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Author Topics : Kelly Green

I'll be at LosCon 33 (2006) Nov. 24-26 at the LAX Airport Marriott.

Abyss&Apex; published my story, In The Seaon of Blue Storms, in Issue 17 (1st Quarter 2006.)

I just saw my story, 'Til The Wildness Cried Aloud,' in "Say, Why Aren't We Crying?" May 2004.

I highly recommend joining Broad Universe.

Kelly Green

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110 comments found - Newest 100 - Newer 100 - Older 100 - Oldest 100

Message 507663 by Kelly Green on 2006-12-04 18:48:57. Feedback: 0
terry, yep, that's me. Kelly is a nom de guerre.

And thanks, guys. This was kinda outa the blue for me.

Mike, no, this is another effort all together. About alien abduction, sorta.
Message 507660 by Mike Collins on 2006-12-04 16:49:05. Feedback: 0

Congrats, dude!

Was the story one you workshopped in Kansas?

Message 507645 by Terry Hickman on 2006-12-04 08:18:16. Feedback: 0
Yes, congrats - I think...are *you* Jude-Marie?

confused in Omaha
Message 507642 by Justin Stanchfield on 2006-12-04 07:36:04. Feedback: 0
Congrats on the Ideomancer sale, Kelly!!!!
Message 490438 by Mystery Guest on 2006-08-17 04:36:53. Feedback: 0
"Throughout the Soviet period flights of women into space were considered only on propaganda purposes..."

Of course, the whole space race was about propaganda; otherwise, would they have canceled trips to the moon after the first scientist landed? For each side, it was a show of force and ideology. I doubt any cosmonauts read to the world from the book of Genesis, for ex. Perhaps they read from the Communist Manifesto, instead. Too bad the Americans and the Soviets weren't fighting over who was the greater advocate of equal, civil, and human rights.

Message 490395 by Mystery Guest on 2006-08-16 06:09:00. Feedback: 0
Thanks again for the tips. Some of these books aren't available at my local library, but I found E-texts for

_The Woman's Bible_:


and _The Subjugation of Women_:


The book _Free Speech in its Forgotten Years_ is described and reviewed here:


An interesting bio of Valentina Tereshkova can be found at


Of special interest:

"After Valentina’s triumphant return a joke began circulating that she should marry Andrian Nikolayev, the only bachelor cosmonaut to have flown. Although Andrian and Valentina did not dislike each other, there was no substance to the rumour, which eventually reached Khrushchev. He thought it was a great idea and began applying pressure... for the couple to marry. They finally gave in... Khrushchev himself presided at the party, together with top government and space program leaders."


"Valentina and her fellow female cosmonauts were not truly integrated into the cosmonaut detachment and considered for flight assignments on an equal basis with the ‘regular’ male cosmonauts. Throughout the Soviet period flights of women into space were considered only on propaganda purposes... Svetlana Savitskaya became the second Russian woman in space in 1982 and 1984."

I'd be pleasantly surprised if any of you can find a biography -- especially for children or YA -- of Tereshkova in your local public library. Most people seem to think that the first woman in space was that American, Sally... Field. The Flying Nun.

I've thought about writing that biography myself, if I can ever get the hang of nonfiction, proper quotes, citing my sources, etc., the craft of journalism.

As for spec fiction, I tend to wonder about those "points of divergence" in history. What series of choices or conditions could have sent the Mercury 13 into space, for ex., and what the consequences might be. I'm afraid that progress is never as predictable as we'd like; conservatives are always around to drag us back to a "Golden Age" of chivalry, blind obedience, ignorance, and oppression.

As for the future, I wonder if extra-terrestrial conditions make full equality inevitable; if those civilizations that cling to sexist or racist beliefs are capable of leaving earth behind and surviving in space -- I doubt it -- or under what conditions those sexist or racists beliefs could be revived or new ones could develop.

Message 490313 by Kelly Green on 2006-08-14 16:34:42. Feedback: 0
Terry, I'd never heard of the Mercury 13 before. They are pretty well documented on the internet, along with LBJ's opinion: Let's Stop This Now. Savings millions of dollars vs Gender Equity. Oh boy.
Message 490304 by Mystery Guest on 2006-08-14 13:17:04. Feedback: 0
Ty - David Rabban's book, "Free Speech In Its Forgotten Years" has some discussion, as I recall, of how abolitionists turned their energies, after the Civil War, to things like women's suffrage and prohibition. Its a great read!

- Ramon Rozas III
Message 490303 by Terry Hickman on 2006-08-14 12:40:17. Feedback: 0
In the early days of Ms. Magazine they did an extensive feature article on how the female astronaut-trainees were beating the guys hands-down in most of the physical tests; where they *really* outdid the fellas was the sensory-deprivation tank. For some reason the men couldn't tolerate the tank nearly as long as the women (lol - okay women, raise your hands: who wouldn't give your eye teeth for an extended dark, cool, quiet period of not having to do anything! Or hear complaints, requests, demands, do multi-tasking chores, errands, etc etc? Big mystery.) The article detailed how and why the womens' astronaut training program was scuttled even though it would have been much MUCH cheaper to send a crew of lighter-weight and at LEAST equally-qualified women into space when every ounce costs millions.
Message 490291 by Mystery Guest on 2006-08-14 05:40:37. Feedback: 0
Thanks for the tips, MG, Lori, and JP. I've added these resources to my list.

I recently discovered the book _Promised the Moon_ by Stephanie Nolan, about a women's NASA program like that of the Soviets but scuttled by John Glenn and others before it ever got off the ground. I'm not sure what exactly motivated the Soviets to put Valentina Tereshkova in space. My guess is, influential sexists on either side of the "iron curtain" pushed to shut down their respective programs.

I'd be happy to discuss the history of equal rights, or what if... scenarios of the past, present, or future. In spec fiction, we have so many ways to explore these issues. I'm not looking for a debate here. I want to learn things I can "show, not tell".

Message 490269 by JP Davis on 2006-08-13 15:30:58. Feedback: 0

i don't have much to add to this debate, but I would recommend reading Mill's "The Subjection of Women," if you haven't already. It was one of the earliest intellectual precursors to the rise of the women's rights movement.

Message 490265 by Mystery Guest on 2006-08-13 14:42:09. Feedback: 0
Ty, Elizabeth Cady Stanton believed that the bible was a big source of rationalizations to keep women down. She gathered together a group of prominent feminists and did some reinterpreting. The result is called "The Women's Bible."

It doesn't have much to do with the feminist/abolitionist issue, but you might find it interesting.

Message 490261 by Mystery Guest on 2006-08-13 13:39:57. Feedback: 0
Ty, I recommend you read the diary of Fredrik Douglas. He was very active in supporting women's rights and continued to attend meetings in their support until his death.
Message 490256 by Mystery Guest on 2006-08-13 12:21:04. Feedback: 0
"What we know is that we have to keep fighting the same battles now, over one hundred years later."

Which is why I think it's so important to write about women's rights. If this is something either of you are interested in too, maybe we can share ideas, good books or online resources... whatever you like. That's what I'm looking for.

Some questions I want to look into:

Many women's rights activists supported the abolitionists, but did the abolitionists support women's rights?

How did popular religious beliefs help and hurt these two movements, and did it drive a wedge between them?

How have scientists, artists, writers, and so on, tried to justify or dispel racist and sexist beliefs?

Why did women in some states get the right to vote before others, and why did it take so much longer for women than blacks to get a federal right to vote?

Why did the Soviets put a woman in space 20 years before the "free" world? Was socialism actually better for women's rights?

Women make up about half our country's population: Why, after voting for 86 years, haven't they been able to gain half the seats in congress? I hear the US is ranked at least 50th in the world, when it comes to representation by women...

And, of course, what can be done now to set things right, to dispel bigotry and help everyone achieve his or her full potential? Basically, how can these issues help inspire us to write spec fiction that will thrill our readers _and_ help change the world.

Message 490255 by Mystery Guest on 2006-08-13 12:06:55. Feedback: 0
We wish.

Message 490253 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2006-08-13 11:58:46. Feedback: 0
you win.
Message 490247 by Mystery Guest on 2006-08-13 10:44:41. Feedback: 0
Hi, Ty--am I right that this wouldn't be a debate, but just a discussion? I'm pretty much where Kelly's at--pretty sketchy on the particulars. What we know is that we have to keep fighting the same battles now, over one hundred years later.


Message 490244 by Kelly Green on 2006-08-13 10:26:27. Feedback: 0
Hi Ty,

I'm not too conversant on the early women's movement, I know it in outline. What would the debate be, why women chose to align with abolitionists and socialists? I'd think the reasons would be obvious.
Message 490234 by Mystery Guest on 2006-08-13 07:16:26. Feedback: 0
Kelly and Lori,

This is Ty, from the Great and Useless Debate.

If either of you are interested, I'd like to discuss the women's rights movement, especially its early ties to abolitionists and socialists.

I'm writing a YA novel, an alternate history set in the 1870s and propelled by these issues.

Message 490196 by Lori White on 2006-08-12 11:38:58. Feedback: 0
Urg--I missed the one at Baycon because of the writing workshop. Plus I don't have one of my own, but that's okay.

I should be able to make an hour of this one. The reception for the writers' workshop people starts at nine.

I just hope I don't get sucked into setting up. Adrienne says the moderators are staff.

Message 490195 by Kelly Green on 2006-08-12 11:34:35. Feedback: 0
Cool, but you have to let me know when yours is too.

Mine's at 8pm Wednesday, Santa Monica Room, 4th Floor of the Hilton.

I hope you liked the one at BayCon; this one will have about half a dozen readers.
Message 490194 by Lori White on 2006-08-12 11:24:00. Feedback: 0
Kelly--let me know when you know when your reading is, okay?
Message 489485 by Lori White on 2006-08-03 08:02:28. Feedback: 0
>>Did you note that DCL claims to have written
>>for the OC Voice back in the 70s?


And he's married to Morgan Fairchild! Yeah, that's the ticket!
Message 489478 by Kelly Green on 2006-08-03 06:34:05. Feedback: 0
I"m hoping all three will make an appearance; but realistically, my youngest, and maybe my oldest (the two girls). I'm trying to get my brother to show up, and perhaps his son, and I'm bringing a newbie friend.

WorldCon! w00t! Two weeks!!

Hey I'm also planning to go the WotF awards banquet (just for the heck of it.)

Did you note that DCL claims to have written for the OC Voice back in the 70s? I don't have access to back issues but I read the Voice now and no way would they put up with his level of writing (which includes layers of adjectives that contradict each other, dear ghu.)

He admits that he's not a writer and he's only writing for the Speculations board; makes him a troll in my opinion.
Message 489465 by Lori White on 2006-08-02 21:49:24. Feedback: 0
But I might be able to make a 2pm Wed. reading! I dunno, though--I'm driving. Though I think the point is that it probably conflicts with your job.

As far as I know I'm probably only moderating a workshop. That messed me up at Baycon, but what are the chances moderating a workshop will make me miss your reading at Worldcon? Anyway--if I'm not doing something official, I'll be there.

And yeah, nutburger is the word. I shouldn't get so upset. But you know what ticks me off the most? Not his sexism. Not his racism. Not even his pissant pose as the purveyor of all Wisdom and woe betide those who disagree.

No, what ticks me off the most is that the man cannot f*!king write! He insists on hanging out in a writers' message board and the man *cannot* write.

Ah, well. Trolls abound. You've got more important things to deal with and I just have better ways to waste my time.

See you in a couple of weeks, though. Yay! Any kids coming with you?
Message 489457 by Kelly Green on 2006-08-02 18:43:01. Feedback: 0
YOu fucking bet I sympathize... he's a real nutburger. Half what he writes makes no sense in any human capacity and the other half is just dense. And then the bastard has the temerity to insult you.

Sorry I didn't write anything in response but I'm so upset about his misogyny (though why that should surprise me when I've seen it every time a female deigns to answer his posts) that I'm close to busting.

And I just got a new job, very stressful. Plus WorldCon wants to schedule my reading for 2pm Wednesday.
Message 489384 by Lori White on 2006-08-01 14:33:49. Feedback: 0

Sorry. Someone is a real asshole and, since you have some experience with him as well, I thought you might sympathize, or at least nod understandingly as I blow off some steam. Do I have your email? Do you have mine?

Message 485371 by Cliff Johns on 2006-05-20 20:51:37. Feedback: 0

Thanks for helping me out on my topic.
Message 484536 by Mystery Guest on 2006-05-04 12:29:24. Feedback: 0
Heck, even I've been asked to sign a copy of one of my stories...which just goes to show what slavishly sycophantic friends and family I have. And I stare at the page and go....uh, what do I write???

I suppose I'd much rather talk to someone and remember it than have their autograph. I guess I agree with Robert and Kelly then (and you too, Melissa)in that respect...I just don't ever think about getting things signed as a way to meet people.

I don't ever recognize the person who appears in my photographs. That isn't what I feel like I look like.

J. Cheney
Message 484534 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2006-05-04 11:56:30. Feedback: 0
(and totally unexpected and unlooked for!)
Message 484532 by Mystery Guest on 2006-05-04 11:21:49. Feedback: 0
That's the only reason for me to stand in line for autographs: to actually meet the admired person. I don't care for autographs, really. But I do like to say 'Hi!' and schmooze a bit.


(Bob... you're welcome *S*.)
Message 484531 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2006-05-04 10:56:21. Feedback: 0
I'm a photographer, but my mom always complains that she can tell my photos - there are never any people in them.

As I start losing friends and closer relatives to death, however, I'm seeing the appeal.

I occassionally get autographs, mostly from friends to support their autograph tablings. At Glasgow when I stopped by to see Kelly it was much more personally impressive that I was introduced to a couple people, rather than getting autographs.

And it's always felt weird when someone asked me for my autograph. Yeah, it's actually happened a couple times. Weird.

And I don't appear on film.
Message 484506 by Melissa Mead on 2006-05-04 03:15:10. Feedback: 0
Me too-I'll let people take a picture of me if it's important, but I don't like it.
Message 484484 by Mystery Guest on 2006-05-03 18:16:20. Feedback: 0
Now, You know very well that I'm weird, Melissa.
I can understand your reasoning but I just don't really share it.

I also almost never take photographs. My husband does, but I don't really get that either. I hate being photographed!

Sorry, J. Cheney
Message 484462 by Melissa Mead on 2006-05-03 14:05:15. Feedback: 0
Mind if I chime in on autographs? I ask for them as a memento of having met an author.
Generic pre-signed autographs don't make as much sense to me, though I have a few.
Message 484459 by Mystery Guest on 2006-05-03 13:32:11. Feedback: 0
Ok, this is going to sound wierd, but I just don't understand the concept of autographs....sorry. I can't figure out why I would want to ask someone to write something in one of my books. In fact the only author signed books I have are those where my husband made me do it...Did you get the author to sign it? Huh? Huh?

I was back in the accounting office on the second floor in the buying-and-selling room. No stars in there!

I don't think Kansas is an option this summer. My brother-in-law is getting married in July, plus I've asked to attend Viable Paradise in October, which will eat up all my spare funds. Bummer! I'm pretty sure Pat Buehler is going to be there, and Nolan, but I can't swear to anyone else.

I'm not sure if the novel writing class is happeing this summer or not. I wondered if that might happen. Kij is not listed as an Instructor this year. You'll have to let me know.

I have worked up a few short stories, and am trying to get them published, but the furthest I've gotten in a pro market is a couple of YFOPs from ROF. Still working on that. Published in a non-pro market, but short stories are just way too hard for me!

Saw you had a successful foray out there. Keep it up!

J. Cheney
Message 484400 by Kelly Green on 2006-05-03 01:35:00. Feedback: 0
Hey Jeannette! you were at Glasgow and you didn't get any autographs? (I ran autographing and was there every day argh.)

Are you going to Kansas this year? I've signed up for the class again.

Message 484383 by Mystery Guest on 2006-05-02 16:46:20. Feedback: 0
Hey Kelly,
I've looked at your posts before trying to discover if you were the same Kelly from Kansas. Hope everything is going well.

Somehow didn't see you at Glasgow, very crowded place, though.

Just wanted to say hi, Jeannette

J. Cheney
Message 468737 by Mystery Guest on 2005-08-27 11:12:24. Feedback: 0
my home isp is iffy; can't get to hotmail from home. Conversely, can't get to gmail from work because work specifically blocks gmail access (but not hotmail access, go figure.)

Message 468736 by Mystery Guest on 2005-08-27 11:03:13. Feedback: 0
I;ve edited my address book to include the gmail addy as the alternate address...I take it the hotmail one is iffy?

Message 468735 by Mystery Guest on 2005-08-27 10:58:51. Feedback: 0

Message 468734 by Mystery Guest on 2005-08-27 10:19:51. Feedback: 0
Will... I don't think so. Can you send it to me at saycestsay at g mail dot com?

Message 468731 by Mystery Guest on 2005-08-27 09:53:47. Feedback: 0

Get that last e-mail?

Message 468722 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2005-08-27 02:03:30. Feedback: 0
There was Spanish spoken, however.
Message 468705 by Mystery Guest on 2005-08-26 13:27:29. Feedback: 0
Afraid not. Kelly Green is my nom de guerre, my writer name is slightly different; and I went to Glasgow this summer, not Mexico!

Message 468674 by Mystery Guest on 2005-08-25 19:59:24. Feedback: 0
Is this the same Kelly Green that went to Mexico this summer (June, 05) Cause I met you at the resort we stayed at and you told me about a bok you were writing and were hoping to get published by September. How is that going? Does anyone know?
Message 468669 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2005-08-25 18:57:27. Feedback: 0
Message 468668 by Mystery Guest on 2005-08-25 17:20:56. Feedback: 0
That was me. Perhaps I should actually sign in.

Message 468667 by Mystery Guest on 2005-08-25 17:20:36. Feedback: 0
Naw, the *talking* was legal fun.
Message 468666 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2005-08-25 17:14:10. Feedback: 0
And I thought talking to you between autographing was almost illegally fun.
Message 468664 by Mystery Guest on 2005-08-25 16:29:44. Feedback: 0
Yes he is indeed. Ahem.

Hey Lori, good to hear from you! I did have a great time in Glasgow and Autographing was almost illegally fun. Hope you enjoy the fanzine report.

Message 468646 by Lori White on 2005-08-25 13:23:03. Feedback: 0
All of Frank Wu is fine--the free stuff and otherwise.

Hey, Kelly--I'll have to check out your report. I'm really glad you got to go. And Frank said the autographing went great and that you did a really good job.


Message 468538 by Terry Hickman on 2005-08-23 16:07:35. Feedback: 0
Ah! Thanks, youse guys!
Message 468529 by Kelly Green on 2005-08-23 13:55:45. Feedback: 0
Frank puts it much better than I did. AND, his art work is all over those zines! Lotsa free fine Frank Wu.
Message 468528 by Mystery Guest on 2005-08-23 13:53:36. Feedback: 0
If you go to


You can see the ish 39 with Kelly's con report, and then if you look at some of the other issues, you can see some humble articles and stuff written by yours truly.

The Drink Tank is only published electronically, but it's formatted so you can easily print it off the web.

Message 468527 by Kelly Green on 2005-08-23 13:42:10. Feedback: 0
This message has been hidden by its author's request.
Message 468526 by Terry Hickman on 2005-08-23 13:39:55. Feedback: 0
Wow, thanks, Kelly! I enjoyed your report a lot.

How does one get the DrinkTank?
Message 468519 by Kelly Green on 2005-08-23 12:44:15. Feedback: 0
My Glasgow WorldCon report was published in Chris Garcia's fanzine 'Drink Tank.'


Go, read, enjoy; did I see any of you at Autographing?
Message 463099 by Mystery Guest on 2005-05-31 22:07:59. Feedback: 0
Bob! I missed you after our one conversation; thought perhaps you'd been subsumed by that pesky black hole in the art show (the one they sold at the charity auction.)

But I understand that your disappearance was somewhat more mundane and quite a bit less pleasant. Are you feeling better?

Hey I liked your artwork, by the way. Very lovely stuff. I did overhear some folks making appreciative remarks whilst browsing it.

Oh! *Waves back* HI!

Message 463092 by Robert Hole, Jr. on 2005-05-31 20:32:20. Feedback: 0
Message 463064 by Mystery Guest on 2005-05-31 12:17:41. Feedback: 0
Hey Will!

Just peachy, thanks. How're you?

I just got back from BayCon... Frank Wu has the most wondrous stop-light-red hair! Jay Lake wrote an extemporaneous short story on my laptop! I won the Hugo award! (no, wait; darn it, that last didn't happen.)

Message 463058 by Willis Couvillier on 2005-05-31 11:36:16. Feedback: 0
Ms. Green!

How ya been?

Message 446308 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2004-09-08 10:30:25. Feedback: 0
Hi, Kelly. I think we met briefly in passing in some hallway or outside the consuite. Then, whooooosh! Busy busy con. Who invited all those people?
Message 446257 by Melissa Mead on 2004-09-07 19:41:43. Feedback: 0
Albacon's in Albany, NY. Until this past week it was the only con I'd ever been to. It's one of the few I can get to easily, because it's half an hour from my house. So yep, I'm planning to go.
Message 446239 by Kelly Green on 2004-09-07 17:25:00. Feedback: 0
I'll be at glasgow, but not albacon darnit. Much to my dismay I can't make them all.

Where is albacon? Are you going there?
Message 446237 by Melissa Mead on 2004-09-07 17:15:13. Feedback: 0
Yeah! I was amazed at how many people I got to meet, and how much I learned.

Since next time's in Scotland, I dinna ken if I'll be able to go of not.
You wouldn't be going to Albacon, by any chance?
Message 446234 by Kelly Green on 2004-09-07 16:42:58. Feedback: 0
Hi Melissa!

Gosh wasn't WorldCon fun? And crowded! Goodtameetcha and see you next time too.

Message 446220 by Melissa Mead on 2004-09-07 15:35:14. Feedback: 0
Thanks for saying Hi to me at Worldcon.
Message 445464 by Kelly Green on 2004-08-27 13:21:58. Feedback: 0
My story, Til the Wildness Cried Aloud, in May's Say Why Aren't We Crying? has been reviewed by TangentOnLine:


*I* don't think the ending falls short *S*. Do you?
Message 443418 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2004-07-31 17:55:38. Feedback: 0
Kelly, those last-day-of-the-Gunn-workshop-inspired stories are precious. I've turned mine into an industry!

Yes, Stan Schmidt and I are once again (4th year in a row!) doing our 3 hour alien language workshop.

About six hours remain for online Hugo voting.
Message 443391 by Kelly Green on 2004-07-31 11:27:53. Feedback: 0
Hey Lawrence!

Ah yes, the Gunn workshop in Lawrence, KS. I went back this year for the Campbell Conference weekend. Much fun was had by all.

My one-and-only-(so-far)-published story was inspired by a conversation I had on the last day of the workshop last year. More than makes up for burned-out eyes, in my opinion.

Are you doing the 'build an alien language' seminar at WorldCon this year?

Hey there Mystery Guest... I strangely don't remember having a child named 'Mystery Guest,' but then the '80s are a blur in my memory.

Note to self: remember to vote for the HUGOS today! Jay Lake and Frank Wu both have prominent nominations....
Message 442726 by Lawrence M. Schoen on 2004-07-23 20:00:20. Feedback: 0
Ah yes, the infamous two week workshop in Lawrence, Kansas (not to be confused with the two week workshop in Lawrence M. Schoen, oh my word, no!). Been there, done that. And in fact, it's responsible for all my Conroy stories because the line responsible for my writing "Buffalo Dogs" happened on the last night of the workshop.

Message 442719 by Mystery Guest on 2004-07-23 18:40:45. Feedback: 0
She's my mom, and a great writer, and one day all shall know her name! woohahahahaha....*Evil Laugh*
Message 16668 by Mystery Guest on 2003-08-19 03:41:52. Feedback: 0
Who is Kelly Green?

Judith Bossano
Message 16667 by Mystery Guest on 2003-07-03 17:34:29. Feedback: 0

I'm here in Lawrence, Kansas. This is the site of the great nuclear annihilation movie, The Day After. James Gunn, 2 instructors, and 15 other writers and I are spending two weeks at the University of Kansas workshopping our stories.

So far so good, though each of the workshoppers sent in three stories. (3 stories, 15 people = 45 stories to critique.)(My eyes hurt.)

I am having just the best time here.


Kelly Green
Message 16666 by Mystery Guest on 2003-06-21 10:36:30. Feedback: 0
Hi Andrew,

Thanks (I think.) I like the scratch art photos on the webframe; but you don't have downloadable music samples; and I live some distance from Australia, so I'm unlikely to book you for parties etc. Good luck to your group.

Kelly Green

Kelly Green
Message 16665 by Mystery Guest on 2003-06-20 22:42:22. Feedback: 0
Check this: www.kellygreenmusic.com

Message 16664 by Mystery Guest on 2003-05-29 22:56:23. Feedback: 0
Reading the entry that my Mom entered I understand why some would not believe the events to be true. She does seem to have a flair for writing stories. But I as a witness to this traumatic (as in I couldn't hold my laughter!) series of events I assure all readers that this recollection is true.

When my Mother and I talk about this episode she questions me saying, "really these things don't happen to you when you go on trips?" No, they don't. Thanks Mom. I'll remember to travel with you more often. This was way too fun!

See ya later.
~~~The Crowned Rose

Stephanie Cass
Message 16663 by Mystery Guest on 2003-05-28 15:42:54. Feedback: 0
My daughter drove me up to San Jose (we live in Lakewood, south of Long Beach) because my golden Thunderbird is in serious need of a tune-up. Unhappily, her car also had some special needs: the battery mysteriously drained Sunday, so we had to hunt up someone to jump start us. That turned out to be easier done than said.

So, with a fresh charge on the battery and joy in our hearts from the end of a great convention, we set out on the road to Los Angeles. All was well until the 152 and Gilroy.

Her engine began surging and retreating, and we lost power as we pulled into the first commercial driveway, at the Pacheco Pass Fruit Market. There, her car laughed sadly, gurgled, and collapsed. Er, it stopped. We called Triple A and connected with a tow operator; apparently they do bang-up business over this particular holiday weekend.

The tow took us on a bit of a tour; he hoped to grab another disabled car before returning to Gilroy. Unhappily for him, that car had already been rescued. Casa De Fruta was our turnaround point. On the way in, we couldn't get a break in traffic for an against traffic left hand turn, so we took a backroads tour of Gilroy, making three rights to catch the 101 into town.

We found a car repair shop, which was naturally enough closed for the holiday. We dropped off the car, then turned down the tow truck driver's invitation to barbeque ("It's really good! All the tow truck drivers and big rig drivers go there!") He kindly drove us to the Greyhound station, where we threw ourselves in front of the goin'-to-Los Angeles bus that really wanted to leave.

The bus trip itself was not without adventure (another entry in my overstuffed Greyhound trips file) but we survived to disembark in LA. We sped out to the MTA bus stop, hoping furiously that the routes hadn't stopped for the night. The presence of several Australian guys with backpacks and schedules reassured us that we weren't too late.

We weren't there a whole minute before the first panhandler approached. He held out a pink hand full of pennies and said, "Please can you change this for me? I need a quarter." I just plunked a quarter into his palm; all those pennies, way too messy.

He walked away (stumbled? shuffled?) and the next guy showed up. "Please can I have a quarter? I'm really hungry." My daughter offered him our potato chips, and he happily took the bag, moving away and eating them at the same time. I turned to tell Stephanie that that was a nifty thing to do and the next panhandler appeared. "I'm hungry, can you give me a quarter so I can go to McDonald's?" We offered him some Oreos and pineapple rings, but he wanted money. He finally got angry and huffed away. As he huffed away, the next man showed up. He had a car ignition with a key sticking out of it in his hand. "Can you help me? I just got my car 'jacked in the McDonald's parking lot, and I need busfare to get home." My daughter and I offered our condolences and marvelled that the police hadn't helped him get home. By now this stream of people was getting through my normally kind exterior and I was beginning to laugh.

The man with the yellow rain slicker was next. He barely had time to ask for change before I was bellowing laughter. I turned way from him, holding my daughter's shoulders and almost crying. Behind me, the man with the crutches had crutched his way up to us, and as my eye caught his he began to ask for money.

I didn't mean to laugh at a handicapped person. Really.

The stream of panhandlers melted away and a couple of security guards showed up. One of the Australian dudes had fetched the security guys, probably to keep me from busting with laughter.

We finally got on our bus, which left us three miles from home. A quick taxi ride later, we walked in to find a hole in the screen and no sign of Abby.

Nothing particularly traumatic in this whole event: we had a great convention, the car will be fixed, Abby's missing but Zeon is more affectionate than ever. My budget's impacted negatively, but then, when isn't it? I just wish Candid Camera had appeared at the bus stop and offered us some money for what had to be a gag.


Message 16662 by Mystery Guest on 2003-05-28 15:13:51. Feedback: 0
BayCon will live in my memory as a fun 'people con.' I met up with Rob and Gregoy, Lori was celestial as ever, Lindsay and Rebekah and Kent and John Savage and oh so many others I can't remember and I didn't take notes! The chocolate party was a kick and I think I'll copy the fondue for my next get together; dinner wit'dagang was a highlight for me (Lindsay and her dancing chickens!)

I participated in the writer's workshop and received humongous amounts of help. Writing is a solitary project; but the finished product needs friends and critiquers to breathe life into it.

Frank Wu's art has gone from damned good to outstanding; he has my vote for Hugo Best Fan Artist (why aren't you in the pro listing, Frank?) Ken Wharton MADE IT to BayCon on Monday, with copies of his great story, Aloha.


Message 16661 by Mystery Guest on 2003-04-25 19:51:41. Feedback: 0
Kelly, my hard disk crashed, taking Amanita with it. Do you want to try sending again? Maybe to work email: lori_white at intuit.com.


Message 16660 by Mystery Guest on 2003-04-24 23:33:37. Feedback: 0
Hi Kelly,

Thanks for generously lending me the title. Now if I can only figure out how to get the walrus out of the bathtub (EM walks off muttering to self).....

Message 16659 by Kelly Green on 2003-04-24 13:30:45. Feedback: 0

Occasional Walruses happen now and again, I'd think. Just one occasional walrus would better be called a singular walrus. But would that make the walrus more intelligent that humankind? Hmmm.... I think I'll change my story to 'The Singular Walrus.'

Just kidding... no story planned, the title's all yours.

Message 16658 by Mystery Guest on 2003-04-24 01:37:50. Feedback: 0
Hi Kelly!

I normally just read the Rumor Mill but I noticed your musings on Thomas R.'s suggestions in the title topic. I was wondering if you ever actually used "The Occasional Walrus" as a short story title because, darn it, I've been writing a short story that seems to refuse to be called anything else (although it is pretty drastically different from your idea) :) Anyways, sorry to bug you and hope that my story isn't infringing on your title.... I don't know if the world is ready for two occasional walruses.


Message 16657 by Lori White on 2003-03-17 14:13:37. Feedback: 0
Happy Birthday to Kelleeeeeee!!!!!

And congrats on the stories!
Message 16656 by Mystery Guest on 2003-03-17 13:19:25. Feedback: 0
Happy Birthday Kelly!

Message 16655 by Jamie Rosen on 2003-03-17 12:59:30. Feedback: 0
Happy birthday, Kelly!
Message 16654 by Kelly Green on 2003-03-17 11:28:28. Feedback: 0
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday dear meee-eeeee!
Happy Birthday to me!

(Happy Birthday to all the other St. Pat's birthdays, too!)


Two newly completed stories *S*.

Message 16653 by Mystery Guest on 2003-03-07 01:42:05. Feedback: 0
Yes, you do.

Message 16652 by Kelly Green on 2003-03-06 17:27:57. Feedback: 0

I've been accepted into the James Gunn Writer's Workshop in Lawrence, Kansas in July.

I'm kinda excited and happy and nervous and OHMIGAWD I need to write more stories!

Message 16651 by Mystery Guest on 2003-03-01 03:53:13. Feedback: 0
Kelly, why are you using my name? I am the original Kelly Green

kelly green
Message 16648 by Mystery Guest on 2002-08-30 13:41:16. Feedback: -2
your site is for a Kelly Green bird.

Kelly Green
Message 16647 by Kelly Green on 2002-07-15 16:03:26. Feedback: 0
But no, you must ask again later or those bees will swarm past your abode, oh Ima. And I hate for the fickle finger of fate to point in your direction!
Message 16646 by Mystery Guest on 2002-07-15 15:38:05. Feedback: 0
Aiieee! More scorn!

Bees shall fly past your house! Traffic will not always flow to suit you! A favorite button will some day become discolored!


I'll stop now.

Imaswindler Cazgrabber
Message 16645 by Kelly Green on 2002-07-15 15:01:40. Feedback: 0
Those pernicious eggplants must be getting to you, Ima.
Message 16644 by Mystery Guest on 2002-07-15 14:57:54. Feedback: 0
A man in Orlando heaped scorn upon my postings, and was later trapped in a dry-cleaning bag with a trio of flatulent trapeze artists. You do not understand the forces you malign! Soon all your shoes will show signs of wear! All manner of jellies and jams will reach their expiration dates AS YOU WATCH! You will cry out for mercy and other theatre-goers will shush you!

You have been warned! Your fate is sealed! Your height is five-eleven, your weight is 174.

Imaswindler Cazgrabber
Message 16643 by Mystery Guest on 2002-07-15 14:29:29. Feedback: 0
Yep, I was both goatmeal and Mr. "Bah Liiv Mi" (get it? *beavis and butthead style laughter*)

Michael Greenhut
Message 16642 by Kelly Green on 2002-07-15 14:13:30. Feedback: 0
Goatmeal? Is that you? *L*

I liked the artistry of the letter in the grants topic:

"I am the last of my family tree since I was never good with women and failed to procreate"

is almost as fun as:

"I have been targeted by assassins nearly all my life"

I'd love to fly out and meet him at the COLD FINGERS CAFE. I'll keep the first half and the second half, and he can have the third half.


Message 16641 by Mystery Guest on 2002-07-15 13:50:31. Feedback: 0
And nobody saw the little version of this scam in the grants topic?

Michael Greenhut
Message 16640 by Kelly Green on 2002-07-15 13:47:25. Feedback: 0
Hey Douglas,

Message #1 is an authentic version of the scam. These emails have flooded the internet for a couple of years now. The Justice Department even has a task force targeting them, because of some unpleasant consequences of taking up the scamsters (some marks are awfully gullible.)

Message #5 was a witty send-up of this scam.

While most of these letters say they originate from Nigeria (with yahoo email addresses,) I have seen some that say they come from Egypt, Morocco, and even Amsterdam! They usually involve having the mark travel to a foreign country to acquire funds from a bank. Several marks who have travelled have just plain disappeared.

Plenty of articles have been published about this scam; you can find many referenced on the internet. My favorite article:


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