

The Centre actively contributes to the global strategy towards the prevention and treatment of HIV infection through a growing number of international collaborations.

The Antiretroviral Therapy Cohort Collaboration (ART-CC)
ART-CC is an international collaboration currently comprising 13 cohorts from Europe and North America aimed at developing and validating a prognostic model based on survival time data.

Resistance Database Initiative (RDI)
RDI is a growing international collaboration aimed at establishing a global antiretroviral drug resistance database with the power to predict prognosis from individual HIV genotypes.

The International Collaboration on HIV Outcomes Related to Therapy (ICOHORT)
ICOHORT represents a proposed collaboration between the ICONA, Athena, Barcelona and Vancouver Cohorts.

Technology transfer
The Centre has made significant progress in its attempts to bring its expertise to the south of the world. Currently, there are established collaborations with academic groups in Argentina, Mexico and Hong Kong. The Centre has recently formed a partnership with Medecins Sans Frontieres to provide support and expertise to developing countries.