
Antiretroviral Outreach Program (ARV–ORP)

Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside is one of Canada’s poorest urban neighborhoods and is characterized by unemployment, crime, mental illness, prostitution and inadequate housing. The community’s harsh environment perpetuate serious health consequences, including pervasive drug addiction, blood-borne infections and overdose deaths. It’s estimated only a quarter of HIV-positive injection drug users who could benefit from antiretroviral therapy are accessing treatment. Two-thirds of program participants are Vancouver residents. The primary objectives of ARV–ORP in the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority are to: increase access and uptake of antiretroviral therapy among marginalized populations in the Downtown Eastside; enhance adherence to antiretroviral therapy among marginalized populations; and improve the long-term sustainability of antiretroviral therapy and reduce therapy interruptions through interventions that monitor and support patients.

The Centre has developed collaborations with health authorities to ensure the benefits of antiretroviral therapy reach all regions of the province. As other health regions implement HIV/AIDS care plans, ARV-ORP will be a resource to help inform, support and evaluate those activities.