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June 2003

Tuesday June 3rd

Salle Redfield Listen  Download

Salle Redfield will be on.

Wednesday June 4th

Gregg Braden Listen  Download

From his groundbreaking book, "Awakening to Zero Point", to his pioneering work in "Walking Between the Worlds" and the controversy of "The Isaiah Effect", Gregg Braden ventures beyond the traditional boundaries of science and spirituality, offering meaningful solutions to the challenges of our time.

Gregg Moore  Listen  Download

Gregg Moore is the owner of Rainflower Spiritual Supply store. Gregg will be on discussing a global project called I Picture a Better World. A project designed to show the faces of people who are making as difference in the world we live in.

Thursday June 5th

Brenda Miller Listen  Download

Brenda Miller inspires, facilitates, and teaches people to empower themselves and take ownership of their lives. This allows them the space to live their personal best and create new possibilities. She is highly empathic, intuitive, grounded in process, and honoring of Spirit. Those who partner with her acknowledge feelings of fulfillment, passion, joy, peace, and contentment.

Dr. Vimala Rodgers Listen  Download

Author of the best-selling book, "Your Handwriting Can Change Your Life", and a zealous pioneer in mind/hand research, Dr. Vimala Rodgers is an educator, handwriting expert, and Master Alphabetician trained in psychology, whose focus is the inherent spirituality of the letters of the alphabet and their effect upon the psyche. She has offered hundreds of presentations to such diverse groups as Boards of Education; the Philosophical Research Society; staff, faculty, & students at both Stanford University and the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology; American Mensa; the National Health Federation; the American Insurance Association; and spiritual groups of countless denominations-to name but a few.

Friday June 6th

Caroline Sutherland Listen  Download

The gift of medical intuition came to me quite suddenly when I was a physician's assistant and diagnostician for a very busy medical doctor who was practicing Environmental Medicine.I had been trained in the use of very specific diagnostic allergy testing equipment. At a certain point after using the equipment for about a year, I would hear a very distinct voice guiding me to areas of the body and specific substances to test which were not ordered on the test forms.Caroline will be here discussing her book "The Body Knows".

Monday June 9th

Dr. Pat Baccili Listen  Download

Dr. Pat Baccili will be joining every Wednesday For Crust Busting Wednesdays.
Feel stuck, heavy or "crusted" over in your life? Interested in chipping away years of crust-building beliefs to reveal the Truth and the Light of who you really are? Learn how to block "Crust Balls," remove deeply layered crust, and sweep away the residual "Crust Dust" through Crust-Busting™ your way to your Greater Good. Crust-Busting is an engaging learning experience that taps into the five senses and beyond. Using teachings of Ernest Holmes, Emma Curtis Hopkins, Catherine Ponder, and Julia Cameron to help shine the light on who you truly are.

Azim Jamal Listen  Download

Azim is the author of several books including The Corporate Sufi and the bestseller, 7 Steps to Lasting Happiness. But most importantly, Azim walks his talk. He is dedicated to making the world a better place and has volunteered 15 hours per week for 20 years, including service to Afghan refugees overseas. He meditates regularly and lives a balanced life with his wife, parents and 2 children. He has been awarded Sportsman of the Year in both Canada (1982) and Tanzania (1973) and Footballer of the Year in UK (1975).

Monday June 9th Evening Show

Dr. Wayne Dyer Listen  Download

Get in the Gap and Meditate! The practice of meditation takes us on a fabulous journey into the gap between our thoughts, where all the advantages of a more peaceful, stress-free, healthy, and fatigue-free life are available-but they're merely side benefits. The paramount reason for daily meditation is to get into the gap between our thoughts and make conscious contact with the creative energy of life itself. In this uplifting book, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explains the soul-nourishing meditation technique for making conscious contact with God, which the ancient masters have told us about.

Tuesday June 10th

Deborah Drummond-Baker   COMING SOON

One of the reasons I have taken on the task of creating an All Natural line of products is because of the ever-increasing number of scary stories relating to depleted immune systems and chronic health conditions that are new in our families and communities. With this in mind, I have also created a whole variety of massage services to help lift the incredible stress which is affecting our ability to enjoy the lifestyle we work so hard to achieve.

Wednesday June 11th

Christine Wallace-Overton Listen  Download

She is known to the Native American Indians as Beautiful Heart. She was recently acknowledged by Tribal Elders as a Thunder Being - one who is on a level of awareness high enough to assist others during the coming times of "planetary purification and transformation." Christine believes some of us have recently returned to Earth because of the dramatic changes that are occurring.

Dave Stringer Listen  Download

Initially trained as a visual artist and as a jazz musician, Dave Stringer started chanting when a film editing project brought him to the ashram of Swami Muktananda in India. He developed as a kirtan singer under the guidance of Swami Chidvilasananda. Punctuating the traditional mantras with flights of improvisation, he chants with luminous intensity and a freedom that is contagious. Spontaneous and articulate, he speaks with a simplicity and wit honed by years of teaching meditation to prison inmates. Dave has led Kirtan in the presence of many teachers, including Shri K. Pattabhi Jois, Ma Jaya Satabhagavati, Baba Hari Das and Yogi Bhajan. He has performed with Krishna Das and Jai Uttal, and collaborated on recordings with Axiom of Choice, Vas, Rasa, Suzanne Teng, Sheila Nicholls, Donna De Lory, Lionel Cole, and the Open Door Orchestra.

Thursday June 12th

Dr. Bruce Lipton and Rob Williams  Listen  Download

Dr. Bruce Lipton, cellular biologist, author and lecturer, formerly served as an Associate Professor of Anatomy at the University of Wisconsin's School of Medicine. More recently, as a Pathology Fellow at Stanford University's School of Medicine, his research on the human immune system yielded information on the molecular nature of consciousness and the future of human evolution.
For the first 14 years of his career, Rob Williams, M.A. was a direct participant in the corporate world. In the past 15 years he has worked as a professional therapist. Out of his business experience came a results oriented approach to his therapeutic work. Out of his work as a therapist came his awareness that people are more than just replaceable parts in a machine.

Friday June 13th

David Stevens  Listen  Download

Dave found his answer in his personal habit of relying on prayer for practical, effective solutions to any problem, in any situation. He grew up reading and studying a textbook on prayer-based problem-solving. The book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, details a comprehensive and profound explanation of spirituality that anyone can access for support and guidance. Since Dave was already successful using prayer as a tool in his own life, it made sense to give himself over completely, full-time, to helping others discover and apply this spiritual resource.

Carol Dore Listen  Download

Carole Doré is an international speaker, popular radio and television talk show guest, and is the author of "The Emergency Handbook For Getting Money FAST!" She is widely recognized as a leading authority of Visualization and is the founder of PowerVision Dynamics. In 1986, she discovered and developed a totally new creative process called PowerVision - an accelerated form of Visualization that is applied through the heart, rather than the mind.

Monday June 16th

Azim Jamal Listen  Download

1st Lesson on our radio workshop 7 steps to lasting happiness. Azim will be on every Monday to explore each lesson.

Patricia Bilman Listen  Download

Patricia Bilman Ph.D., has a Doctorate in Metaphysics, is an ordained minister with the Association For Integration of the Whole Person (AIWP), is certified as an Angel Therapy Practitioner by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. She is also certified as Spiritual Counselor and Transpersonal, Medical and Dental Hypnotherapist. Patricia will be doing phone readings on this show.

Monday June 16th Evening Show

Christine Wallace Listen  Download

Death is a challenge we all must face, and frequently, one of the most painful experiences we can experience is the loss of someone close to us. Christine can help ease the pain by connecting people with the spirit of loved ones as well as helping you understand your grief.

Tuesday June 17th

Eric Dowsett Listen  Download

Australian author Eric Dowsett is a pioneer in advanced methods of working with subtle energy. His pure, elegant work refines energetic clearing to its most profound essence - the power of the compassionate heart. Recognizing that no change in the personal energy fields is sustainable without addressing the impact of your environment, Eric balances personal clearing with space clearing. Through an authentic heart connection with the energy of a space and the people in it, you can create deep and effective change. And as you do the work, you clear your own personal patterns, open your heart more and more, and become better able to hold a higher frequency for yourself and others.

Wednesday June 18th

Dr. Pat Baccili Listen  Download

Dr. Pat Baccili will be joining every Wednesday For Crust Busting Wednesdays.
Feel stuck, heavy or "crusted" over in your life? Interested in chipping away years of crust-building beliefs to reveal the Truth and the Light of who you really are? Learn how to block "Crust Balls," remove deeply layered crust, and sweep away the residual "Crust Dust" through Crust-Busting™ your way to your Greater Good. Crust-Busting is an engaging learning experience that taps into the five senses and beyond. Using teachings of Ernest Holmes, Emma Curtis Hopkins, Catherine Ponder, and Julia Cameron to help shine the light on who you truly are.

Dr. Richard Bartlett Listen  Download

Richard was never linear in his approach and delving into cause and effect opened the many doors to deeper answers. He worked long hours for free on many patents to follow the pathways and discover old memory patterns that were also keys. Emotional work was added into the approach as well as memory correction of old physical and emotional patterns. In the early 1990's, Dr. Bartlett developed a revolutionary new technique, Master Energy Dynamics, which used functional principles biochemistry, physiology, and anatomy to effect real time changes in people's stress responses.

Thursday June 19th

Sharron Rose  Listen  Download

Sharron Rose, an internationally acclaimed teacher, writer, performer and Fulbright scholar in World Mythology, Religion, and Sacred Dance, has been investigating and imparting the wisdom of ancient cultures for the past 25 years. Her most recent video release of her Awakening the Feminine series includes many of the exercises presented in The Path of the Priestess.

Rose Backman  Listen  Download

Rose Backman is a specialized kinesiologist who helps people diffuse and heal their emotional pain. Rose teaches people to have strength, love, faith, and hope to believe in themselves. Using her techniques she has helped thousands of people handle issues related to addiction, depression, weight, relationship and finances.

Friday June 20th

Dr. Kam Yuen Listen  Download

What is the Yuen Method of Chinese Energetics? The Yuen Method is an energetic technique that blends anatomy, physiology, applied Kinesthetics, Chiropractic structural analysis, energetic technique, and quantum physics. Dr. Yuen developed this technique after a lifetime of study in the martial arts (see Dr. Yuen's Bio). The premise is that your body functions like a computer - you are either on or off, strong or weak to any given issue.

Monday June 23rd

Dr. Cass Ingram   COMING SOON

Dr. Cass Ingram, a leading nutritional physician, received his Doctor of Osteopathy degree at the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in 1984. After years in private practice, Dr. Ingram contracted a rare fungal infection in his bloodstream. Cured by oil of wild oregano, Dr. Ingram dedicated his life to the study of herbal remedies and began a prodigious writing campaign to inform the public about their powers. Dr. Ingram has published thirteen books, including "The Cure is in the Cupboard," "How to Eat Right and Live Longer" and "The Respiratory Solution."

Azim Jamal Listen  Download

Azim will be here for our 2nd of a 7 part series of the radio workshop on The Seven Steps to Lasting Happiness. This is leading up to his workshop taking place in September.

Monday June 23rd

Rev. Gerre   COMING SOON

Rev. Gerre is orininally from Spokane, WA. So her return after being a minister in Texas and Michigan is a joy to her heart. She and Rev. Maria are ministers in a New Thought Church called Soul Of Everett.

Tuesday June 24th

Phyllis Light Listen  Download

An expert in relationship issues, Phyllis is the author of "Prince Charming Lives! (Princess Charming Does, Too) Finding the Love of Your Life." This book helps people heal themselves in the love arena and develop a greater appreciation of themselves, life, and all of their relationships. Her new book, "Love Now, Here's How", empowers people to resolve their relationship difficulties. This book, to be published shortly, contains valuable research into relationship patterns, as well as powerful techniques and exercises to improve relationships.

Wednesday June 25th

Dr. Kam Yuen Listen  Download

What is the Yuen Method of Chinese Energetics? The Yuen Method is an energetic technique that blends anatomy, physiology, applied Kinesthetics, Chiropractic structural analysis, energetic technique, and quantum physics. Dr. Yuen developed this technique after a lifetime of study in the martial arts (see Dr. Yuen's Bio). The premise is that your body functions like a computer - you are either on or off, strong or weak to any given issue.

Terry and Padma McGilloway Listen  Download

Ananda is a worldwide network of independent spiritual communities, retreats, schools, teaching centers, churches, bookstores, and meditation centers. Ananda offers services, classes, meditations, and other activities at our mandir (temple) on Roosevelt Way NE in Seattle and in Lynnwood at the Ananda Community on Larch Way.

Thursday June 26th

Stephen Cherniske Listen  Download

Stephen's aging research began in the early 1980s at UCLA. He went on to direct the nation's first FDA-licensed nutritional testing laboratory and began specializing in human performance. Hear about his new book, "The Metabolic Model of Aging - Stay Younger Longer" and his company, Oasis Wellness Network - cutting edge products like none other in the world that help our bodies repair and restore themselves so we can "Feel, Look, Perform and Stay Younger Longer."

Friday June 27th

Dawn Starr    COMING SOON

Dawn Star Dickson, MSW is a therapist, spiritual counselor and group facilitator helping individuals through life transitions using dream-work to access the rich landscape of metaphor and archetypes. She believes dreams can assist us in our journey to being fully alive and living authentically by providing information about behavior patterns and keys to understanding our unresolved issues. Dreams are tools that can help us tap into our creative potential and identify our heart's longings. In the dreamtime we receive guidance from that part of our nature that strives for health and growth. Dawn Star is available for private consultation and retreat or workshop facilitation on dreams and other topics that encourage personal insight and development.

Monday June 30th

Azim Jamal Listen  Download

Azim will be on for Part 3 of the radio workshop 7 Steps to lasting happiness based on Azim's book by the same name. This is a segment that listeners can participate in at home or work go to each Monday of the week.

Patricia Bilman Listen  Download

Patricia will be on discussing keeping integrity with your self in relationship to an intimate partner and/or friends family and co-workers.

Monday June 30th Evening Show

Scott Wyatt  Listen  Download

The Companion Flag is a symbol representing the essential identity of all human beings. It stands for everything that is done, held, known, or experienced in common by human beings, notwithstanding their differences. A simple, unpretentious white flag with a band of color across the top, it is a gift from humanity to itself, to its children, and to all future generations.

Hale Dwoskin Listen  Download

During its history the Sedona Method has proven itself to be a powerful and effective tool for both individual and corporate effectiveness and wellness. Several independent studies confirmed its usefulness. Including: The Mutual of New York Corporation used the Sedona Method to boost the sales of their field underwriters 33% over a six-month period. The second three months were even better than the first three months. Their results continued to increase over time.
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