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March 2006

Wednesday March 1st

Steve Frailey   

Steve Frailey began organically farming Noni fruit in 1981, when he and his wife started the family farm at their idyllic location on Kauai. He has been a pioneer in its organic cultivation, and a major supplier of the finest quality fruit to many of the endeavors throughout the Hawaiian Islands, before concentrating on the joint venture of Hawaiian Health Ohana. He and his family and the Noni trees all reside on a bluff overlooking turtles, whales and dolphins on the northermost point of the Hawaiian Islands.

Margaret and Alan McElroy   

Margaret has been a channel for Maitreya for 14 years. She began channeling Maitreya in 1992 and was invited to channel Maitreya to a Spiritual Group within the United Nations in 1999. She established the very successful Maitreya website ( in 1996 as a conduit for Maitreya to share the teachings from those in the world of spirit to assist and educate humanity.

 Alan became a student of Margaret Birkin (now McElroy) in March 2004. Neither of them knew of their alliance and feelings for each other until August 2004. In October 2004, Alan and Margaret started their path together, first in New Zealand, then Australia and finally in Seattle where Alan chose to live. Alan has always had a thirst for the metaphysical, before studying with Margaret, he had spent many years studying various forms of spirituality.

Thursday March 2nd

Tracy Ann   

I began the walk down my path as an animal communicator and energy worker over 7 years ago as a result of my own animal companions. Due to behavioral issues with two of my own dogs, I asked for the assistance of an animal communicator. After witnessing the interaction between this person and all of the animals on our farm, my skepticism became a curiosity.

Margaret and Alan McElroy   

Margaret has been a channel for Maitreya for 14 years. She began channeling Maitreya in 1992 and was invited to channel Maitreya to a Spiritual Group within the United Nations in 1999. She established the very successful Maitreya website ( in 1996 as a conduit for Maitreya to share the teachings from those in the world of spirit to assist and educate humanity.

 Alan became a student of Margaret Birkin (now McElroy) in March 2004. Neither of them knew of their alliance and feelings for each other until August 2004. In October 2004, Alan and Margaret started their path together, first in New Zealand, then Australia and finally in Seattle where Alan chose to live. Alan has always had a thirst for the metaphysical, before studying with Margaret, he had spent many years studying various forms of spirituality.

Friday March 3rd
Dr.Rick Stickney   

We focus on the whole person to help you have vibrant dental health and enhanced overall well being. To make this happen we use the finest in time tested mercury-free biocompatible materials and the latest cutting edge technology. Our goal is to provide each and every client with the most comfortable and enjoyable visit possible and to help you achieve and maintain beautiful healthy teeth for your lifetime.

Keith Thompson   

Designing Your Mind with host Keith Thompson Keith Thompson received his certification in Clinical Hypnosis through the Washington School of Professional Hypnosis in 1980. He spent 4 years in his practice (Innerworld) specializing in weight loss and life regression. Keith?s love and passion to understand the in mind has given him a deep understanding on how the mind works. Keith studied and practiced martial arts and meditation for over 30 years and has a 4th degree black belt Shorin-ryu Karate.

Monday March 6th

Pat Baccili   

Pat was born in NYC and lived on the East Coast until 1992 when a corporate downsizing turned her life “downside up.” She intuitively knew that she was at a crossroads in her life and remembers asking herself the question, “Do I sit here and blame the company, my boss and God for the situation or do I try something else?” Deciding on that ‘something else’ put Pat on the path to doing the work she loves. That work is to help people and organizations remove limiting beliefs and explore the world of unlimited potential.

Joan Casey   

Joan Casey MSW, founder of Boundaries: Solutions for Life, is an international trainer of experience and depth, drawing on wide range of approaches from improvisational comedy theater, rituals and symbolism to developmental psychotherapy, shamanic traditions, multi-cultural spiritual approaches, brain/body connections, and neurological and trauma repatterning.

Monday March 6th Evening Show

Candia Sanders Listen  Download


As a medical intuitive/healer, Candia uses her gifts to identify the sources of manifested physical, mental and emotional imbalance. Through intuitive whole body(ies) readings whe works at the quantum level to neutralize familial matrixes, thought forms, carry-overs and parallel lifetime bleed-throughs, rebalance chronic pain and identify balanced nutruition to effect healthy body weight. Candia's successes include working with children with autism, depression, and bipolar disorder. Other achievements wrap around old injuries/chronic pain and weight loss. Candia has been intuitive since childhood, giving readings for clients for over fifteen years. She has been assisting healing on the quantum level for the past six. She travels and lectures with the Body Mind and Spirit Expos and teaches healing/consciousness classes to create higher awareness of one's body and health.

Andrea Morese   

Andrea is a Clairaudient and Clairsentient, using various decks of the Sacred Tarot and Psychometry in order to offer guidance and information. She has been a lifelong student of Metaphysics and natural health and has been reading for clients professionally for 15 years.

Tuesday March 7th
David Phillips   


Margaret and Alan McElroy   

Margaret has been a channel for Maitreya for 14 years. She began channeling Maitreya in 1992 and was invited to channel Maitreya to a Spiritual Group within the United Nations in 1999. She established the very successful Maitreya website ( in 1996 as a conduit for Maitreya to share the teachings from those in the world of spirit to assist and educate humanity.

Alan became a student of Margaret Birkin (now McElroy) in March 2004. Neither of them knew of their alliance and feelings for each other until August 2004. In October 2004, Alan and Margaret started their path together, first in New Zealand, then Australia and finally in Seattle where Alan chose to live. Alan has always had a thirst for the metaphysical, before studying with Margaret, he had spent many years studying various forms of spirituality.

Wednesday March 8th    

Stewart Rose
Just who are those vegetarians anyway? The big news is that vegetarians are everywhere these days and, in fact, they have always been an important part of our society. They have made contributions in all walks of life throughout history. Examples include Albert Einstein in science, Thomas Edison in industry, baseball and football stars in sports such as Hank Aaron the homerun king and Desmond Howard, the Superbowl MVP, Paul McCartney of the Beatles, and founding fathers such as Benjamin Franklin. But most vegetarians are not famous. They?re the people who live next door, the lady who sits next to you at work or the guy standing behind you in line at the movies. They?re everyday people.

Margaret and Alan McElroy   

Margaret has been a channel for Maitreya for 14 years. She began channeling Maitreya in 1992 and was invited to channel Maitreya to a Spiritual Group within the United Nations in 1999. She established the very successful Maitreya website ( in 1996 as a conduit for Maitreya to share the teachings from those in the world of spirit to assist and educate humanity.

Alan became a student of Margaret Birkin (now McElroy) in March 2004. Neither of them knew of their alliance and feelings for each other until August 2004. In October 2004, Alan and Margaret started their path together, first in New Zealand, then Australia and finally in Seattle where Alan chose to live. Alan has always had a thirst for the metaphysical, before studying with Margaret, he had spent many years studying various forms of spirituality.

Thursday March 9th
Dennis Spalding   

A father takes a spiritual journey into the afterlife in search of a son he lost in March of 1993. He becomes aware of clues and information, in the form of numbers, through a renowned medium to help him along this path. At the end of his travels, the father realizes the journey has just begun. He and his son work together through the medium, or other outside forces, to make their story told. They both want the world to know truly goes on after death... you don't always need a medium in your life to have special contact with your loved ones!

Margaret and Alan McElroy   

Margaret has been a channel for Maitreya for 14 years. She began channeling Maitreya in 1992 and was invited to channel Maitreya to a Spiritual Group within the United Nations in 1999. She established the very successful Maitreya website ( in 1996 as a conduit for Maitreya to share the teachings from those in the world of spirit to assist and educate humanity.

Alan became a student of Margaret Birkin (now McElroy) in March 2004. Neither of them knew of their alliance and feelings for each other until August 2004. In October 2004, Alan and Margaret started their path together, first in New Zealand, then Australia and finally in Seattle where Alan chose to live. Alan has always had a thirst for the metaphysical, before studying with Margaret, he had spent many years studying various forms of spirituality.

Friday March 10th
Cheryl Krieger Brown   

Cheryl educates people on the benefits of Oasis LifeSciences? natural nutrition products and helps others bring out the best in themselves. Cheryl has always found it rewarding to be of service to others, and has worked as a musician, a teacher, an air traffic controller, and even as a certified weather observer. Cheryl formed Healthy Harmonies to merge her love for inspiring others through music with her passion for educating people on healthy aging through Oasis LifeSciences. She is driven to show people how they can be their best at any age through nutrition, exercise and positive thinking.?.

Keith Thompson   

Designing Your Mind with host Keith Thompson Keith Thompson received his certification in Clinical Hypnosis through the Washington School of Professional Hypnosis in 1980. He spent 4 years in his practice (Innerworld) specializing in weight loss and life regression. Keith?s love and passion to understand the in mind has given him a deep understanding on how the mind works. Keith studied and practiced martial arts and meditation for over 30 years and has a 4th degree black belt Shorin-ryu Karate.

Monday March 13th

Deborah Stuart Listen Download
Canadian-born Deborah Stuart, co-founded Oxygen Research Institute, in 1996. From the start, Stuart's dream and focus has been to create the technology to energize clothing and jewelry, thereby raising the wearer's resonance or vibration so they're in the flow, or in the zone. In 2004, her dream became a reality with her first piece of energized jewelry, the Mega Chi Pendant. The Mega Chi Pendant is a circa 1957 Frank Lloyd Wright design. Stuart chose this design because of its simplistic beauty and sacred geometric design.

Ronald G. Waling, NMD Listen  Download
Dr. Waling received his Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University of Naturopathic Medicine in Seattle. A Naturopathic Physician diagnoses, treats, and cares for patients, using a system of practice that bases its treatment of all physiological functions and abnormal conditions on natural laws governing the body. It utilizes physiological, psychological and mechanical methods, together with natural medicines, natural processed foods, medicinal herbs, and natural remedies. The modern naturopathic physician utilizes the latest in diagnostic techniques including laboratory analysis, x-rays, and MRI and related imaging techniques.

Monday March 13th Evening Show

Candia Sanders Listen  Download


As a medical intuitive/healer, Candia uses her gifts to identify the sources of manifested physical, mental and emotional imbalance. Through intuitive whole body(ies) readings whe works at the quantum level to neutralize familial matrixes, thought forms, carry-overs and parallel lifetime bleed-throughs, rebalance chronic pain and identify balanced nutruition to effect healthy body weight. Candia's successes include working with children with autism, depression, and bipolar disorder. Other achievements wrap around old injuries/chronic pain and weight loss. Candia has been intuitive since childhood, giving readings for clients for over fifteen years. She has been assisting healing on the quantum level for the past six. She travels and lectures with the Body Mind and Spirit Expos and teaches healing/consciousness classes to create higher awareness of one's body and health.

Tuesday March 14th
Joanne Rohn Cook 
Jo-Anne Rohn-Cook is director of Holistic Health Center; a nutritional intuitive, author of five books, has helped thousands reclaim their health and take charge of their lives forever.

Margaret and Alan McElroy    

Margaret has been a channel for Maitreya for 14 years. She began channeling Maitreya in 1992 and was invited to channel Maitreya to a Spiritual Group within the United Nations in 1999. She established the very successful Maitreya website ( in 1996 as a conduit for Maitreya to share the teachings from those in the world of spirit to assist and educate humanity.

Alan became a student of Margaret Birkin (now McElroy) in March 2004. Neither of them knew of their alliance and feelings for each other until August 2004. In October 2004, Alan and Margaret started their path together, first in New Zealand, then Australia and finally in Seattle where Alan chose to live. Alan has always had a thirst for the metaphysical, before studying with Margaret, he had spent many years studying various forms of spirituality.

Wednesday March 15th
Andrew Azure  Listen  Download

Andrew will help introduce listeners to the basic principles that form the basis for Energy Medicine and the mission that his company, Rejuvenetics, seeks to fulfill in society. Andrew has been affiliated with Rejuvenetics – a family owned and managed business -- since its founding in 1996 and joined the company full time in the capacity of Vice President in 2002. Over the years, he has witnessed firsthand the remarkable effects the Vital Energy Machine can have on those who use it. Most notable to Andrew was the almost miraculous recovery from a serious health crisis that he saw his father complete after using the technology. It was, in fact, this remarkable recovery that lead Andrew’s father – Larry Azure – to found Rejuvenetics with the intent of further developing the technology and making it available to the world.

Margaret and Alan McElroy   

Margaret has been a channel for Maitreya for 14 years. She began channeling Maitreya in 1992 and was invited to channel Maitreya to a Spiritual Group within the United Nations in 1999. She established the very successful Maitreya website ( in 1996 as a conduit for Maitreya to share the teachings from those in the world of spirit to assist and educate humanity.

Alan became a student of Margaret Birkin (now McElroy) in March 2004. Neither of them knew of their alliance and feelings for each other until August 2004. In October 2004, Alan and Margaret started their path together, first in New Zealand, then Australia and finally in Seattle where Alan chose to live. Alan has always had a thirst for the metaphysical, before studying with Margaret, he had spent many years studying various forms of spirituality.

Thursday March 16th
Cyn Blashaw   
Understand the meaning behind "Your Body is Your Temple." Connecting with the Divine is within your cellular structure - It's your universe! Learn how your physical body connects to your spiritual self, and how it's always communicating with you. Cyn will share with you the importance of cleansing, and how balancing the body is key to your spiritual growth.

Margaret and Alan McElroy   

Margaret has been a channel for Maitreya for 14 years. She began channeling Maitreya in 1992 and was invited to channel Maitreya to a Spiritual Group within the United Nations in 1999. She established the very successful Maitreya website ( in 1996 as a conduit for Maitreya to share the teachings from those in the world of spirit to assist and educate humanity.

Alan became a student of Margaret Birkin (now McElroy) in March 2004. Neither of them knew of their alliance and feelings for each other until August 2004. In October 2004, Alan and Margaret started their path together, first in New Zealand, then Australia and finally in Seattle where Alan chose to live. Alan has always had a thirst for the metaphysical, before studying with Margaret, he had spent many years studying various forms of spirituality.

Friday March 17th
David Demaray

David Demaray practiced law before the BioGenesis technology was introduced to his family.  At that time, David started lecturing about BioGenesis around the United States.  Now, while David lives in Denver, Colorado, he travels around the US and Europe, giving lectures and seminars on BioGenesis.

Keith Thompson  Listen  Download
Designing Your Mind with host Keith Thompson
- Keith Thompson received his certification in Clinical Hypnosis through the Washington School of Professional Hypnosis in 1980. He spent 4 years in his practice (Innerworld) specializing in weight loss and life regression. Keith’s love and passion to understand the in mind has given him a deep understanding on how the mind works. Keith studied and practiced martial arts and meditation for over 30 years and has a 4th degree black belt Shorin-ryu Karate.

Monday March 20th

Andrea Morese
Andrea is a Clairaudient and Clairsentient, using various decks of the Sacred Tarot and Psychometry in order to offer guidance and information. She has been a lifelong student of Metaphysics and natural health and has been reading for clients professionally for 15 years.

Ronald G. Waling, NMD Listen  Download
Dr. Waling received his Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University of Naturopathic Medicine in Seattle. A Naturopathic Physician diagnoses, treats, and cares for patients, using a system of practice that bases its treatment of all physiological functions and abnormal conditions on natural laws governing the body. It utilizes physiological, psychological and mechanical methods, together with natural medicines, natural processed foods, medicinal herbs, and natural remedies. The modern naturopathic physician utilizes the latest in diagnostic techniques including laboratory analysis, x-rays, and MRI and related imaging techniques.

Monday March 20th Evening Show

Candia Sanders Listen  Download


As a medical intuitive/healer, Candia uses her gifts to identify the sources of manifested physical, mental and emotional imbalance. Through intuitive whole body(ies) readings whe works at the quantum level to neutralize familial matrixes, thought forms, carry-overs and parallel lifetime bleed-throughs, rebalance chronic pain and identify balanced nutruition to effect healthy body weight. Candia's successes include working with children with autism, depression, and bipolar disorder. Other achievements wrap around old injuries/chronic pain and weight loss. Candia has been intuitive since childhood, giving readings for clients for over fifteen years. She has been assisting healing on the quantum level for the past six. She travels and lectures with the Body Mind and Spirit Expos and teaches healing/consciousness classes to create higher awareness of one's body and health.

Tuesday March 21st

Nancy Lee Listen  Download
Nancy received her Masters Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Herb Therapy from NIAOM, Traditional Acupuncture School in Seattle, in addition, she has been a Registered Nurse for over 30 years, 16 of which have been at Valley Medical Center. Some of Nancy specialty?s are Chinese Acupuncture, Moxibustion Chinese Traditional diagnosis through face, eye, ear, hand, pulse, and tongue readings. Also Traditional Tui-Na Massage and Acupressure as needed, prescribe Chinese raw herbs, tea pills or natural granulized Herbs. Specializes in General Primary Care, Any kind of pain management, most adult problems like any circulatory disorders, sleep problems, weight loss & stress management, assist in cancer treatment, immune & energy enhancement, or help to stop smoking.

Margaret and Alan McElroy   

Margaret has been a channel for Maitreya for 14 years. She began channeling Maitreya in 1992 and was invited to channel Maitreya to a Spiritual Group within the United Nations in 1999. She established the very successful Maitreya website ( in 1996 as a conduit for Maitreya to share the teachings from those in the world of spirit to assist and educate humanity.

Alan became a student of Margaret Birkin (now McElroy) in March 2004. Neither of them knew of their alliance and feelings for each other until August 2004. In October 2004, Alan and Margaret started their path together, first in New Zealand, then Australia and finally in Seattle where Alan chose to live. Alan has always had a thirst for the metaphysical, before studying with Margaret, he had spent many years studying various forms of spirituality.

Wednesday March 22nd

Margaret and Alan McElroy   

Margaret has been a channel for Maitreya for 14 years. She began channeling Maitreya in 1992 and was invited to channel Maitreya to a Spiritual Group within the United Nations in 1999. She established the very successful Maitreya website ( in 1996 as a conduit for Maitreya to share the teachings from those in the world of spirit to assist and educate humanity.

Alan became a student of Margaret Birkin (now McElroy) in March 2004. Neither of them knew of their alliance and feelings for each other until August 2004. In October 2004, Alan and Margaret started their path together, first in New Zealand, then Australia and finally in Seattle where Alan chose to live. Alan has always had a thirst for the metaphysical, before studying with Margaret, he had spent many years studying various forms of spirituality.

Thursday March 23rd

Phyliss Goodrich    
Phyllis takes great care to learn about your current state of health - the specific physical, emotional, mental and spiritual stresses that keep you from being vibrant, attractive, and pain-free in your life. Based on the information you provide, along with the signals she receives from the internal wisdom of your own body, Phyllis selects the tools that will most powerfully address your core health issues. These therapies, gathered from all over the globe, may include Bionic Hydrotherapy to draw toxins from organs and tissues, Health Mate infrared Sauna to assist in detoxification and support weight loss, BodyTalk techniques to assess and re-establish good communication between the body's energy systems, and Rhumart Cellular Conditioning to naturally relax and regenerate you at the cellular level.

Margaret and Alan McElroy   

Margaret has been a channel for Maitreya for 14 years. She began channeling Maitreya in 1992 and was invited to channel Maitreya to a Spiritual Group within the United Nations in 1999. She established the very successful Maitreya website ( in 1996 as a conduit for Maitreya to share the teachings from those in the world of spirit to assist and educate humanity.

Alan became a student of Margaret Birkin (now McElroy) in March 2004. Neither of them knew of their alliance and feelings for each other until August 2004. In October 2004, Alan and Margaret started their path together, first in New Zealand, then Australia and finally in Seattle where Alan chose to live. Alan has always had a thirst for the metaphysical, before studying with Margaret, he had spent many years studying various forms of spirituality.

Friday March 24th

David Demaray
David Demaray practiced law before the BioGenesis technology was introduced to his family.  At that time, David started lecturing about BioGenesis around the United States.  Now, while David lives in Denver, Colorado, he travels around the US and Europe, giving lectures and seminars on BioGenesis.

Keith Thompson  Listen  Download
Designing Your Mind with host Keith Thompson
- Keith Thompson received his certification in Clinical Hypnosis through the Washington School of Professional Hypnosis in 1980. He spent 4 years in his practice (Innerworld) specializing in weight loss and life regression. Keith’s love and passion to understand the in mind has given him a deep understanding on how the mind works. Keith studied and practiced martial arts and meditation for over 30 years and has a 4th degree black belt Shorin-ryu Karate.

Monday March 27th

Tad and Adrianna James    
For more than 2 decades, Tad has been totally dedicated to empowering people to discover and celebrate their inner magnificence using NLP, Time Line Therapy™ and Hypnosis. He is the author of 7 books and numerous audios and videos — all about empowering people to be the best they can possibly be, and to create what they want in life. He is the creator of the very powerful Time Line Therapy® techniques and trainings.

While in Sydney, Adriana became more and more interested in NLP, and in 1998, she trained with Tad James, on the Gold Coast of Australia, and became a Master Practitioner of NLP. Later in 1998, she became a Certified Trainer of NLP, achieving one of the highest scores in the Certification. Subsequently she attended all the levels of Huna and the Accelerated Personal Evolution Program. She then opened up a training company for teaching NLP, and Huna trainings.

Ronald G. Waling, NMD    

Dr. Waling received his Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University of Naturopathic Medicine in Seattle. A Naturopathic Physician diagnoses, treats, and cares for patients, using a system of practice that bases its treatment of all physiological functions and abnormal conditions on natural laws governing the body. It utilizes physiological, psychological and mechanical methods, together with natural medicines, natural processed foods, medicinal herbs, and natural remedies. The modern naturopathic physician utilizes the latest in diagnostic techniques including laboratory analysis, x-rays, and MRI and related imaging techniques.

Monday March 27th Evening Show

Candia Sanders Listen  Download


As a medical intuitive/healer, Candia uses her gifts to identify the sources of manifested physical, mental and emotional imbalance. Through intuitive whole body(ies) readings whe works at the quantum level to neutralize familial matrixes, thought forms, carry-overs and parallel lifetime bleed-throughs, rebalance chronic pain and identify balanced nutruition to effect healthy body weight. Candia's successes include working with children with autism, depression, and bipolar disorder. Other achievements wrap around old injuries/chronic pain and weight loss. Candia has been intuitive since childhood, giving readings for clients for over fifteen years. She has been assisting healing on the quantum level for the past six. She travels and lectures with the Body Mind and Spirit Expos and teaches healing/consciousness classes to create higher awareness of one's body and health.

Brenda Miller Listen  Download
Brenda Miller inspires, facilitates, and teaches people to empower themselves and take ownership of their lives. This allows them the space to live their personal best and create new possibilities. She is forthright, highly empathic, intuitive, grounded in process, and honoring of Spirit. Those who partner with her acknowledge feelings of fulfillment, passion, joy, peace, and contentment.

Tuesday March 28th
Dr.Freidemann Schaub amd Danielle Rama Hoffman  
Cellular Wisdom Inc. is a Mind-Body Healing Center and American Board of Hypnotherapy approved school of hypnotherapy, based in Seattle, WA. Friedemann Schaub MD., Ph.D., the founder of Cellular Wisdom, received his medical degree from the University of Munich in Germany and pursued a career in cardiology at the Munich University Hospital. He received his Ph.D. in molecular biology from the University of Washington in Seattle. His research has been published in some of the most prestigious medical and science journals.

Danielle is an energy intuitive, healer and teacher.  Since the early age of 3 she has been able to sense the energy and feelings of those around her.  She has been trained in counseling, energy healing, including Reiki and Alchemical Healing, and uses her gifts and training to help people.  Danielle specializes in Intuitive Body Readings, which identify and shift emotions, beliefs and physical dis-ease that block a person from radiant health, abundance, peace of mind... She has been in private practice for over 12 years and has assisted 1000’s of people to live the life they imagined.

Margaret and Alan McElroy   
Margaret has been a channel for Maitreya for 14 years. She began channeling Maitreya in 1992 and was invited to channel Maitreya to a Spiritual Group within the United Nations in 1999. She established the very successful Maitreya website ( in 1996 as a conduit for Maitreya to share the teachings from those in the world of spirit to assist and educate humanity.

Alan became a student of Margaret Birkin (now McElroy) in March 2004. Neither of them knew of their alliance and feelings for each other until August 2004. In October 2004, Alan and Margaret started their path together, first in New Zealand, then Australia and finally in Seattle where Alan chose to live. Alan has always had a thirst for the metaphysical, before studying with Margaret, he had spent many years studying various forms of spirituality.

Wednesday March 29th

Dr.Billie Sahley   
Billie J. Sahley, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Pain and Stress Center in San Antonio. She is a Board Certified Medical Psychotherapist, Behavior Therapist, and an Orthomolecular Therapist. She is a Diplomate in the American Academy of Pain Management. For over 20 years, Dr. Sahley was a successful behavior therapist specializing in orthomolecular therapy for brain and behavior disorders. Dr. Sahley now focuses on research, writing, educating and informing, both practitioners and the public. Her research focus is to help people put back in the brain the nutrients that belong there because there is no such thing as a tranquilizer deficiency!

Margaret and Alan McElroy   

Margaret has been a channel for Maitreya for 14 years. She began channeling Maitreya in 1992 and was invited to channel Maitreya to a Spiritual Group within the United Nations in 1999. She established the very successful Maitreya website ( in 1996 as a conduit for Maitreya to share the teachings from those in the world of spirit to assist and educate humanity.

Alan became a student of Margaret Birkin (now McElroy) in March 2004. Neither of them knew of their alliance and feelings for each other until August 2004. In October 2004, Alan and Margaret started their path together, first in New Zealand, then Australia and finally in Seattle where Alan chose to live. Alan has always had a thirst for the metaphysical, before studying with Margaret, he had spent many years studying various forms of spirituality.

Thursday March 30th
Gene Koonce   
The VIBE Machine works on five different levels by using a medium electromagnetic field. In this field, a high voltage pulse is added along with ozone. The charge is placed at a negative voltage which is being transmitted to an antenna designed to twist the magnetic field. It is then routed through noble and inert gases. These gases are in a plasma state, varying in frequencies which relate to human cellular frequencies. Plasma is found between the protons and electrons of all cells in the human body. By oscillating this plasma state, the cells are energized. Disease (dis-ease) is a state found in non-vibrating, non-charged, or non-energized cells.….you do the math. The VIBE Machine brings the vibrational level of your body back to its natural state of being. It is a technological breakthrough in enhancing the human body by helping it reach optimum vibration and energy.

Margaret and Alan McElroy   

Margaret has been a channel for Maitreya for 14 years. She began channeling Maitreya in 1992 and was invited to channel Maitreya to a Spiritual Group within the United Nations in 1999. She established the very successful Maitreya website ( in 1996 as a conduit for Maitreya to share the teachings from those in the world of spirit to assist and educate humanity.

Alan became a student of Margaret Birkin (now McElroy) in March 2004. Neither of them knew of their alliance and feelings for each other until August 2004. In October 2004, Alan and Margaret started their path together, first in New Zealand, then Australia and finally in Seattle where Alan chose to live. Alan has always had a thirst for the metaphysical, before studying with Margaret, he had spent many years studying various forms of spirituality.

Friday March 31st

David Demaray
David Demaray practiced law before the BioGenesis technology was introduced to his family.  At that time, David started lecturing about BioGenesis around the United States.  Now, while David lives in Denver, Colorado, he travels around the US and Europe, giving lectures and seminars on BioGenesis.

Keith Thompson  Listen  Download
Designing Your Mind with host Keith Thompson
- Keith Thompson received his certification in Clinical Hypnosis through the Washington School of Professional Hypnosis in 1980. He spent 4 years in his practice (Innerworld) specializing in weight loss and life regression. Keith’s love and passion to understand the in mind has given him a deep understanding on how the mind works. Keith studied and practiced martial arts and meditation for over 30 years and has a 4th degree black belt Shorin-ryu Karate.

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