Who was Freddie Mercury? Artistically speaking, he was a most versatile singer with so ductile a voice that he could sing any music style. He was a singer with many attributes such as power, variety, emotion, and abundance. He was capable of singing the most powerful rock or the sweetest ballad. He possessed the ability of producing incredibly beautiful falsettos. Even though he had the power and the register of an operatic singer he succeeded in the realm of rock’n’roll. He could move audiences, make people cry, laugh or get excited. He owned a most impressive charisma and, as a result of this, he had the audience in the palm of his hand. Undoubtedly, one of the smartest and most envied voices in the history of music.

     Freddie Mercury was a gifted pianist and a formidable composer as well. He was a very energetic showman, but this was not something one could acquire or learn , it was charisma, a natural gift coexisting in harmony with his voice, his appearance, his delicate taste, and his musical quality in the broadest sense of the word. But it was not only his voice that rendered his performances so appealing to people. Apart from his outstanding voice, he knew very well how to put on a show.

     Despite the fact that his piano sounded a bit affected, a bit too Mozart-like, it still had a great touch. From the point of view of a pianist, his approach was something unique. He was rather eclectic as far as writing styles are concerned, from the operatic 'Bohemian Rhapsody', or the choral 'Somebody to Love', to the metallic rockish sound of 'Princes of the Universe' or 'Stone Cold Crazy', without forgetting to mention 'Seaside Rendezvous, 'Good Old-fashioned Lover Boy', 'The Millionaire Waltz', or 'Killer Queen' , all with a dixieland taste; ballads like 'Love of my Life' or 'You Take my Breath Away'; anthems like 'We are the Champions' or 'Friends will be Friends'; highway rock n’ pop like 'Don’t Stop me Now' or 'Keep Passing the Open Windows', rockabillies reminiscent of Elvis Presley such as 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' and 'Man on the Prowl'. A true Genius. It will prove real hard to find another musician with such qualities, a musician who combined his remarkable composition with an extraordinary interpretation . We thank you, Freddie, for having shared your talent with us!

     This is not just another site to praise Freddie. On this site we are going to offer you a complete report about what it once was (and it still is) the superb voice of Freddie Mercury. The idea is to provide the fans with the most sophisticated and hard-to-find information about him. This site is especially useful for singers and musicians who need this kind of data. In the Characteristics of his Voice section you are going to find a complete report about Freddie’s vocal style and further technical details regarding his phonation system. In the Vocal History section you will be able to appreciate the gradual changes in Freddie’s voice throughout his years of fame. In the Vocal Harmonies section you will find additional information about how Queen (always with Freddie as its leader) managed to create those choruses with such complex and highly produced effects. In the Highest and Lowest Notes section you will have at your disposal a table with the highest and the lowest notes Freddie produced during his period of fame, including an audio file to download. The Freddie Live section refers to the precautions Freddie took in order to keep his voice at its best and the different tricks he made use of on stage. I hope you enjoy this site: The Voice: Freddie Mercury.

     All reports have been made by Andrés Guazzelli, after long research. If you wish to use some information from this site, you are allowed to, as long as you mention the source.

     It is important to point out that throughout this site we will be using the American code. This means you are not going to find Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, but C, D, E, F, G, A, B respectively

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