has sold. The editors at Lenox Avenue want some changes, and I've reviewed their requests. They're reasonable, and I'll likely be tinkering with the story later today to accommodate them.

Message 464850 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-06-20 14:56:49. Feedback: 0
Haven't been here in a while, so I've missed the comments that have recently been posted.

Thanks for the link to the review, Roach. I've added it to my LiveJournal page.

Terry, that's a great idea. I'll make up a banner type thingie and get it posted on the website before the week's out. Thanks!
Message 464430 by Terry Hickman on 2005-06-15 18:46:16. Feedback: 0
Hey, Lawrence, what can I use as a banner or button/logo to put a link to GiveBooks.com on my web site?
Message 464427 by Roach (Raechel Henderson) on 2005-06-15 17:30:13. Feedback: 0
Hey Lawrence, a short but positive review of ALIENS AND AIS is up now at Sime~Gen.
Message 462746 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-05-25 11:19:03. Feedback: 0
GiveBooks Update

I've just revised the website over at GiveBooks. It now contains the step by step directions for obtaining *F*R*E*E* shipping of your boxes of books for troops in the Middle East.

And it's real simple. You gather up the books, you box them, you send off an email to get a special shipping code, you fill out a FedEx form, and you call FedEx to come get your box(es).

Yeah, it's that easy.

So, I'm asking all you writers out there, give some books. I don't care if it's simply going through your shelf and pullingtogehter ten or twenty paperbacks that you don't want any more, or something more elaborate like organizing a book drive at your school, workplace , or place of worship. Every box of books helps.

For more information and specifics, clik this link to go to the GiveBooks site.

Thanks muchly.
Message 462259 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-05-17 08:32:47. Feedback: 0
Huh. Nice review (though that chapbook came out, what, two years ago?).

I've always been treated very well by the reviewers at Tangent.

Oh, and here's the link again, in case anyone wants to just click it. :)
Message 462201 by Mystery Guest on 2005-05-16 19:47:46. Feedback: 0
Lawrence, have you seen your review in Tangent Online for Buffalogic. Cool!


Message 462063 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-05-15 19:22:41. Feedback: 0
Following up on Renae's question, I have new info:

Books must not show any female nudity, or skin from the neck to the knees, either on the cover or anywhere inside the book.

As you can imagine, this cuts out a lot of the romance genre.
Message 461961 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-05-13 22:59:39. Feedback: 0
Renae, good question.

My understanding is that most fiction and nonfiction is acceptable, with the exception of pornographic material. Of course one reader's porn is another reader's erotica. When in doubt, leave it out.
Message 461955 by Renae on 2005-05-13 21:19:19. Feedback: 0
Does the content of the book or mag have to meet any social standards of the country? Where do we send them? Thank you for giving us an opportunity to contribute. Renae.
Message 461949 by Mystery Guest on 2005-05-13 19:10:50. Feedback: 0
An addendum.

I know we all love books. I mean love books, but a year ago I helped an elderly friend "pack" up her household so she could move 1000 miles to be closer to family. After struggling to get her to sift through 60 years of treasures stored in her home, and failing, I took a serious look at my own STUFF. How much of it do I really need? Wouldn't it be easier to cull it now? (It took an army of 6 people a week to finally get her packed and OUT--and a lot sat by the curb for the trash man.)

I passed this wisdom onto a much more proactive friend (than I) -- she discovered her hundreds of books (read, cherished, gathering dust) needed to go but she had no home to send them to (her public library did not accept donations.)

So, look around and ask yourself if you have some friends you can share.

Message 461948 by Mystery Guest on 2005-05-13 18:37:55. Feedback: 0
I shall see how many I have ... I suspect I have quite a few lurking about ... and I have friends with many, many more.

SueO2, who will keep you posted.

Yo! Rumor Millers ... it's spring! Time to clean off those shelves of golden oldies so you can fill them all anew.
Message 461943 by Adventure Books of Seattle on 2005-05-13 17:27:56. Feedback: 0
HI Lawrence,
Contact us through our e-mail link at www.freewebs.com/adventurebooks. Use at least your first name or a reference about this program, so we won't delete you unread by mistake...LOL
Bob and Gayla
Message 461940 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-05-13 17:23:03. Feedback: 0
C'mon, Sue, Miles Vorkosigan may be small, but he does take up space. Oh, wait, that's not what you meant...

Great! Save up those books. If you've got a big box (that's post-worthy) to pack them in, even better!

Now, challenge all the other RMers to match you, book for book!
Message 461936 by Mystery Guest on 2005-05-13 16:30:14. Feedback: 0
Count me in.

SueO2, who has a bucket of beloved books but should be honest with herself ... she never rereads anything and all they do is collect dust and take up space (except for Miles Vorkosigan).
Message 461932 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-05-13 16:24:27. Feedback: 0
A Book And A Buck

Fellow authors:

What follows is a flat out request for a philanthropic act, an appeal I've been making to lots and lots of writers.

Regardless of your political views, whether you support the war in Iraq or not, you probably support our troops. Nearly everyone has a friend or a family member currently serving in the Middle East. I know I do.

In the early months of the war, in a moment of gratitude and compassion, I did what so many others did: I sent a care package or two to people I knew serving in the military. And then, after patting myself on the back, I returned to my normal life. My safe life. My comfortable life. A life that got along just fine without daily reminders of the war. Just like so many others.

I went on like this for a long time. I'm not sure what exactly woke me up. Somehow I recognized the denial. I admitted the disrespect I was guilty of by conveniently ignoring those who were serving in places like Iraq and Kuwait and Afghanistan. I woke up, and I realized I didn't want to be ignorant and uncaring. Rather, I wanted to be generous and, if possible, inspire others to be the same.

Then I remembered a post I'd read on another author's newsgroup months and months before. It came from a fan currently serving in Qatar. He'd written the following:

"Camp Al Sayliyah is the main R&R; base for troops throughout the Middle East; including Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and places I speak of only in whispers. The people who come here for their 4-day R&R; visit are an amazing mix of Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force. They have four brief days to relax, try to remember what being a civilian is like, reacquaint themselves with beer, and (occasionally) see the sights in Qatar."

He asked anyone reading that newsgroup to send stuff. Specifically, he asked for books. New or used. Hardbacks or paperbacks. Textbooks or even recent magazines. Books.

I started going through the shelves, pulling out books I could easily part with, gathering up the back issues of magazines I'd abandoned reading when their newer kin had arrived. I boxed everything up and shipped it off.

And I realized it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough for me to just send a few cartons of reading material. I had to do something more. I had to invite others to do the same thing. I started a website, GiveBooks.us, and came up with the slogan "A Book And A Buck." Then I got in contact with the Chief Chaplain in Qatar, the person responsible for distributing the cases and cases of books that I want to send. My goal is to ship 10,000 paperback novels, textbooks, and magazines.

I'm inviting you to help.

As authors, surely we can appreciate the escape from the daily grind that a book provides, the release of suspended disbelief, if only for a few short hours.

I'm asking you to consider giving me a book and a buck. Or maybe just a magazine and twenty-five cents. Or a couple used textbooks and a fiver. It doesn't matter. The books and magazines will get boxed up. The money will be used to cover the postage to ship the boxes to the APO address of the Chief Chaplain.

Everyone has an old paperback lying around, and I want yours. I want to pass it along to the troops to read.

Everyone has some loose change in their pockets, and I want yours. I'll spend it on postage.

Give something that you won't even miss, or join in to the spirit of generosity and clean out your old books and cut me a hefty check. Either way, it starts with a book and a buck. It starts with you.

If you're excited and inspired by this, then don't stop with just a book and a buck. Invite the members of your local workshop to particpate, ask your friends and family and coworkers. Gather up as much as you can in terms of books and bucks. Then send me a note and I'll give you an address you can ship the books to.

Okay, that's the pitch. Thanks for reading this far. And thanks for your help.

Message 461801 by Mystery Guest on 2005-05-12 04:58:23. Feedback: 0
Hey Lawrence,
Just noticed we'll be sharing TOC again in InterNova - great stuff! What's the Klingon word for 'cool'?

Message 460692 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-04-26 20:52:07. Feedback: 0

This topic has been too quiet of late, and will become quieter shortly as I head off to the windy city for the annual Nebula Awards Weekend.

My shiny, new fianceé will be traveling with me, and with luck we'll see/meet some of you folks there.
Message 458664 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-03-22 15:41:11. Feedback: 0
Now Available!

I came into the office and found on the topmost of my email a note from Eggplant that my electronic collection is now available for purchase. Yee-hah!

If you've got $3.50 to blow, you can buy it from Eggplant itself as well as from Cyberread, EbookAd, or Mobipocket. Other outlets should also have it soon.

You can read an excerpt 'here', a portion of "The Matter At Hand" which is an Amazing Conroy story.

And did I mention there's a very nice introduction by Mark Tiedemann, as well as nice blurbs from Liz Williams, Jay Lake, and Howard Hendrix? Well, there are.
Message 458503 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2005-03-19 07:05:48. Feedback: 0
Thanks, Terry, glad to hear you enjoyed the story.

Bridget, if only it worked that way. Sigh...

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