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Artists' Videotape Distribution Service

The Artists’ Videotape Distribution Service is one of the world’s leading distributors of video and interactive media works by artists. EAI’s collection is recognized as a unique resource. EAI distributes over 3,000 new and historical works by 185 artists from across the United States, as well as from Europe, Japan, Latin America and Australia.

The works in the EAI collection, which span the mid-1960s to the present, represent a rich survey of experimental media art, from historical tapes by video pioneers to recent works by a new generation of visual artists. The collection charts the diverse voices and visions that have contributed to the media arts as a dynamic form of contemporary art and cultural expression.

The works in the EAI collection reflect the eclectic themes and provocative strategies that characterize media art: Performance-based and conceptual works, experimental narratives, cultural essays, subjective documentaries, and technical explorations are only a few examples. EAI distributes works by distinguished artists who are essential figures in the history of video as an art form, such as Nam June Paik, Bruce Nauman, Bill Viola, Gary Hill, Dara Birnbaum, Joan Jonas and Vito Acconci. The collection includes important visual artists such as Mike Kelley, Paul McCarthy, Sophie Calle and Dan Graham, as well as filmmakers who have also worked in television and video, such as Jean-Luc Godard, Chris Marker, and Alexander Kluge. A new generation of artists working in video, such as Cheryl Donegan, Alex Bag, Alix Pearlstein, and Kristin Lucas, are also represented.

EAI also distributes innovative interactive media projects by artists, including CD-Roms, as well as audio CDs. Thematic programs, special series, and curated exhibitions are also available.

EAI's tapes are distributed throughout the world to diverse audiences. EAI's tape collection is a major resource for educational, cultural, and arts institutions, as well as for television markets. Tapes are available for rental and sale in a range of formats, from VHS and 3/4" to Beta SP, DVD, and Digital Betacam. Please refer to Ordering Information for detailed information on ordering tapes from EAI. All of the works distributed by EAI are non-editioned.

Access and education are key to EAI’s mission. EAI's comprehensive Online Catalogue provides a detailed guide to the collection, while the Viewing Room provides an opportunity for visitors to view and research works in the collection by appointment, free of charge.

EAI also assists individuals and institutions with the development of video art collections, as well as with curatorial, programming and educational guidance. EAI staff work closely with individuals and institutions to facilitate exhibition, classroom, collection, and broadcast needs.

EAI's Distribution Service is a unique resource that presents more than thirty years of artists' video and interactive media works within an educational, art historical, and cultural context.


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