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The X-Files

Ad Aeternum [dustjacket by Nadia, soundtrack]
Many years after leaving the X-Files, Doggett is reunited with Scully and gets a second chance at winning her heart. MSR, Skinner/Reyes, William/other, DSR.

Mulder and Scully discuss what happened at the Temple of the Seven Stars. UST, post-ep for "The Field Where I Died."

All I Have to Give
What do you give the woman you love for Valentine's Day when all she wants is another man? DSR unrequited, MSR.

He always knew this day would come, but not who would be there to pick up the pieces of his heart. Doggett/?, DSR unrequited, MSR.

And So I Stay [dustjacket by Kim]
Love doesn't always conquer all. Dark MSR.

Barren Fields
Mulder reflects on what Melissa Ephesian meant to him. Mulder/other poem, post-ep for "The Field Where I Died."

Borrowed Time
Living on borrowed time is still living if you have someone to share it with. Doggett/Kim Cook, post-series.

Call the Man
Mulder struggles to find his foundation again after it's been shaken for the second time. Mulder/Scully UST, post-ep for "The Red and the Black."

The Christmas Child
Mulder and Scully come to grips with Emily's short life with a little help from the story of Mary and Joseph. UST, missing scenes from "Christmas Carol"/"Emily."

Dear William
Scully's benediction to her son. Poem, art, post-ep for "William."

A morning ritual. Skinner/Reyes, PWP. Rated R.

Genesis: In the Beginning
What if Doggett hadn't been wounded in Beirut? Doggett/Shannon, AU, prequel to Genesis by Medie.

Help Me Carry On
Mulder says goodbye to someone very important to him. MSR implied.

Keeping the Promise [dustjacket by Nadia]
Byers extracted one last promise from Yves. Byers/Susanne, post-ep for "Jump the Shark."

Lover's Embrace
Shannon McMahon in 155 words. Doggett/Shannon UST.

Missing Person
Mulder tries to figure out when he lost his innocence. Mulder/Fowley, Mulder/Scully UST, missing scene from "Two Fathers"/"One Son."

One Good Reason
Maggie Scully reacts to the news of her daughter's decision. MSR implied, post-ep for "William."

Playing Pieces [dustjacket]
Vignettes exploring the minds and motives of various members of the Syndicate. MSR, Krycek/Marita, Mulder/Marita unrequited.

Randi [dustjacket]
Scully's college roommate, Randi, gets caught up in the X-Files in a way no one would've ever expected. MSR, slight AU.

Rest or Go On [dustjacket by Paige]
In a place outside of time, the Gunmen are offered a choice. Crossover with ?, post-ep for "Jump the Shark."

She Will Be My Dulcinea
Byers envies something Mulder has that he may never have. Byers/Susanne, MSR.

Strange Lunch [dustjacket]
Dana Scully gets a crash course in Chance's luck--crossover with Strange Luck.

Top Secret [dustjacket]
Mulder, Scully, Lois and Clark stumble onto the secret of Project Quantum Leap. Crossover with Lois and Clark/Quantum Leap.

Mulder ponders the man he was supposed to shoot. Post-ep for "The Pine Bluff Variant."

What if Mulder wasn't the only one who could see Alex Krycek in that courtroom? Krycek/Marita, missing scene for "The Truth."

Unimpressed if it Kills Me
Monica Reyes thinks about the men in her life. DRR unrequited, DSR unrequited, Mulder/Reyes unrequited, Follmer/Reyes, Skinner/Reyes, MSR.

Unrequited/Uninvited [dustjacket by Nadia]
A man loses his heart to a woman he can never have, and a woman fears her lonely heart will betray the man she loves. MSR, Doggett/Scully UST, post-ep for "Without."

Mulder considers what he didn't say to Scully. UST, post-ep for "Never Again."

The View from Outside
Sometimes it takes an outsider to see the truth. Doggett/Scully UST, post-ep for "Per Manum."