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Posted in response to cesperanza's Great Elf Challenge.

"In Vino Veritas"
by Azar

The topic probably would never have come up if the four of them hadn't all been stone drunk. But as it was, after about three or four tankards of ale, the blond one clapped a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"V'got a 'fession to make," he slurred.

"Hmm?" asked the tallest of the group, who was slightly less drunk due to the third and fourth members of their drinking party sneaking sips out of his mug when they thought he wasn't looking.

"'Is may come'sa shock...but I thoughtcha deserved t'know. I'm really 'n elf."

Aragorn, Son of Arathorn, blinked in surprise at the intoxicated Prince of Mirkwood.

"Yeah, Legolas...I knew that."

At the other end of the table, Peregrin Took dragged his eyes away from his two taller drinking buddies and turned to Merry, blinking until there was one Merry sitting beside him instead of three.

"Merry, 'ere's somethin' I should probably tell you...I'm really an elf," he slurred.

"No, y'er not, Pip. Y'er a hobbit," Merry beamed drunkenly at him and patted his shoulder with an ale-relaxed hand.

"Oh." Pippin nodded wisely. "I knew it was somethin' like that."