Push Butan

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[edit] Another Mispelled Meme?


Spelling mistakes, spelling mistakes, spelling mistakes - An entire wealth of lulz has been created by /b/tards and their counterparts simply by emulating the one thing on the internet nobody seems ever to be able to do... SPELL!!

Push Butan - Receive something unpleasant.
Push Butan - Receive something unpleasant.

[edit] English Language Versus Internets English

Let's face it, none of us can really spell; we wasted around twelve years of a perfectly good Elementary School education smoking cigarettes dipped in liquefied aspirin and trying desperately hard to spy a girl's bare bottom. So instead of the ideal, Queen's English of :

"We will fight on the beaches. We will drink copious quantities of warm Michelob on aforesaid beaches, we will excoriate our assholes on the wet sand. But through all this, we will forever smell funny"

Winston Churchill, speaking at the old Grannies Guild, 1951.
Churchill - Not one for sunblock.
Churchill - Not one for sunblock.

We say things like :

OMGLOLWTFBBQ!! I haet pizza! LOL!!!oneoneone!! (Which is basically saying the same thing as what Winston said above.)

[edit] Components Of Meme

In a nutshell, the Push Butan meme is a prime example of this phenomenon being practiced in everyday life by the psychotics you interact with on a daily level. It finds itself endowed with win due to it being a perfect meme. It is :

A) Spelled incorrectly. LOL!!

B) Pliable in any manner you see fit; for example, add a prefix :

"If I wish to receev, should I push butan?"

Or a suffix:

"push butan, receev a Carob Bar with your Ice Cream. Mmmmmm!!!"

C) Easy and simple to use as a retort to any insult (such as, "Your mother sinks ducks in Hull), and as a nonsensical post in a (probable) thread full of fail,

D) And easy to tack to the bottom of a random image, creating lulz both big and small (and sometimes nonexistant).

[edit] Other Examples Of Misspelt Memes


These are just the tip of the iceberg, it would go on forever if this Wiki attempted to list all memes that relied on typing fast and trying to fap at the same time.

[edit] Push Butan Receev Bacon

Push Butan Receev Bacon is another one of those (possible) 4Chan memes that originates from a pointless photoshop pasty lol-trolls create whilst waiting for their retarded mother's cornbread to heat up. At least 100 years ago, like the The Sandwich Chef that preceded it, a simple panel became the source of much lulz and confusion. Well, that's as maybe - Push Butan Receev Bacon scores very low on the lulzometer, as it seems to contain little humour, and has much in common with Sempai's Pleasurous Nutrient's pointless Porkslope meme. Created on the spur of the moment to be mercilessly trolled around the internet by low-income Poles. Huzzah!

And another thing...
And another thing...

[edit] The Reject Christ Receive Bacon Varient Meme

Pointless varient, which holds nothing in common with the above other than the "Receive Bacon" bit (Notice the complete lack of spelling errors. Nooo!!). Has the child to your right been mercilessly photoshopped for no reason whatsoever? the World must know! I'm sure nobody wants an unfunny meme on their resume.

Does this do anything for YOU?
Does this do anything for YOU?

P.S. The above means absolutely Fuck All.

[edit] Pointless, Shitty Variants That Irritate The Rectum.

The author uncovered these photoshops / visual copypasta whilst sniffing around the syphilliptic rectum of an Ocelot last Tuesday. Enjoy!

Pushing aforementioned Butan can harm your self-esteem.
Pushing aforementioned Butan can harm your self-esteem.
You can NEVER have enough butan.
You can NEVER have enough butan.
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