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Helping you be water wise

There are lots of ways you can save water and reduce your water bill. Sydney Water can help you with information, tips and special services.

Home maintenance service

For customers in financial difficulty, Sydney Water can make referrals to the NSW State Government Home Modification & Maintenance Service, which provides access to affordable private plumbing repairs.

Plumbing work that can be funded under the program includes repairing leaking taps, toilets, hot water systems, other minor internal plumbing and outdoor pipes.

If you would like more information on this service or participating agencies, contact Sydney Water on 13 20 92.


Sydney Water can supply and install water saving fittings to help you save water. WaterFix provides a qualified plumber who will:

Customers can have a WaterFix service for $22 (valued at $180). You can phone 1800 995 886 from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm Monday to Friday or 8.00 am to 2.00 pm Saturday. Waterfix your home.

Free fittings for pensioners, Health Care Card holders and large households

Sydney Water offers free installation of Waterfix devices to pensioners, Health Care card holders and large households.

Register online for Waterfix or call 1800 995 886 for free installation if you have a:

Do-it-yourself water saving kits

Sydney Water offers free water saving kits for customers who want to install water saving devices themselves. The kits contain flow regulators for showers and aerators for taps. These kits are only available to customers who have not had a WaterFix installation.

With a flow regular installed, you can save around 29,900 litres per year. This means a saving of up to $50 a year on your water and energy bills.

For more information register at Do-It-Yourself kits.

Tips on how to be water wise

Every day, there are many simple, practical things we can do in the house, when you're pottering around outdoors or if you are at work to be water wise, money and help the environment. You can read about how to be water wise by clicking on the following.

Water wise rules

Find out more.