
There is some evidence that anticoagulants can reduce the frequency of cluster headaches and migraines. ( Souza, et al. 2004 (cache) ) In addition to the published literature, anecdotal evidence from web discussions points to the remission of cluster headaches following treatment of stroke, deep vein thrombosis and surgery for vascular conditions (moyamoya disease and open heart surgery).

In the most comprehensive look at coagulation in clusterheads, D'Andrea found complex differences in platelet activity. Blood from clusterheads is more likely to coagulate when Platelet Activating Factor is added, but less likely to coagulate in response to foreign collagen or ADP. (abstract (cache))

This suggests that one possible part of the cluster headache mechanism involves increased clotting of the blood, decreased oxygen flow to the brain, or poor circulation due to other conditions. Sleep Apnea is also common in clusterheads, and this may add to oxygenation problems.

Not all anticoagulants or Thrombolytics work the same way, and clusterheads have a unique alteration in their clotting activity, which suggests that some anticoagulants may be effective while others may not.

Strokes and thrombosis are caused by 'thick' blood and clotting. Aneurysms and some hemmorages are caused by breaking blood vessels. The treatment for these is not the same - a blood thinner will make an active aneurysm worse.

While drinking tomato juice or green tea are generally considered safe, other anti-coagulants (like aspirin and coumadin) have real risks. If you are on a prescribed regimen of anti-coagulants, discuss these options with your doctor before changing your diet. Too little clotting is as unhealthy as too much clotting.

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