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For those obsessed with the Liberals that are destroying our Judaeo-Christian nation, Conservapedia has an article about Homosexuality.
Homosexuals hold parades like this one to show the world how normal they really are
Homosexuals hold parades like this one to show the world how normal they really are
This abused infant embraced homosexuality as a coping mechanism.
This abused infant embraced homosexuality as a coping mechanism.
The Homosexual Archetype: Handsome, confident, and willing to take it from behind.
The Homosexual Archetype:
Handsome, confident, and willing to take it from behind.

Homosexuality is a fetish/mental illness in which the sufferer is overcome by sexual feelings for others of the same sex. This neurological disorder is most commonly caused when the afflicted subject has such deep resentment for a dominating parent of the opposite sex that all members of that sex become repulsive by association. In some rarer cases, the cause is a generalized reaction against normalcy, triggered by a negative response to the thought of healthy adult relations.

Homosexuality is positively correlated with the mental disorder pedophilia, and all are prone to molesting children. Their purported attraction to members of the same sex is a misguided exercise in the search for an alternative to normal sexual relationships. The subjects are also inherently self-hating and intellectually dishonest in their quest to achieve an ostensible popular acceptance. The homosexual who does not seek treatment is aware of his/her illness and must be in a state of constant denial, often convincing others of their sanity with smoke and mirror tactics.


[edit] Medical Classification

Some matchmaking services appeal to the "bi-curious" demographic. That's a gay codeword for "fag in denial".
Some matchmaking services appeal to the "bi-curious" demographic. That's a gay codeword for "fag in denial".
How gay couples  make love.
How gay couples make love.

In DSM-I, Homosexuality is classified among sexual sociopathic personality disorders, while DSM-II through DSM-IV are invalid because they were edited by deviant homosexuals with forged APA credentials.

Homosexuality is not to be confused with "Lesbianism", as same-sex attraction among women is perfectly normal, attention-seeking behavior. Moreover, it usually involves anal penetration by the penis, and there's at least 2 pairs of breasts involved.

Ongoing research indicates that some men may choose to become homosexual in the womb, and that fetal Faggot Gene screenings combined with prenatal homicide will drastically lower the number of unwanted babies brought into the world.

Medical science has proven it's only gay if the balls are touching or if the dick is in the ass the eyes of either anal comrade are open while internally probing.

The problem with homosexuals (for them anyway) is that they will never reproduce, so there should be no worries that homosexuality will spread beyond those already gay, unless they are converted. This works in the same way that becoming a zombie goes. Zombies cannot have zombie children (yet), and the only way to become a zombie is by being captured by one of them and made into one.

The gays are NOT people. They have no rights and only act like they have feelings.

[edit] The History of Homosexuality

Homosexuality was devised by Hitler as the Economical Solution to the Jewish Question, comprehensively limiting Zionist reproductive abilities at minimal expense. The plan failed horribly when the disease struck the general population,even Hitler's own son(Conrad Ankers) shaming Hitler into committing suicide as the Nazi Party adopted Plan B.

With the advent of Homosexuality, thousands of years of peace and prosperity came to an abrupt end, and the disease continues to spread at an alarming rate.

[edit] Terminology

Main Article: Homosexual epithets
The word Faggot is derogatory and slanderous, unless applied to sick homosexuals. As Ann Coulter sagely noted, however, the word's lost its meaning as faggots have too much acceptance, so the word has become no more than a generic schoolyard insult. The commonly accepted definition of gay is "GAY IS NO CAN PENIS TO PUSSY!!1!".

[edit] Religious Perspective

Homosexuality is a horrible evil, and anyone who suffers from it must either be cured or put out of their misery. Homosexual activity is punishable by the death penalty under several nations that follow Islamic Sharia Law, including Saudi Arabia and Iran, and penetration is not required.

The Bible also advocates death by stoning, not cutting hair on the sides of your head, not wearing more than one type of thread at a time, selling your daughter into slavery and not eating seafood (I SHIT YOU NOT), but most Western preachers, Fred Phelps excluded, are too pussified to take the proper moral stance.

There was once a loophole for Catholic priests, provided they were only attracted to underage boys. This loophole was recently closed due to multiple instances of legal action.

[edit] Homosexuality and Adolescence

You too can be teh gehy!
You too can be teh gehy!
Cars of the future will run on gay power.
Cars of the future will run on gay power.

Sometimes, some families look good on the outside, but there are big problems inside. Daddy screams a lot. Mommy doesn't know how to make things better, so holds you and tell you about her unhappiness. While Daddy doesn't love you, Uncle Peter does... but at night, he touches you in a way that makes you feel weird. You wish that Mommy and Daddy didn't fight. Maybe it's your fault.

As you grow up, people start calling you hurtful names, and you start to think that maybe you really are gay. This is when you should talk to your school guidance counselor. They will help you realize that what you feel is natural. Your desire to copulate with other males is simply a way to replace the love that Daddy didn't give you.

[edit] Inspirational Video

Donnie Davies is living proof that Homosexuals can be re-trained, although not completely reintroduced back into society. However, failure to successfully re-train an individual may result in the following dangerous situation.

[edit] Homosexual Self-Identification Guide For Young Men

Homosexuality can develop in boys as early as age thirteen.
Homosexuality can develop in boys as early as age thirteen.

Teenage homosexuals are often awash in hormones, and tend to experience confusion about their decision to become gay as a child. Homosexuality is a treatable but permanent affliction, and these indicators can help anyone who has doubts about their sexual identity...

  • You have a pronounced lisp.

Finally, if you are an ED administrator, odds are 5 to 1 that you're a homosexual.

[edit] Politics and Demographics

[edit] Overview

There are no laws in the civilized parts of the world that oppress gay people, meaning that's the only thing the Arab people have better then us. Due to the lack of laws protecting us, the proponents of Gay Rights claim that homosexuals deserve rights and privileges above and beyond those held by everyone else. Current laws endorse marriage among heterosexual couples because of their unique ability to expand the tax base. The notion of marriage among homosexual deviants is unnecessary and counter-productive, akin to polygamy and incest.

[edit] United States

The democratic party places perceived victims above all other constituents, thus it remains the popular choice for homosexual support. In US politics, 99% of all professional homosexual politicians are actually closeted conservative republicans, and several dozen are outed every year.

[edit] Australia

Hot and sticky, a perfect habitat for fags.

[edit] Iran

There are no gays in Iran, I don't know who told you there was. We do not experience this phenomenon in Iran. The president of Iran personally went into every bathroom stall in Iran looking for gays and found none.

[edit] France

France is Gay.

[edit] Canada

Canada is French, and as every French, Gay.

[edit] San Francisco

San Francisco is the best place to spot wild homosexuals.
San Francisco is the best place to spot wild homosexuals.
Actual definition of Gay in San Francisco
Actual definition of Gay in San Francisco

Name means "Saint French". Gayest city in the world.

[edit] Catholic Church

One of the oldest and most traditional gay organizations is the catholic church. Being homosexual and molesting altar boys is an elementary requirement of membership. Since openly gay men were persecuted and discriminated over previous centuries the catholic church came to the conclusion that to preserve their boy loving lifestyle they should pretend to oppose homosexuality strictly.

The head of this organization is called the pope. The key requirement to become pope is to have a long history of committing and hiding child surprise sex and the ability to suck a golf ball through a key hole.

The official priest motto is known to be: "They can't be too young, just too tight."

[edit] Threats Against Heterosexuality

While homosexuality is a choice for the vast majority of people, there are a few threats that may cause permanent or untreatable gayness.

[edit] Major GPCs

Where gays hang out and suck dick. Avoid these areas at all costs, or you will get the AIDS.

San Francisco 15.4% ghey! Holy hell!
New York City, 14.2% gay Seattle 12.9% gay
Atlanta 12.8% gay
Minneapolis 12.5% gay
Boston 12.3% gay
Sacramento 9.8% gay
Portland 8.8% gay
Denver 8.2% gay
Washington D.C. 81.1% gay
Orlando 7.7% gay
Mars N/A
Iran 0%, absolutely NO gays according to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Ya I guess we wouldn't have this "phenomenon" too if it was punishable by death.


[edit] Videos

[edit] Famous Gays

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

is part of a series on Sex



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