The Remakable Science Fiction of Cordwainer Smith

The Cordwainer Smith Rediscovery Award

The Cordwainer Smith Rediscovery AwardThe Cordwainer Smith Rediscovery Award began in 2001, when the newly-formed Cordwainer Smith Foundation initiated the award. the purpose of the award is to recognize and draw attention to other fantasy or science fiction authors

We were very fortunate to have the panel of Robert Silverberg, Scott Edelman, Gardner Dozois, and John Clute as our first judges, and currently Martin H. Greenberg, Barry N. Malzberg, Robert J. Sawyer, and Mike Resnick are ably filling that role. Gordon Van Gelder also served for a short time.

What vast knowledge of science fiction history resides in those minds! And when I think of how much they all no doubt have to do, I am very grateful for their participation.

We started off with quite an event at Worldcon in Philadelphia in 2001, when the award went to Olaf Stapledon; at the beginning of that page, you can read Robert Silverberg's remarks about the reasons for the award. There is also mention of it by several of the participants of the Cordwainer Smith panel discussion held at Worldcon. For further background, see the press releases section of this site.

The award now has a permanent venue at Readercon. Here's a blog entry from one of our original judges, Scott Edelman, about a day at Readercon in 2008, including comments about the Rediscovery Award going to Stanley G Weinbaum It gives you a bit of the flavor of the event, in case you might like to go sometime.

The winners of the Cordwainer Smith Rediscovery Award so far have been:

The links take you to the pages about them on this site, where I have tried to give you an idea of their lives and work.. some years more than other.




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 The Rediscovery of Man, by Cordwainer Smith
 Norstrilia, by Cordwainer Smith
 Atomsk, by Carmichael Smith
 Ria, by Felix C. Forrest
 Carola, by Felix C. Forrest
 Psychological Warfare, by Paul M. A. Linebarger
 Letters from Paul, by Paul M. A. Linebarger
 Letters from Paul: One Letter
 Books about His Science Fiction
 Concordance to Cordwainer Smith, by Anthony Lewis
 The Science Fiction of Cordwainer Smith, by Karen Hellekson
 Exploring Cordwainer Smith, Booklet by Andrew Porter
 Where You Can Get Books
 Cordwainer Smith at Amazon
 Cordwainer Smith at Alibris
 Cordwainer Smith at AbeBooks
 Cordwainer Smith on eBay
 Cordwainer Smith, the Author
 A Cordwainer Smith Panel Discussion
 Scholarly Corner, by Alan C. Elms
 What Other Science Fiction Authors Say
 What Readers Say
 Paul M. A. Linebarger, the Man
 Family Photos
 A Daughter's Memories
 Was Paul Linebarger Kirk Allen?
 His Arlington National Cemetery Bio and My Comments
 Rosana's Ramblings
 Rambling 1: Shakespeare Had It Wrong
 Rambling 2: The Return of C'mell, Sort Of
 Art Inspired by Cordwainer Smith
 Virgil Finlay
 Pierre Lacombe
 Craig Moore
 Corby Waste
 Annual Rediscovery Award
 2008 Stanley G. Weinbaum
 2007 Daniel F Galouye
 2006 William Hope Hodgson
 2005 Leigh Brackett
 Leigh Brackett: Her Biography
 2004 Henry Kuttner & C. L. Moore
 2003 Edgar Pangborn
 2002 R. A. Lafferty
 2001 Olaf Stapledon
 Cordwainer Smith Foundation
 Introduction to the Illustrated Bibliography
 All the Stories and All the Books
 Chronological Book List
 Magazine Covers
 Book Covers
 Book Covers: Best of Cordwainer Smith
 Book Covers: Instrumentality of Mankind
 Book Covers: Norstrilia
 Book Covers: Planet Buyer
 Book Covers: Rediscovery of Man
 Book Covers: Quest of the Three Worlds
 Book Covers: Space Lords
 Book Covers: Stardreamer
 Book Covers: Under Old Earth
 Book Covers: Underpeople
 Book Covers: You Will Never Be the Same
 Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger - Chronology
 Some Publications by Paul M A Linebarger and His Father
 Press Releases
 2008 Cordwainer Smith Rediscovery Award Goes to Stanley G. Weinbaum
 2002: About the Cordwainer Smith Rediscovery Award
 2001: First Rediscovery Award Ceremony
 2001: Creation of Cordwainer Smith Rediscovery Award