AngelBirds of PreyBuffy the Vampire SlayerCrossing JordanThe Dead ZoneDoctor WhoEnterpriseFireflyForever KnightHarsh RealmHighlanderThe Lord of the RingsMysterious WaysNCISProfilerQuantum LeapRoswellThe SentinelSmallvilleStargate AtlantisStargate SG-1Strange LuckTorchwoodWithout a TraceThe X-FilesX-Men movieversemiscellaneous: booksmiscellaneous: movies


After Long Silence
Truth comes easier in the dark. Jack/Gwen, Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys.

Event Horizon
Gwen tries to fight gravity. Jack/Gwen, Gwen/Rhys, Jack/team, Jack/Cardiff.

Five Couples Jack Harkness Never Slept With
Exactly what the title says. Jack/everyone, crossover with The Sentinel, NCIS, Highlander, Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis.

Stranger Angels
Killing time in eternity. Jack/Anya, crossover with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, spoilers for "End of Days."

Threads in the Pattern [dustjacket by Medie]
He learned a long time ago how to manipulate history without getting caught. Crossover with Enterprise.

Up Close and Personal
Jack meets Earth's *other* alien champion. Crossover with Smallville...sortof.