AngelBirds of PreyBuffy the Vampire SlayerCrossing JordanThe Dead ZoneDoctor WhoEnterpriseFireflyForever KnightHarsh RealmHighlanderThe Lord of the RingsMysterious WaysNCISProfilerQuantum LeapRoswellThe SentinelSmallvilleStargate AtlantisStargate SG-1Strange LuckTorchwoodWithout a TraceThe X-FilesX-Men movieversemiscellaneous: booksmiscellaneous: movies

The Sentinel

Blair's friendship with a former student slowly blossoms into romance, as does Jim's with Megan.

Carry These Sins [dustjacket]
Sometimes the best help you can offer someone is to let them learn from your mistakes. Crossover with Roswell, written for the third Sentinel Lyric Wheel.

Five Couples Jack Harkness Never Slept With
Exactly what the title says. Jack Harkness/Jim/OC, Jack/other. Crossover with Doctor Who/Torchwood and others.

A Novel Solution
Sam Beckett Leaps into Blair during the events of "The Sentinel by Blair Sandburg." Crossover with Quantum Leap.

Overheard at the Movies
Jim and Blair get a little chatty in a movie theater or two.

Running Home/The Child's Cry
Blair and a young Sentinel he raised from childhood remember the last time they saw Jim. Alternate Universe.

That They May Serve
"Not every sentinel sees with his eyes, but every sentinel needs a guide." Crossover with The Dead Zone.

When You Care Enough
Jim and Blair go shopping for Father's Day cards.