AngelBirds of PreyBuffy the Vampire SlayerCrossing JordanThe Dead ZoneDoctor WhoEnterpriseFireflyForever KnightHarsh RealmHighlanderThe Lord of the RingsMysterious WaysNCISProfilerQuantum LeapRoswellThe SentinelSmallvilleStargate AtlantisStargate SG-1Strange LuckTorchwoodWithout a TraceThe X-FilesX-Men movieversemiscellaneous: booksmiscellaneous: movies


Bait and Switch
He can't take it quietly anymore. Tony/Gibbs.

Ever After Never
In the aftermath of "Internal Affairs," Tony needs to spend time with someone who understands. Gibbs/DiNozzo UST.

Every Man's Fantasy
The ladies decide to mess with Tony's head a little. Kate/Abby.

Five Couples Jack Harkness Never Slept With
Exactly what the title says. Jack Harkness/Gibbs/DiNozzo, Jack/other. Crossover with Doctor Who/Torchwood and others.

Going Nowhere
This isn't exactly how Ziva'd planned to spend the second night of Chanukah.

The NCIS team awaits an important visitor. Crossover with the X-Men movieverse.

Pacino's Way
Five things Tony believes in.

The Perfect Gift
Tony goes shopping for a birthday present for Abby. Tony/Abby.

Rebel Yell
Abby's adventures with the Doctor. Crossover with Doctor Who.