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This page was last updated on 09 October 2006

Helping organisations to avoid discrimination and promote race equality

The CRE works with organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors to reduce racial discrimination and promote equal opportunities for employees, customers and service users.

It provides advice and assistance on equal opportunities policy and practice to many organisations and companies, large and small; and liaises with government departments and representative bodies from all sectors.

Almost all public authorities in England, Wales and Scotland are bound by the statutory duty to promote race equality, which was introduced through the Race Relations (Amendment) Act in 2001. Information about the race equality duty, and guidance on how its requirements should be met, are provided here:

The section of the website looks at the following (click on a title to find out more):

Equal opportunities policies
A ten point plan to help employers promote equality of opportunity in their organisations
Ethnic monitoring
How to carry out regular analyses of your workforce and job applicants, by ethnic origin
A code of practice, standards, and how to ensure job advertisements comply with the Race Relations Act

Gypsies and Travellers
Facts and figures relating to Gypsies and Travellers in the UK, including population, employment, health and education  
Working with business
Advice for private sector organisations on complying with the law and avoiding the costs of discrimination
Sector-specific advice
Good practice advice by sector, including:

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Jigsaw made up of faces of people from different racial groups