AngelBirds of PreyBuffy the Vampire SlayerCrossing JordanThe Dead ZoneDoctor WhoEnterpriseFireflyForever KnightHarsh RealmHighlanderThe Lord of the RingsMysterious WaysNCISProfilerQuantum LeapRoswellThe SentinelSmallvilleStargate AtlantisStargate SG-1Strange LuckTorchwoodWithout a TraceThe X-FilesX-Men movieversemiscellaneous: booksmiscellaneous: movies

Stargate SG-1

Along the Way
With the memories brought up by Mal Sharran still fresh in his mind, Teal'c reflects on lessons learned and those who taught him.

The Art of the Deal
You don't play a player...unless they want to play, of course. Crossover with Doctor Who, Jack/Vala.

Another 48 Hours [dustjacket]
How would "48 Hours" have played out differently if Sam had been Samuel and Rodney were Amy's Rose? Genderbender AU.

Angels Would Fall/The Space Between
There's a reason why there was never anything between them. Sam/Daniel UST, "Full Circle"/"Fallen" fic.

Body Language
She's read this story a thousand times, but never grows tired of it. Sam/Daniel.

Common Threads co-written with with Emily M. and M. Edison
A series of loosely connected stories about a long-standing friendship between Daniel and Without a Trace's Danny Taylor. Slight Daniel/Sam and Danny/Samantha.

Cornerstone Addendum
Stories set in or featuring characters from Medie's Cornerstone AU.

Denouement [dustjacket by Medie]
The aftermath of the episode "Heroes" in a slightly different reality. AU, Jack/Janet.

Denver Legal
An open alternate universe wherein our heroes are part of or interact with a Denver law firm inspired by Boston Legal.

Echo's Release
Jack's teenage clone is courting Cassandra Fraiser, and it's up to the Colonel to find out why.

Ends of the Earth [dustjacket]
He just found her, and already he's losing her. Slightly AU, Daniel/Elizabeth.

Everything You Want
Sam finally finds a man who has it all. Sam/? romance, crossover.

Faithful Friends Who Are Dear to Us
Christmas is a time for family...and Sam couldn't be more grateful that all of hers is here to celebrate it with her. Sam/Cam, Daniel/Vala, Jacob/OC, set in an AU of Christina's and featuring one of her OCs, Charlotte Rameses.

First Contact
100-word drabble, crossover with MacGyver.

Five Couples Jack Harkness Never Slept With
Exactly what the title says. Jack Harkness/Daniel/Vala, Jack/other. Crossover with Doctor Who/Torchwood and others.

A Friend in Need
During his first, bitter days at the SGC, Jonas finds a friend in another newcomer--Dr. Fred Burkle. Crossover with Angel.

Kasuf can deny his daughter nothing. Movieverse, Daniel/Sha'uri implied.

Jacob's Ladder
Jacob watches Sam. 100-word drabble.

Just Desserts
When Rodney met Anya. Crossover with Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

The Last Promise
A dying Sha're extracts one last promise from her husband--to find and bring home her brother. AU, Daniel/Sha're, eventually Daniel/Sam.

Left Behind
Sometimes we don't realize what we have until it's too late. Janet/Jonas, Daniel/Janet.

Places I've Never Been
She wanted to take him somewhere he'd never been. Sam/Jonas, 100-word drabble.

T's ex-wife, Drea, ponders the choice she made. Changeling-verse fic, 100-word drabble.

Remember Me This Way
When Dr. Sam Beckett leaps into Jack O'Neill, a man whose son is dead and whose marriage is crumbling, he thinks his mission is clear. Or is it? Jack/Sara, pre-series, crossover with Quantum Leap.

Timeless [dustjacket]
Sometimes holding on to hope means letting go of everything else. Crossover with Quantum Leap, Janet/other, AU.

This ascension thing isn't all it's cracked up to be. 100-word drabble.

An Unsuspecting World
Earth isn't quite ready yet for Vala Mal Doran.

Wearing of the Green
Daniel tries to explain St. Patrick's Day to Teal'c.

Where the Heart Is
Jonas ponders the meaning of home. Post-"Homecoming."