Got a Story?

Many of the stories on these pages featured in an award-winning TV series called Disappearing London, presented by Suggs from Madness.

Series 2 of Disappearing London starts on ITV London at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 9 January 2007, and runs for 6 weeks (9, 16, 23 30 Jan, 6, 13 Feb).

If you want to add your own story, or launch a campaign to save a London building, please tell us about it.
Suggest Your Story »

Suggest a Story

We’d like you to share your stories about Disappearing London with us. If there’s something you think is worth celebrating or saving, please tell us about it here, and we’ll post the information on the Stories page. Try to include a postcode, or street name, so that we can also add the location to our Disappearing London Map.

We’d like to include some of your stories in the next TV series, so please include details of how we can contact you to find out more. We will not give your contact details to anybody else.

If you want to comment on other stories or launch your own campaign, why not post a message on the Forum.