AngelBirds of PreyBuffy the Vampire SlayerCrossing JordanThe Dead ZoneDoctor WhoEnterpriseFireflyForever KnightHarsh RealmHighlanderThe Lord of the RingsMysterious WaysNCISProfilerQuantum LeapRoswellThe SentinelSmallvilleStargate AtlantisStargate SG-1Strange LuckTorchwoodWithout a TraceThe X-FilesX-Men movieversemiscellaneous: booksmiscellaneous: movies


Art Imitates Life
A 100-word drabble written for the sunday100 movie challenge.

A Friend in Need
Fred makes a new friend who desperately needs one. Crossover with Stargate SG-1, AU.

Heaven and Earth
Newly-Immortal, Wes struggles to come to grips with his new destiny after he flees Los Angeles and the anticipated wrath of his betrayed friends. Crossover with Highlander. Wes/Fred unrequited.

Pretty Lies
Connor encounters a ghost of the life he never knew he had.

A Sorta Fairytale
Sometimes happy endings do happen. Gunn/Gwen, Angel/Faith, Fred/Lorne.

Spiced Rum
There are some things you just don't try to tell Cordelia Chase...

"You and me...the fact that we're sitting here right now having this conversation is proof positive that nothing is unforgivable." Missing scene for "Salvage."