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Dear Bailey
Post-ep for "Reunion II"--Janet writes Bailey a 'Dear John' letter. S/B UST.

Missing scene for "Seduction"--if that had been her... S/B UST.

The Letter [dustjacket]
A frightening letter from Jack forces Sam and Bailey to finally admit how they feel for each other. SBR.

A Little Miracle
Sam's in the hospital again and Bailey's blaming himself. SBR.

Silent Devotion
Post-ep for "Dying to Live"--Bailey comforts Sam as she faces the fight of her life. S/B UST.

Inspired by spoilers for "Otis, California"--Sam finds out she's been living in an illusion. S/B UST.

Without You [dustjacket by Val]
Inspired by spoilers for "Reunion II"--Bailey tries to persuade Sam to stay. SBR.