Gateshead Island

Gateshead Island
  • Terra MODIS
  • 31 July 2006
  • 19:10 UTC

Gateshead Island overview map Gateshead Island is the largest of a cluster of around 45 islands and islets located at the southern end of the McClintock Channel — the wide strait that separates Victoria Island (on the west) from Prince of Wales Island (on the east). The islands lie 38 km northeast from the Collinson Peninsula region of southeastern Victoria Island (at bottom-left of the above image). Lying 20 km to the southwest — between Gateshead Island and Victoria Island — lies a second, smaller, cluster of islands centered around the 30 km² island of Tinguayalik.

Gateshead Island itself measures 30 km in length (northwest to southeast) with a maximum width of 18 km and covers an area of 220 km². Like many of the islands in the region the poorly-drained landscape is low and flat; average elevations are less than 20 m above sea level across much of the island, reaching a maximum of 41 m.

image: MODIS rapid response project at nasa/goddard space flight center.
