CIS/CCA University Championship

Eligibility & Notes

To declare a Women's and Men's provincial University Curling Champion who will represent the province's AUS universities at the CIS / CCA National Curling Championships to be held in Montreal from March 25-29, 2009.

Where: Highlander Curling Club , Antigonish Nova Scotia
When: February 20-22, 2009
Entry Deadline: February 6, 2009

More than one team may enter from any of the five provincial CIS member universities (Acadia, Cape Breton, Dalhousie, St Francis Xavier, & St Marys).

A team shall be comprised of a minimum of four (4) players to a maximum of five (5) players and one certified level 1 coach. Games may be played with no less than three (3) players.

Team of four all of whom must be students officially registered and in good standing, pursuing a full-time course of study at the CIS member university. Full-time status must be confirmed on the entry form by signature of the athletic director.

Team members being Canadian citizens with a birth date between January 1st, 1982 and December 31st, 1992 inclusive.

Each team will be accompanied by one certified Level 1 coach at least 21 years old.

Complete application form and submit by February 6th by mail, fax, email attachment, or online; remittance of $100/team entry fee before the spiel commencement.

Commit to:
attend the National Championship in Montreal March 25-29 respecting the criteria detailed in bulletins posted at the website.

Rules & Guidelines