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Average Distance From Sun: 4,504,300,000 Km
Diameter: 49,000 KM
Mass: 1.7135e+01 x Earth Standard
Gravity: 1.05 x Earth Standard
Atmosphere: Very Cold Gases
Moon: 13
Axis tilt 29 degrees.
Neptune Year: 164.79 Earth Years
Neptune Day: 16.11 Earth hours
Neptune is the eighth planet in average distance from the Sun.

Neptune's magnetic field is tilted 47 degrees from the planet's rotation axis, and is offset at least 0.55 radii


has three narrow orbital rings enclosed in a disc of dust that may reach down to the Neptunian cloud tops. Neptune has two named moons (Triton and Nereid), and six more discovered by the Voyager 2 probe in 1989, of which 1989 N1 (diameter 418 km/260 mi) is larger than Nereid.
Neptune is an 8th magnitude object visible in binoculars and in 2006 the planet resides in Capricornus, the Sea Goat. It arrives at opposition on August 11, 2006.
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was located on the 23 September 1846 by Galle and D'Arrest after calculations by John Couch Adams and Urbain Jean-Joseph Le Verrier had predicted its existence on the basis that another body must be disturbing the orbit of Uranus. The cameras of Voyager 2, which passed Neptune in Aug 1989, revealed a wide variety of cloud features.

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6-year animation
among these were bright polar collars and broad bands in different shades of blue girdling Neptune's southern hemisphere.The blue colouring results from the absorption of red light by the methane in the atmosphere. Another cloud feature is an Earth-sized oval storm cloud, which has been named the Great Dark Spot, and has been likened to the Great Red Spot on Jupiter.
Above and around it, cirrus-type clouds of frozen methane are forming and taking shape, with winds of up to 2,400 kph. Neptune is believed to have a central rocky core covered by a layer of ice.
Mystery solved.
The interior structures of Uranus and Neptune are radically different from what was previously assumed about these cold, distant planets. Even though they are gas giants, they are different from Jupiter and Saturn.
These two outer planets may have only a thin layer of metallic convecting fluid just under the gassy hydrogen surface. This would explain what causes the magnetic field to be tipped on its side compared to the rotational axis and also explain the "quadrupole" effect. Their magnetic fields are tipped over midway to the equator, and there are two north and two south poles, as if the field were produced by two bar magnets.
The Hubble Space Telescope
Neptune methane
Neptune Methane Band
captures the distant blue-green world, Neptune, and its satellites in this portrait. Astronomers used Hubble’s assortment of filters to pinpoint high altitude clouds floating above the methane rich atmosphere.
Neptune Enhanced Colour
Neptune natural colour
Neptune Natural Colour
Hubble Space Telescope Images have been assembled into a time-lapse movie revealing the orbital motion of the satellites. The icy moons seen in this view are Proteus (the brightest), Larissa, Despina, and Galatea. Neptune had 13 moons at last count. neptune moons
In Roman mythology, Larsissa and Despina were Neptuness daughters.

Neptune Moons
Moon # Radius
Period (days) Discoverer Date
Naiad III 29 ? 48,000
Voyager 2 1989
Thalassa IV 40 ? 50,000
Voyager 2 1989
Despina V 74 ? 52,500
Voyager 2 1989
Galatea VI 79 ? 62,000
Voyager 2 1989
Larissa VII 104x89 ? 73,600
Voyager 2 1989
Proteus VIII 200 ? 117,600
Voyager 2 1989
Triton I 1,350 2.14e+22 354,800
W. Lassell 1846
Nereid II 170 ? 5,513,400
G. Kuiper 1949
S2002 N1 20 ?
M. Holman 2002
S2002 N2 20 ?
M. Holman 2002
S2002 N3 20 ?
M. Holman 2002
S/2003 N1
S/2002 N4
Mpeg MovieThis timelapse movie of Neptune was assembled from combining the Hubble Space Telescope images taken over a 15-hour period. The movie shows a dynamic atmosphere and captures the fleeting orbits of Neptunes satellites . The natural colour and enhanced colour views of Neptune were assembled from images in 14 different coloured filters. This allows atmospheric features to be seen above Neptune's methane haze, which gives the planet its blue-green colour.
The animation has four sections, each one corresponding to approximately one rotation of Neptune.neptune movie
Mpeg Movie (1.64Mb mpeg movie) The first section shows Neptune and its largest satellite Triton, which is about as large as our moon. Probably a captured Kuiper Belt object, Triton orbits Neptune in a "backwards" or retrograde path relative to the other major satellites, and opposite to Neptune's rotation. The view is close to what a human eye would see looking through the Hubble Space Telescope.
The second scene zooms in on Neptune, and the colours have been enhanced to better show the subtle detail of clouds in Neptune's atmosphere.
The third scene has the spectral region of light changed from the visible to special methane bands in the near infrared. Most of Neptune's atmosphere becomes very dark, except for high-altitude clouds.
The fourth scene traces the satellite orbits. Four of the small, inner satellites are visible orbiting Neptune. Dutifully obeying Kepler's laws of planetary motion, the outer moons take longer to revolve around Neptune than the inner ones. From outside to inside, these satellites are Proteus, Larissa, Galatea, and Despina. These moons are so faint that only the longest Hubble exposures can capture them.
The outermost layers of Neptune's thick atmosphere do not rotate like a solid body. The polar atmospheric regions finish a full rotation in about 15 hours, while the equatorial regions lag behind, taking more than 18 hours for a complete circuit of the planet.

Rings of Neptune
Name Distance* Width Thickness Mass Albedo
1989N3R 41,900 km 15 km ? ? low
1989N2R 53,200 km 15 km ? ? low
1989N4R 53,200 km 5,800 km ? ? low
1989N1R 62,930 km < 50 km ? ? low

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