Numa numa

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Mr. Numa Numa, in his shitty fatfuckness
Mr. Numa Numa, in his shitty fatfuckness
Original cover art
Original cover art
Numa Numa kid's new video
Numa Numa kid's new video

Numa numa, also known as the Numa numa kid, is the very definition of old meme. A video of an overweight 19 year old New Jersey teenager (named Gary Brolsma, who will never, ever get laid) singing and dancing along to a Moldovan pop song attempting to outshine the Star Wars Kid and make a gayer video than the original artists. Passed around the internets like so much Paris Hilton porn, this perplexing video leaves you wondering not "why did this kid do this?" but instead "why do other people think this is funny?" The FBI almost closed the internets to remove all copies of the video when it was first thought that Gary was ginger.

[edit] Remake

In September of 2006, Gary Brolsma realized he could become a chick magnet by exploiting his e-fame. He created a new, more professional video, with his own band and much more advanced flash files. The video was a flop, and he was revealed to be the faggot he was to the world.

Sadly, he still goes at it with a third video and a site.

A retrospective:

[edit] External Links

  • Original video of guy from New Jersey. Not the best quality or sound, but gives insight into how lame people are.
  • some old memes don't want to die because having one video isnt enough, he just decided to do another video with another song. Now with effects and background.
  • MSNBC report which talks about how the video actually IS funny, proving once again that both Microsoft and NBC will always know exactly the opposite of cool.
  • Actual Romanian video-[This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Viacom], wtf?
  • video of the band O-Zone singing the original Dragostea din Tei. Watching the real video then the Jersey video illustrates exactly why Romania has cool pop culture but is also always trying to take down IRC. The original video is worth watching, though it should be noted it could not get any gayer if you shoved an elephant's schlong up its ass. The song is really a gay love song but most people are too fucking stupid to realize that guys kissing, wearing rainbow colors, and dancing gay means that they're really gay. The Jersey guy is a waste of time.
  • typical ripoff

Numa numa is part of a series on Music.

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